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Since the proposal of monopole Cooper pairing in Ref. [1], considerable research efforts have been dedicated to the study of Copper pair order parameters constrained (or obstructed) by the nontrivial normal-state band topology at Fermi surfaces. In t he current work, we propose a new type of topologically obstructed Cooper pairing, which we call Euler obstructed Cooper pairing. The Euler obstructed Cooper pairing widely exists between two Fermi surfaces with nontrivial band topology characterized by nonzero Euler numbers; such Fermi surfaces can exist in the $PT$-protected spinless-Dirac/nodal-line semimetals with negligible spin-orbit coupling, where $PT$ is the space-time inversion symmetry. An Euler obstructed pairing channel must have pairing nodes on the pairing-relevant Fermi surfaces, and the total winding number of the pairing nodes is determined by the sum or difference of the Euler numbers on the Fermi surfaces. In particular, we find that when the normal state is nonmagnetic and the pairing is weak, a sufficiently-dominant Euler obstructed pairing channel with zero total momentum leads to nodal superconductivity. If the Fermi surface splitting is small, the resultant nodal superconductor hosts hinge Majorana zero modes, featuring the first class of higher-order nodal superconductivity originating from the topologically obstructed Cooper pairing. The possible dominance of the Euler obstructed pairing channel near the superconducting transition and the robustness of the hinge Majorana zero modes against disorder are explicitly demonstrated using effective or tight-binding models.
We develop a minimal theory for the recently observed metal-insulator transition (MIT) in two-dimensional (2D) moire multilayer transition metal dichalcogenides (mTMD) using Coulomb disorder in the environment as the underlying mechanism. In particul ar, carrier scattering by random charged impurities leads to an effective 2D MIT approximately controlled by the Ioffe-Regel criterion, which is qualitatively consistent with the experiments. We find the necessary disorder to be around $5$-$10times10^{10}$cm$^{-2}$ random charged impurities in order to quantitatively explain much, but not all, of the observed MIT phenomenology as reported by two different experimental groups. Our estimate is consistent with the known disorder content in TMDs.
We provide a comprehensive theoretical investigation of the Fermi liquid quasiparticle description in two-dimensional electron gas interacting via the long-range Coulomb interaction by calculating the electron self-energy within the leading-order app roximation, which is exact in the high-density limit. We find that the quasiparticle energy is larger than the imaginary part of the self-energy up to very high energies, implying that the basic Landau quasiparticle picture is robust up to far above the Fermi energy. We find, however, that the quasiparticle picture becomes fragile in a small discrete region around a critical wave vector where the quasiparticle spectral function strongly deviates from the expected quasiparticle Lorentzian line shape with a vanishing renormalization factor. We show that such a non-Fermi liquid behavior arises due to the coupling of quasiparticles with the collective plasmon mode. This situation is somewhat intermediate between the one-dimensional interacting electron gas (i.e., Luttinger liquid), where the Landau Fermi liquid theory completely breaks down since only bosonic collective excitations exist, and three-dimensional electron gas, where quasiparticles are well-defined and more stable against interactions than in one and two dimensions. We use a number of complementary definitions for a quasiparticle to examine the interacting spectral function, contrasting two-dimensional and three-dimensional situations critically.
An interacting electron liquid in two (2D) and three (3D) dimensions may undergo a paramagnetic-to-ferromagnetic quantum spin polarization transition at zero applied magnetic field, driven entirely by exchange interactions, as the system density ($n$ ) is decreased. This is known as Bloch ferromagnetism. We show theoretically that the application of an external magnetic field ($B$), which directly spin polarizes the system through Zeeman spin splitting, has an interesting effect on Bloch ferromagnetism if the applied field and carrier density are both decreased (from some initial applied high magnetic field at a high carrier density) in a power-law manner, $Bsim n^p$. For $p<p_c$, with $p_c= 1 (2/3)$ in $2(3)$D, the system remains either fully spin-polarized or undergoes a single transition from a partially spin-polarized (with two Fermi surfaces corresponding to spin up and down electrons) to a fully spin-polarized state (with a single Fermi surface of one spin) as the density and field decrease, depending on whether the starting point is partially spin-polarized or fully spin-polarized. However, for $p>p_c$, the system may undergo two transitions if starting from the fully spin-polarized state: first, a weak second order transition at high density and field from the field-induced fully polarized phase to the partially polarized phase; and then, at a lower field and density, a reentrant first order transition back to the fully spin-polarized phase again with a single Fermi surface.
