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Use of a spin polarized current for the manipulation of magnetic domain walls in ferromagnetic nanowires has been the subject of intensive research for many years. Recently, due to technological advancements, creating nano-contacts with special chara cteristics is becoming more and more prevalent. We now present a full quantum investigation of the magnetoresistance and the spin transfer torque in a domain wall, which is embedded in a nano-contact of Ni$_{80}$Fe$_ {20}$, where the size of the domain wall becomes a relevant tunable parameter. The dependence on the domain wall width as well as the spatial dependence of the torque along the domain wall can be analyzed in complete detail. The magnetoresistance drops with increasing domain wall width as expected, but also shows characteristic modulations and points of resonant spin-flip transmission. The spin transfer torque has both significant in-plane and out-of-plane contributions even without considering relaxation. A closer inspection identifies contributions from the misalignment of the spin density for short domain walls as well as an effective gauge field for longer domain walls, both of which oscillate along the domain wall.
We study the spin liquid candidate of the spin-$1/2$ $J_1$-$J_2$ Heisenberg antiferromagnet on the triangular lattice by means of density matrix renormalization group (DMRG) simulations. By applying an external Aharonov-Bohm flux insertion in an infi nitely long cylinder, we find unambiguous evidence for gapless $U(1)$ Dirac spin liquid behavior. The flux insertion overcomes the finite size restriction for energy gaps and clearly shows gapless behavior at the expected wave-vectors. Using the DMRG transfer matrix, the low-lying excitation spectrum can be extracted, which shows characteristic Dirac cone structures of both spinon-bilinear and monopole excitations. Finally, we confirm that the entanglement entropy follows the predicted universal response under the flux insertion.
We consider two species of hard-core bosons with density dependent hopping in a one-dimensional optical lattice, for which we propose experimental realizations using time-periodic driving. The quantum phase diagram for half-integer filling is determi ned by combining different advanced numerical simulations with analytic calculations. We find that a reduction of the density-dependent hopping induces a Mott-insulator to superfluid transition. For negative hopping a previously unknown state is found, where one species induces a gauge phase of the other species, which leads to a superfluid phase of gauge-paired particles. The corresponding experimental signatures are discussed.
The density distribution of the one-dimensional Hubbard model in a harmonic trapping potential is investigated in order to study the effect of the confining trap. Strong superimposed oscillations are always present on top of a uniform density cloud, which show universal scaling behavior as a function of increasing interactions. An analytical formula is proposed on the basis of bosonization, which describes the density oscillations for all interaction strengths. The wavelength of the dominant oscillation changes with interaction, which indicates the crossover to a spin-incoherent regime. Using the Bethe ansatz the shape of the uniform fermion cloud is analyzed in detail, which can be described by a universal scaling form.

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