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We consider the overlap of Bethe vectors of the XXX spin chain with a diagonal twist and the modified Bethe vectors with a general twist. We find a determinant representation for this overlap under one additional condition on the twist parameters. Su ch objects arise in the calculations of nonequilibrium physics.
125 - S. Belliard , N. A. Slavnov 2019
We show that the scalar products of on-shell and off-shell Bethe vectors in the algebra1ic Bethe ansatz solvable models satisfy a system of linear equations. We find solutions to this system for a wide class of integrable models. We also apply our me thod to the XXX spin chain with broken $U(1)$ symmetry.
We consider closed XXX spin chains with broken total spin $U(1)$ symmetry within the framework of the modified algebraic Bethe ansatz. We study multiple actions of the modified monodromy matrix entries on the modified Bethe vectors. The obtained form ulas of the multiple actions allow us to calculate the scalar products of the modified Bethe vectors. We find an analog of Izergin-Korepin formula for the scalar products. This formula involves modified Izergin determinants and can be expressed as sums over partitions of the Bethe parameters.
138 - S. Belliard , A. Faribault 2018
The distribution of Bethe roots, solution of the inhomogeneous Bethe equations, which characterize the ground state of the periodic XXX Heisenberg spin-$frac{1}{2}$ chain is investigated. Numerical calculations shows that, for this state, the new inh omogeneous term does not contribute to the Baxter T-Q equation in the thermodynamic limit. Different families of Bethe roots are identified and their large N behaviour are conjectured and validated.
We consider $mathfrak{gl}_2$-invariant quantum integrable models solvable by the algebraic Bethe ansatz. We show that the form of on-shell Bethe vectors is preserved under certain twist transformations of the monodromy matrix. We also derive the acti ons of the twisted monodromy matrix entries onto twisted off-shell Bethe vectors.

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