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Atomic lattice clocks have spurred numerous ideas for tests of fundamental physics, detection of general relativistic effects, and studies of interacting many-body systems. On the other hand, molecular structure and dynamics offer rich energy scales that are at the heart of new protocols in precision measurement and quantum information science. Here we demonstrate a fundamentally distinct type of lattice clock that is based on vibrations in diatomic molecules, and present coherent Rabi oscillations between weakly and deeply bound molecules that persist for 10s of milliseconds. This control is made possible by a state-insensitive magic lattice trap that weakly couples to molecular vibronic resonances and enhances the coherence time between molecules and light by several orders of magnitude. The achieved quality factor $Q=8times10^{11}$ results from 30-Hz narrow resonances for a 25-THz clock transition in Sr$_2$. Our technique of extended coherent manipulation is applicable to long-term storage of quantum information in qubits based on ultracold polar molecules, while the vibrational clock enables precise probes of interatomic forces, tests of Newtonian gravitation at ultrashort range, and model-independent searches for electron-to-proton mass ratio variations.
At ultralow energies, atoms and molecules undergo collisions and reactions that are best described in terms of quantum mechanical wave functions. In contrast, at higher energies these processes can be understood quasiclassically. Here, we investigate the crossover from the quantum mechanical to the quasiclassical regime both experimentally and theoretically for photodissociation of ultracold diatomic strontium molecules. This basic reaction is carried out with a full control of quantum states for the molecules and their photofragments. The photofragment angular distributions are imaged, and calculated using a quantum mechanical model as well as the WKB and a semiclassical approximation that are explicitly compared across a range of photofragment energies. The reaction process is shown to converge to its high-energy (axial recoil) limit when the energy exceeds the height of any reaction barriers. This phenomenon is quantitatively investigated for two-channel photodissociation using intuitive parameters for the channel amplitude and phase. While the axial recoil limit is generally found to be well described by a commonly used quasiclassical model, we find that when the photofragments are identical particles, their bosonic or fermionic quantum statistics can cause this model to fail, requiring a quantum mechanical treatment even at high energies.
Processes that break molecular bonds are typically observed with molecules occupying a mixture of quantum states and successfully described with quasiclassical models, while a few studies have explored the distinctly quantum mechanical low-energy reg ime. Here we use photodissociation of diatomic strontium molecules to demonstrate the crossover from the ultracold, quantum regime where the photofragment angular distributions strongly depend on the kinetic energy, to the energy-independent quasiclassical regime. Using time-of-flight velocity map imaging for photodissociation channels with millikelvin reaction barriers, we explore photofragment energies in the 0.1-300 mK range experimentally and up to 3 K theoretically, and discuss the energy scale at which the crossover occurs. Furthermore, we find that the effects of quantum statistics can unexpectedly persist to high photodissociation energies.
We report on the impact of variable-scale disorder on 3D Anderson localization of a non-interacting ultracold atomic gas. A spin-polarized gas of fermionic atoms is localized by allowing it to expand in an optical speckle potential. Using a sudden qu ench of the localized density distribution, we verify that the density profile is representative of the underlying single-particle localized states. The geometric mean of the disordering potential correlation lengths is varied by a factor of four via adjusting the aperture of the speckle focusing lens. We observe that the root-mean-square size of the localized gas increases approximately linearly with the speckle correlation length, in qualitative agreement with the scaling predicted by weak scattering theory.
We observe the emergence of a disorder-induced insulating state in a strongly interacting atomic Fermi gas trapped in an optical lattice. This closed quantum system free of a thermal reservoir realizes the disordered Fermi-Hubbard model, which is a m inimal model for strongly correlated electronic solids. In measurements of disorder-induced localization obtained via mass transport, we detect interaction-driven delocalization and localization that persists as the temperature of the gas is raised. These behaviors are consistent with many-body localization, which is a novel paradigm for understanding localization in interacting quantum systems at non-zero temperature.
Anderson localization (AL) is a ubiquitous interference phenomenon in which waves fail to propagate in a disordered medium. We observe three-dimensional AL of noninteracting ultracold matter by allowing a spin-polarized atomic Fermi gas to expand int o a disordered potential. A two-component density distribution emerges consisting of an expanding mobile component and a nondiffusing localized component. We extract a mobility edge that increases with the disorder strength, whereas the thermally averaged localization length is shown to decrease with disorder strength and increase with particle energy. These measurements provide a benchmark for more sophisticated theories of AL.

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