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107 - Rui Fan , Hengli Wang , Yuan Wang 2021
Existing road pothole detection approaches can be classified as computer vision-based or machine learning-based. The former approaches typically employ 2-D image analysis/understanding or 3-D point cloud modeling and segmentation algorithms to detect road potholes from vision sensor data. The latter approaches generally address road pothole detection using convolutional neural networks (CNNs) in an end-to-end manner. However, road potholes are not necessarily ubiquitous and it is challenging to prepare a large well-annotated dataset for CNN training. In this regard, while computer vision-based methods were the mainstream research trend in the past decade, machine learning-based methods were merely discussed. Recently, we published the first stereo vision-based road pothole detection dataset and a novel disparity transformation algorithm, whereby the damaged and undamaged road areas can be highly distinguished. However, there are no benchmarks currently available for state-of-the-art (SoTA) CNNs trained using either disparity images or transformed disparity images. Therefore, in this paper, we first discuss the SoTA CNNs designed for semantic segmentation and evaluate their performance for road pothole detection with extensive experiments. Additionally, inspired by graph neural network (GNN), we propose a novel CNN layer, referred to as graph attention layer (GAL), which can be easily deployed in any existing CNN to optimize image feature representations for semantic segmentation. Our experiments compare GAL-DeepLabv3+, our best-performing implementation, with nine SoTA CNNs on three modalities of training data: RGB images, disparity images, and transformed disparity images. The experimental results suggest that our proposed GAL-DeepLabv3+ achieves the best overall pothole detection accuracy on all training data modalities.
A physics-informed neural network (PINN) that combines deep learning with physics is studied to solve the nonlinear Schrodinger equation for learning nonlinear dynamics in fiber optics. We carry out a systematic investigation and comprehensive verifi cation on PINN for multiple physical effects in optical fibers, including dispersion, self-phase modulation, and higher-order nonlinear effects. Moreover, both special case (soliton propagation) and general case (multi-pulse propagation) are investigated and realized with PINN. In the previous studies, the PINN was mainly effective for single scenario. To overcome this problem, the physical parameters (pulse peak power and amplitudes of sub-pulses) are hereby embedded as additional input parameter controllers, which allow PINN to learn the physical constraints of different scenarios and perform good generalizability. Furthermore, PINN exhibits better performance than the data-driven neural network using much less data, and its computational complexity (in terms of number of multiplications) is much lower than that of the split-step Fourier method. The results report here show that the PINN is not only an effective partial differential equation solver, but also a prospective technique to advance the scientific computing and automatic modeling in fiber optics.
The pre-trained model (PTM) is revolutionizing Artificial intelligence (AI) technology. It learns a model with general language features on the vast text and then fine-tunes the model using a task-specific dataset. Unfortunately, PTM training require s prohibitively expensive computing devices, especially fine-tuning, which is still a game for a small proportion of people in the AI community. Enabling PTMs training on low-quality devices, PatrickStar now makes PTM accessible to everyone. PatrickStar reduces memory requirements of computing platforms by using the CPU-GPU heterogeneous memory space to store model data, consisting of parameters, gradients, and optimizer states. We observe that the GPU memory available for model data changes regularly, in a tide-like pattern, decreasing and increasing iteratively. However, the existing heterogeneous training works do not take advantage of this pattern. Instead, they statically partition the model data among CPU and GPU, leading to both memory waste and memory abuse. In contrast, PatrickStar manages model data in chunks, which are dynamically distributed in heterogeneous memory spaces. Chunks consist of stateful tensors which run as finite state machines during training. Guided by the runtime memory statistics collected in a warm-up iteration, chunks are orchestrated efficiently in heterogeneous memory and generate lower CPU-GPU data transmission volume. Symbiosis with the Zero Redundancy Optimizer, PatrickStar scales to multiple GPUs using data parallelism, with the lowest communication bandwidth requirements and more efficient bandwidth utilization. Experimental results show PatrickStar trains a 12 billion parameters GPT model, 2x larger than the STOA work, on an 8-V100 and 240GB CPU memory node, and is also more efficient on the same model size.
We design a multiscopic vision system that utilizes a low-cost monocular RGB camera to acquire accurate depth estimation. Unlike multi-view stereo with images captured at unconstrained camera poses, the proposed system controls the motion of a camera to capture a sequence of images in horizontally or vertically aligned positions with the same parallax. In this system, we propose a new heuristic method and a robust learning-based method to fuse multiple cost volumes between the reference image and its surrounding images. To obtain training data, we build a synthetic dataset with multiscopic images. The experiments on the real-world Middlebury dataset and real robot demonstration show that our multiscopic vision system outperforms traditional two-frame stereo matching methods in depth estimation. Our code and dataset are available at https://sites.google.com/view/multiscopic.
98 - Hengli Wang , Rui Fan , Peide Cai 2021
Freespace detection is a fundamental component of autonomous driving perception. Recently, deep convolutional neural networks (DCNNs) have achieved impressive performance for this task. In particular, SNE-RoadSeg, our previously proposed method based on a surface normal estimator (SNE) and a data-fusion DCNN (RoadSeg), has achieved impressive performance in freespace detection. However, SNE-RoadSeg is computationally intensive, and it is difficult to execute in real time. To address this problem, we introduce SNE-RoadSeg+, an upgraded version of SNE-RoadSeg. SNE-RoadSeg+ consists of 1) SNE+, a module for more accurate surface normal estimation, and 2) RoadSeg+, a data-fusion DCNN that can greatly minimize the trade-off between accuracy and efficiency with the use of deep supervision. Extensive experimental results have demonstrated the effectiveness of our SNE+ for surface normal estimation and the superior performance of our SNE-RoadSeg+ over all other freespace detection approaches. Specifically, our SNE-RoadSeg+ runs in real time, and meanwhile, achieves the state-of-the-art performance on the KITTI road benchmark. Our project page is at https://www.sne-roadseg.site/sne-roadseg-plus.
