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We consider the implementation of two-qubit gates when the physical systems used to realize the qubits are weakly anharmonic and therefore possess additional quantum states in the accessible energy range. We analyze the effect of the additional quant um states on the maximum achievable speed for quantum gates in the qubit state space. By calculating the minimum gate time using optimal control theory, we find that higher energy levels can help make two-qubit gates significantly faster than the reference value based on simple qubits. This speedup is a result of the higher coupling strength between higher energy levels. We then analyze the situation where the pulse optimization algorithm avoids pulses that excite the higher levels. We find that in this case the presence of the additional states can lead to a significant reduction in the maximum achievable gate speed. We also compare the optimal control gate times with those obtained using the cross-resonance/selective-darkening gate protocol. We find that the latter, with some parameter optimization, can be used to achieve a relatively fast implementation of the CNOT gate. These results can help the search for optimized gate implementations in realistic quantum computing architectures, such as those based on superconducting qubits. They also provide guidelines for desirable conditions on anharmonicity that would allow optimal utilization of the higher levels to achieve fast quantum gates.
We derive the Hamiltonian of a superconducting circuit that comprises a single-Josephson-junction flux qubit and an LC oscillator. If we keep the qubits lowest two energy levels, the derived circuit Hamiltonian takes the form of the quantum Rabi Hami ltonian, which describes a two-level system coupled to a harmonic oscillator, regardless of the coupling strength. To investigate contributions from the qubits higher energy levels, we numerically calculate the transition frequencies of the circuit Hamiltonian. We find that the qubits higher energy levels mainly cause an overall shift of the entire spectrum, but the energy level structure up to the seventh excited states can still be fitted well by the quantum Rabi Hamiltonian even in the case where the coupling strength is larger than the frequencies of the qubit and the oscillator, i.e., when the qubit-oscillator circuit is in the deep-strong-coupling regime. We also confirm that some of the paradoxical properties of the quantum Rabi Hamiltonian in the deep-strong-coupling regime, e.g. the non-negligible number of photons and the nonzero expectation value of the flux in the oscillator in the ground state, arise from the circuit Hamiltonian as well.
We report on spectra of circuit-quantum-electrodynamics (QED) systems in an intermediate regime that lies between the ultrastrong and deep-strong-coupling regimes, which have been reported previously in the literature. Our experimental results, along with numerical simulations, demonstrate that as the coupling strength increases, the spectrum of a circuit-QED system undergoes multiple qualitative transformations, such that several coupling regimes are identified, each with its own unique spectral features. The different spectral transformations can be related to crossings between energy level differences and to changes in the symmetries of the energy eigenstates. These results allow us to use qualitative spectral features to infer certain properties and parameters of the system.
We consider the dynamics of a two-level system (qubit) driven by strong and short resonant pulses in the framework of Floquet theory. First we derive analytical expressions for the quasienergies and Floquet states of the driven system. If the pulse a mplitude varies very slowly, the system adiabatically follows the instantaneous Floquet states, which acquire dynamical phases that depend on the evolution of the quasienergies over time. The difference between the phases acquired by the two Floquet states corresponds to a qubit state rotation, generalizing the notion of Rabi oscillations to the case of large driving amplitudes. If the pulse amplitude changes very fast, the evolution is non-adiabatic, with transitions taking place between the Floquet states. We quantify and analyze the nonadiabatic transitions during the pulse by employing adiabatic perturbation theory and exact numerical simulations. We find that, for certain combinations of pulse rise and fall times and maximum driving amplitude, a destructive interference effect leads to a remarkably strong suppression of transitions between the Floquet states. This effect provides the basis of a quantum control protocol, which we name Floquet Interference Efficient Suppression of Transitions in the Adiabatic basis (FIESTA), that can be used to design ultra-fast high-fidelity single-qubit quantum gates.
The interaction between an atom and the electromagnetic field inside a cavity has played a crucial role in the historical development of our understanding of light-matter interaction and is a central part of various quantum technologies, such as lase rs and many quantum computing architectures. The emergence of superconducting qubits has allowed the realization of strong and ultrastrong coupling between artificial atoms and cavities. If the coupling strength $g$ becomes as large as the atomic and cavity frequencies ($Delta$ and $omega_{rm o}$ respectively), the energy eigenstates including the ground state are predicted to be highly entangled. This qualitatively new regime can be called the deep strong-coupling regime, and there has been an ongoing debate over whether it is fundamentally possible to realize this regime in realistic physical systems. By inductively coupling a flux qubit and an LC oscillator via Josephson junctions, we have realized circuits with $g/omega_{rm o}$ ranging from 0.72 to 1.34 and $g/Deltagg 1$. Using spectroscopy measurements, we have observed unconventional transition spectra, with patterns resembling masquerade masks, that are characteristic of this new regime. Our results provide a basis for ground-state-based entangled-pair generation and open a new direction of research on strongly correlated light-matter states in circuit-quantum electrodynamics.

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