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We present an analytical low-energy theory of piezoelectric electron-phonon interactions in undoped Weyl semimetals, taking into account also Coulomb interactions. We show that piezoelectric interactions generate a long-range attractive potential bet ween Weyl fermions. This potential comes with a characteristic angular anisotropy. From the one-loop renormalization group approach and a mean-field analysis, we predict that superconducting phases with either conventional s-wave singlet pairing or nodal-line triplet pairing could be realized for sufficiently strong piezoelectric coupling. For small couplings, we show that the quasi-particle decay rate exhibits a linear temperature dependence where the prefactor vanishes only in a logarithmic manner as the quasi-particle energy approaches the Weyl point. For practical estimates, we consider the Weyl semimetal TaAs.
Frustrated spin systems can show phases with spontaneous breaking of spin-rotational symmetry without the formation of local magnetic order. We study the dynamic response of the spin-nematic phase of one-dimensional spin-1/2 systems, characterized by slow large-distance decay of quadrupolar correlations, by numerically computing one-spin and two-spin dynamical structure factors at zero temperature using time-dependent density matrix renormalization group methods. We interpret the results in terms of an effective theory of gapped magnon excitations interacting with a quasi-condensate of bound magnon pairs. This employs an extension of the well-known Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid theory which includes the magnon states as a mobile impurity. A good qualitative understanding of the characteristic thresholds and their intensity in the structure factors is obtained this way. Our results are useful in the interpretation of inelastic neutron scattering and resonant inelastic x-ray scattering experiments.
Using a perturbative renormalization group approach, we show that the extended ($J_1$-$J_2$-$J_d$) Heisenberg model on the kagome lattice with a staggered chiral interaction ($J_chi$) can exhibit a gapless chiral quantum spin liquid phase. Within a c oupled-chains construction, this phase can be understood as a chiral sliding Luttinger liquid with algebraic decay of spin correlations along the chain directions. We calculate the low-energy properties of this gapless chiral spin liquid using the effective field theory and show that they are compatible with the predictions from parton mean-field theories with symmetry-protected line Fermi surfaces. These results may be relevant to the state observed in the kapellasite material.
We describe a coupled-chain construction for chiral spin liquids in two-dimensional spin systems. Starting from a one-dimensional zigzag spin chain and imposing SU(2) symmetry in the framework of non-Abelian bosonization, we first show that our appro ach faithfully describes the low-energy physics of an exactly solvable model with a three-spin interaction. Generalizing the construction to the two-dimensional case, we obtain a theory that incorporates the universal properties of the chiral spin liquid predicted by Kalmeyer and Laughlin: charge-neutral edge states, gapped spin-1/2 bulk excitations, and ground state degeneracy on the torus signalling the topological order of this quantum state. In addition, we show that the chiral spin liquid phase is more easily stabilized in frustrated lattices containing corner-sharing triangles, such as the extended kagome lattice, than in the triangular lattice. Our field theoretical approach invites generalizations to more exotic chiral spin liquids and may be used to assess the existence of the chiral spin liquid as the ground state of specific lattice systems.

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