The presence of valley states is a significant obstacle to realizing quantum information technologies in Silicon quantum dots, as leakage into alternate valley states can introduce errors into the computation. We use a perturbative analytical approac h to study the dynamics of exchange-coupled quantum dots with valley degrees of freedom. We show that if the valley splitting is large and electrons are not properly initialized to valley eigenstates, then time evolution of the system will lead to spin-valley entanglement. Spin-valley entanglement will also occur if the valley splitting is small and electrons are not initialized to the same valley state. Additionally, we show that for small valley splitting, spin-valley entanglement does not affect measurement probabilities of two-qubit systems; however, systems with more qubits will be affected. This means that two-qubit gate fidelities measured in two-qubit systems may miss the effects of valley degrees of freedom. Our work shows how the existence of valleys may adversely affect multiqubit fidelities even when the system temperature is very low.
Coulomb blockaded transport of topological superconducting nanowires provides an opportunity to probe the localization of states at both ends of the system in a two-terminal geometry. In addition, it provides a way for checking for subgap states away from the leads. At the same time, Coulomb blockade transport is difficult to analyze because of the interacting nature of the problem arising from the nonperturbative Coulomb interaction inherent in the phenomenon. Here we show that the Coulomb blockade transport can be modeled at the same level of complexity as quantum point contact tunneling that has routinely been used in mesoscopic physics to understand nanowire experiments provided we consider the regime where the tunneling rate is below the equilibration rate of the nanowire. This assumption leads us to a generalized Meir-Wingreen formula for the tunnel conductance which we use to study various features of the nanowire such as Andreev bound states, self-energy, and soft gap. We anticipate that our theory will provide a route to interpret Coulomb blockade transport in hybrid Majorana systems as resulting from features of the nanowire, such as Andreev bound states and soft gaps.
Although fragile topology has been intensely studied in static crystals, it is not clear how to generalize the concept to dynamical systems. In this work, we generalize the concept of fragile topology, and provide a definition of fragile topology for noninteracting Floquet crystals, which we refer to as dynamical fragile topology. In contrast to the static fragile topology defined for Wannier obstruction, dynamical fragile topology is defined for the nontrivial quantum dynamics characterized by obstruction to static limits (OTSL). Specifically, OTSL of a Floquet crystal is fragile if and only if the OTSL disappears after adding a symmetry-preserving static Hamiltonian in a direct-sum way preserving the relevant gaps (RGs). We further present a concrete 2+1D example for dynamical fragile topology, based on a slight modification of the model in [Rudner et al, Phys. Rev. X 3, 031005 (2013)]. The fragile OTSL in the 2+1D example exhibits anomalous chiral edge modes for a natural open boundary condition, and does not require any crystalline symmetries besides lattice translations. Our work paves the way to study fragile topology for general quantum dynamics.
We describe an analytical theory investigating the regime of validity of the Fermi liquid theory in interacting, via the long-range Coulomb coupling, two-dimensional Fermi systems comparing it with with the corresponding 3D systems. We find that the 2D Fermi liquid theory and 2D quasiparticles are robust up to high energies and temperatures of the order of Fermi energy above the Fermi surface, very similar to the corresponding three-dimensional situation. We calculate the phase diagram in the frequency-temperature space separating the collisionless ballistic regime and the collision-dominated hydrodynamic regime for 2D and 3D interacting electron systems. We also provide the temperature corrections up to third order for the renormalized effective mass, and comment on the validity of 2D Wiedemann-Franz law and 2D Kadawoki-Woods relation.
Charge noise remains the primary obstacle to the development of quantum information technologies with semiconductor spin qubits. We use an exact analytical calculation to determine the effects of quasistatic charge noise on a ring of three equally sp aced exchange-coupled quantum dots. We calculate the disorder-averaged return probability from a specific initial state, and use it to determine the coherence time T2* and show that it depends only on the disorder strength and not the mean interaction strength. We also use a perturbative approach to investigate other arrangements of three or four qubits, finding that the return probability contains multiple oscillation frequencies. These oscillations decay in a Gaussian manner, determined by differences in energy levels of the Hamiltonian. We give quantitative values for gate times resulting in several target fidelities. We find that the decoherence time decreases with increasing number of qubits. Our work provides useful analytical insight into the charge noise dynamics of coupled spin qubits.
The ability to perform gates in multiqubit systems that are robust to noise is of crucial importance for the advancement of quantum information technologies. However, finding control pulses that cancel noise while performing a gate is made difficult by the intractability of the time-dependent Schrodinger equation, especially in multiqubit systems. Here, we show that this issue can be sidestepped by using a formalism in which the cumulative error during a gate is represented geometrically as a curve in a multi-dimensional Euclidean space. Cancellation of noise errors to leading order corresponds to closure of the curve, a condition that can be satisfied without solving the Schrodinger equation. We develop and uncover general properties of this geometric formalism, and derive a recursion relation that maps control fields to curvatures for Hamiltonians of arbitrary dimension. We demonstrate examples by using the geometric method to design dynamically corrected gates for a class of two-qubit Hamiltonians that is relevant for both superconducting transmon qubits and semiconductor spin qubits. We propose this geometric formalism as a general technique for pulse-induced error suppression in quantum computing gate operations.

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