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When two solids at different temperatures are separated by a vacuum gap they relax toward their equilibrium state by exchanging heat either by radiation, phonon or electron tunneling, depending on their separation distance and on the nature of materi als. The interplay between this exchange of energy and its spreading through each solid entirely drives the relaxation dynamics. Here we highlight a significant slowing down of this process in the extreme near-field regime at distances where the heat flux exchanged between the two solids is comparable or even dominates over the flux carried by conduction inside each solid. This mechanism, leading to a strong effective increase of the system thermal inertia, should play an important role in the temporal evolution of thermal state of interacting solids systems at nanometric and subnanometric scales.
We theoretically study the thermal relaxation of many-body systems under the action of oscillating external fields. When the magnitude or the orientation of a field is modulated around values where the pairwise heat-exchange conductances depend non-l inearly on this field, we demonstrate that the time symmetry is broken during the evolution of temperatures over a modulation cycle. We predict that this asymmetry enables a pumping of heat which can be used to cool down faster the system. This effect is illustrated through different magneto-optical systems under the action of an oscillating magnetic field.
Many-body physics aims to understand emergent properties of systems made of many interacting objects. This article reviews recent progress on the topic of radiative heat transfer in many-body systems consisting of thermal emitters interacting in the near-field regime. Near-field radiative heat transfer is a rapidly emerging field of research in which the cooperative behavior of emitters gives rise to peculiar effects which can be exploited to control heat flow at the nanoscale. Using an extension of the standard Polder and van Hove stochastic formalism to deal with thermally generated fields in $N$-body systems, along with their mutual interactions through multiple scattering, a generalized Landauer-like theory is derived to describe heat exchange mediated by thermal photons in arbitrary reciprocal and non-reciprocal multi-terminal systems. In this review, we use this formalism to address both transport and dynamics in these systems from a unified perspective. Our discussion covers: (i) the description of non-additivity of heat flux and its related effects, including fundamental limits as well as the role of nanostructuring and material choice, (ii) the study of equilibrium states and multistable states, (iii) the relaxation dynamics (thermalization) toward local and global equilibria, (iv) the analysis of heat transport regimes in ordered and disordered systems comprised of a large number of objects, density and range of interactions, and (v) the description of thermomagnetic effects in magneto-optical systems and heat transport mechanisms in non-Hermitian many-body systems. We conclude this review by listing outstanding challenges and promising future research directions.
In the theory of radiative heat exchanges between two closely-spaced bodies introduced by Polder and van Hove, no interplay between the heat carriers inside the materials and the photons crossing the separation gap is assumed. Here we release this co nstraint by developing a general theory to describe the conduction-radiation coupling between two solids of arbitrary size separated by a subwavelength separation gap. We show that, as a result of the temperature profile induced by the coupling with conduction, the radiative heat flux exchanged between two parallel slabs at nanometric distances can be several orders of magnitude smaller than the one predicted by the conventional theory. These results could have important implications in the fields of nanoscale thermal management, near-field solid-state cooling and nanoscale energy conversion.
We present a general nonequilibrium Greens function formalism for modeling heat transfer in systems characterized by linear response that establishes the formal algebraic relationships between phonon and radiative conduction, and reveals how upper bo unds for the former can also be applied to the latter. We also propose an extension of this formalism to treat systems susceptible to the interplay of conductive and radiative heat transfer, which becomes relevant in atomic systems and at nanometric and smaller separations where theoretical descriptions which treat each phenomenon separately may be insufficient. We illustrate the need for such coupled descriptions by providing predictions for a low-dimensional system of carbyne wires in which the total heat transfer can differ from the sum of its radiative and conductive contributions. Our framework has ramifications for understanding heat transfer between large bodies that may approach direct contact with each other or that may be coupled by atomic, molecular, or interfacial film junctions.
We introduce a local radiative heat-pumping effect between two bodies in a many-body system, obtained by periodically modulating both the temperature and the position of an intermediate object using an external source of energy. We show that the magn itude and the sign of energy flow can be tuned by changing the oscillation amplitude and dephasing of the two parameters. This many-body effect paves the way for an efficient and active control of heat fluxes at the nanoscale.
Radiative heat transfer between two bodies saturates at very short separation distances due to the nonlocal optical response of the materials. In this work, we show that the presence of radiative interactions with a third body or external bath can al so induce a saturation of the heat transfer, even at separation distances for which the optical response of the materials is purely local. We demonstrate that this saturation mechanism is a direct consequence of a thermalization process resulting from many-body interactions in the system. This effect could have an important impact in the field of nanoscale thermal management of complex systems and in the interpretation of measured signals in thermal metrology at the nanoscale.
We theoretically investigate the heat transfer between two metals across a vacuum gap in extreme near-field regime by quantifying the relative contribution of electrons, phonons and photons. We show that electrons play a dominant role in the heat tra nsfer between two metals at subnanometric distance subject to a temperature gradient. Moreover, we demonstrate that this effect is dramatically amplified in the presence of an applied bias voltage. These results could pave the way to novel strategies for thermal management and energy conversion in extreme near-field regime.
We demonstrate the existence of a shuttling effect for the radiative heat flux exchanged between two bodies separated by a vacuum gap when the chemical potential of photons or the temperature difference is modulated. We show that this modulation typi cally gives rise to a supplementary flux which superimposes to the flux produced by the mean gradient, enhancing the heat exchange. When the system displays a negative differential thermal resistance, however, the radiative shuttling contributes to insulate the two bodies from each other. These results pave the way for a novel strategy for an active management of radiative heat exchanges in nonequilibrium systems.
We show that the radiative heat flux between two nanoparticles can be significantly amplified when they are placed in proximity of a planar substrate supporting a surface resonance. The amplification factor goes beyond two orders of magnitude in the case of dielectric nanoparticles, whereas it is lower in the case of metallic nanoparticles. We analyze how this effect depends on the frequency and on the particles-surface distance, by clearly identifying the signature of the surface mode producing the amplification. Finally, we show how the presence of a graphene sheet on top of the substrate can modify the effect, by making an amplification of two orders of magnitude possible also in the case of metallic nanoparticles. This long range amplification effect should play an important role in the thermal relaxation dynamics of nanoparticle networks.

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