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ISO 24617-2, the standard for dialog act annotation, defines a hierarchically organized set of general-purpose communicative functions. The automatic recognition of these functions, although practically unexplored, is relevant for a dialog system, si nce they provide cues regarding the intention behind the segments and how they should be interpreted. We explore the recognition of general-purpose communicative functions in the DialogBank, which is a reference set of dialogs annotated according to this standard. To do so, we propose adaptations of existing approaches to flat dialog act recognition that allow them to deal with the hierarchical classification problem. More specifically, we propose the use of a hierarchical network with cascading outputs and maximum a posteriori path estimation to predict the communicative function at each level of the hierarchy, preserve the dependencies between the functions in the path, and decide at which level to stop. Furthermore, since the amount of dialogs in the DialogBank is reduced, we rely on transfer learning processes to reduce overfitting and improve performance. The results of our experiments show that the hierarchical approach outperforms a flat one and that each of its components plays an important role towards the recognition of general-purpose communicative functions.
Dialog acts reveal the intention behind the uttered words. Thus, their automatic recognition is important for a dialog system trying to understand its conversational partner. The study presented in this article approaches that task on the DIHANA corp us, whose three-level dialog act annotation scheme poses problems which have not been explored in recent studies. In addition to the hierarchical problem, the two lower levels pose multi-label classification problems. Furthermore, each level in the hierarchy refers to a different aspect concerning the intention of the speaker both in terms of the structure of the dialog and the task. Also, since its dialogs are in Spanish, it allows us to assess whether the state-of-the-art approaches on English data generalize to a different language. More specifically, we compare the performance of different segment representation approaches focusing on both sequences and patterns of words and assess the importance of the dialog history and the relations between the multiple levels of the hierarchy. Concerning the single-label classification problem posed by the top level, we show that the conclusions drawn on English data also hold on Spanish data. Furthermore, we show that the approaches can be adapted to multi-label scenarios. Finally, by hierarchically combining the best classifiers for each level, we achieve the best results reported for this corpus.
Embodied cognition states that semantics is encoded in the brain as firing patterns of neural circuits, which are learned according to the statistical structure of human multimodal experience. However, each human brain is idiosyncratically biased, ac cording to its subjective experience history, making this biological semantic machinery noisy with respect to the overall semantics inherent to media artifacts, such as music and language excerpts. We propose to represent shared semantics using low-dimensional vector embeddings by jointly modeling several brains from human subjects. We show these unsupervised efficient representations outperform the original high-dimensional fMRI voxel spaces in proxy music genre and language topic classification tasks. We further show that joint modeling of several subjects increases the semantic richness of the learned latent vector spaces.
Music semantics is embodied, in the sense that meaning is biologically mediated by and grounded in the human body and brain. This embodied cognition perspective also explains why music structures modulate kinetic and somatosensory perception. We leve rage this aspect of cognition, by considering dance as a proxy for music perception, in a statistical computational model that learns semiotic correlations between music audio and dance video. We evaluate the ability of this model to effectively capture underlying semantics in a cross-modal retrieval task. Quantitative results, validated with statistical significance testing, strengthen the body of evidence for embodied cognition in music and show the model can recommend music audio for dance video queries and vice-versa.
Dialog act (DA) recognition is a task that has been widely explored over the years. Recently, most approaches to the task explored different DNN architectures to combine the representations of the words in a segment and generate a segment representat ion that provides cues for intention. In this study, we explore means to generate more informative segment representations, not only by exploring different network architectures, but also by considering different token representations, not only at the word level, but also at the character and functional levels. At the word level, in addition to the commonly used uncontextualized embeddings, we explore the use of contextualized representations, which provide information concerning word sense and segment structure. Character-level tokenization is important to capture intention-related morphological aspects that cannot be captured at the word level. Finally, the functional level provides an abstraction from words, which shifts the focus to the structure of the segment. We also explore approaches to enrich the segment representation with context information from the history of the dialog, both in terms of the classifications of the surrounding segments and the turn-taking history. This kind of information has already been proved important for the disambiguation of DAs in previous studies. Nevertheless, we are able to capture additional information by considering a summary of the dialog history and a wider turn-taking context. By combining the best approaches at each step, we achieve results that surpass the previous state-of-the-art on generic DA recognition on both SwDA and MRDA, two of the most widely explored corpora for the task. Furthermore, by considering both past and future context, simulating annotation scenario, our approach achieves a performance similar to that of a human annotator on SwDA and surpasses it on MRDA.
Dialog act recognition is an important step for dialog systems since it reveals the intention behind the uttered words. Most approaches on the task use word-level tokenization. In contrast, this paper explores the use of character-level tokenization. This is relevant since there is information at the sub-word level that is related to the function of the words and, thus, their intention. We also explore the use of different context windows around each token, which are able to capture important elements, such as affixes. Furthermore, we assess the importance of punctuation and capitalization. We performed experiments on both the Switchboard Dialog Act Corpus and the DIHANA Corpus. In both cases, the experiments not only show that character-level tokenization leads to better performance than the typical word-level approaches, but also that both approaches are able to capture complementary information. Thus, the best results are achieved by combining tokenization at both levels.
Modeling of music audio semantics has been previously tackled through learning of mappings from audio data to high-level tags or latent unsupervised spaces. The resulting semantic spaces are theoretically limited, either because the chosen high-level tags do not cover all of music semantics or because audio data itself is not enough to determine music semantics. In this paper, we propose a generic framework for semantics modeling that focuses on the perception of the listener, through EEG data, in addition to audio data. We implement this framework using a novel end-to-end 2-view Neural Network (NN) architecture and a Deep Canonical Correlation Analysis (DCCA) loss function that forces the semantic embedding spaces of both views to be maximally correlated. We also detail how the EEG dataset was collected and use it to train our proposed model. We evaluate the learned semantic space in a transfer learning context, by using it as an audio feature extractor in an independent dataset and proxy task: music audio-lyrics cross-modal retrieval. We show that our embedding model outperforms Spotify features and performs comparably to a state-of-the-art embedding model that was trained on 700 times more data. We further discuss improvements to the model that are likely to improve its performance.

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