127 - Hengli Wang , Rui Fan , Ming Liu 2021
Convolutional neural network (CNN)-based stereo matching approaches generally require a dense cost volume (DCV) for disparity estimation. However, generating such cost volumes is computationally-intensive and memory-consuming, hindering CNN training and inference efficiency. To address this problem, we propose SCV-Stereo, a novel CNN architecture, capable of learning dense stereo matching from sparse cost volume (SCV) representations. Our inspiration is derived from the fact that DCV representations are somewhat redundant and can be replaced with SCV representations. Benefiting from these SCV representations, our SCV-Stereo can update disparity estimations in an iterative fashion for accurate and efficient stereo matching. Extensive experiments carried out on the KITTI Stereo benchmarks demonstrate that our SCV-Stereo can significantly minimize the trade-off between accuracy and efficiency for stereo matching. Our project page is https://sites.google.com/view/scv-stereo.
113 - Hengli Wang , Rui Fan , Ming Liu 2021
Stereo matching is a key component of autonomous driving perception. Recent unsupervised stereo matching approaches have received adequate attention due to their advantage of not requiring disparity ground truth. These approaches, however, perform po orly near occlusions. To overcome this drawback, in this paper, we propose CoT-Stereo, a novel unsupervised stereo matching approach. Specifically, we adopt a co-teaching framework where two networks interactively teach each other about the occlusions in an unsupervised fashion, which greatly improves the robustness of unsupervised stereo matching. Extensive experiments on the KITTI Stereo benchmarks demonstrate the superior performance of CoT-Stereo over all other state-of-the-art unsupervised stereo matching approaches in terms of both accuracy and speed. Our project webpage is https://sites.google.com/view/cot-stereo.
111 - Hengli Wang , Peide Cai , Rui Fan 2021
With the recent advancement of deep learning technology, data-driven approaches for autonomous car prediction and planning have achieved extraordinary performance. Nevertheless, most of these approaches follow a non-interactive prediction and plannin g paradigm, hypothesizing that a vehicles behaviors do not affect others. The approaches based on such a non-interactive philosophy typically perform acceptably in sparse traffic scenarios but can easily fail in dense traffic scenarios. Therefore, we propose an end-to-end interactive neural motion planner (INMP) for autonomous driving in this paper. Given a set of past surrounding-view images and a high definition map, our INMP first generates a feature map in birds-eye-view space, which is then processed to detect other agents and perform interactive prediction and planning jointly. Also, we adopt an optical flow distillation paradigm, which can effectively improve the network performance while still maintaining its real-time inference speed. Extensive experiments on the nuScenes dataset and in the closed-loop Carla simulation environment demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of our INMP for the detection, prediction, and planning tasks. Our project page is at sites.google.com/view/inmp-ofd.
Path planning is a fundamental capability for autonomous navigation of robotic wheelchairs. With the impressive development of deep-learning technologies, imitation learning-based path planning approaches have achieved effective results in recent yea rs. However, the disadvantages of these approaches are twofold: 1) they may need extensive time and labor to record expert demonstrations as training data; and 2) existing approaches could only receive high-level commands, such as turning left/right. These commands could be less sufficient for the navigation of mobile robots (e.g., robotic wheelchairs), which usually require exact poses of goals. We contribute a solution to this problem by proposing S2P2, a self-supervised goal-directed path planning approach. Specifically, we develop a pipeline to automatically generate planned path labels given as input RGB-D images and poses of goals. Then, we present a best-fit regression plane loss to train our data-driven path planning model based on the generated labels. Our S2P2 does not need pre-built maps, but it can be integrated into existing map-based navigation systems through our framework. Experimental results show that our S2P2 outperforms traditional path planning algorithms, and increases the robustness of existing map-based navigation systems. Our project page is available at https://sites.google.com/view/s2p2.
89 - Hengli Wang , Rui Fan , Peide Cai 2021
Supervised learning with deep convolutional neural networks (DCNNs) has seen huge adoption in stereo matching. However, the acquisition of large-scale datasets with well-labeled ground truth is cumbersome and labor-intensive, making supervised learni ng-based approaches often hard to implement in practice. To overcome this drawback, we propose a robust and effective self-supervised stereo matching approach, consisting of a pyramid voting module (PVM) and a novel DCNN architecture, referred to as OptStereo. Specifically, our OptStereo first builds multi-scale cost volumes, and then adopts a recurrent unit to iteratively update disparity estimations at high resolution; while our PVM can generate reliable semi-dense disparity images, which can be employed to supervise OptStereo training. Furthermore, we publish the HKUST-Drive dataset, a large-scale synthetic stereo dataset, collected under different illumination and weather conditions for research purposes. Extensive experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of our self-supervised stereo matching approach on the KITTI Stereo benchmarks and our HKUST-Drive dataset. PVStereo, our best-performing implementation, greatly outperforms all other state-of-the-art self-supervised stereo matching approaches. Our project page is available at sites.google.com/view/pvstereo.

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