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In simplicial complexes it is well known that many of the global properties of the complex, can be deduced from expansion properties of its links. This phenomenon was first discovered by Garland [G]. In this work we develop a local to global machiner y for general posets. We first show that the basic localization principle of Garland generalizes to more general posets. We then show that notable local to global theorems for simplicial complexes arise from general principles for general posets with expanding links. Specifically, we prove the following theorems for general posets satisfying some assumptions: Expanding links (one sided expansion) imply fast convergence of high dimensional random walks (generalization [KO,AL]); Expanding links imply Trickling down theorem (generalizing [O]); and a poset has expanding links (with two sided expansion) iff it satisfies a global random walk convergence property (generalization [DDFH]). We axiomatize general conditions on posets that imply local to global theorems. By developing this local to global machinery for general posets we discover that some posets behave better than simplicial complexes with respect to local to global implications. Specifically, we get a trickling down theorem for some posets (e.g. the Grassmanian poset) which is better behaved than the trickling down theorem known for simplicial complexes. In addition to this machinery, we also present a method to construct a new poset out of a pair of an initial poset and an auxiliary simplicial complex. By applying this procedure to the case where the pair is the Grassmanian poset and a bounded degree high dimensional expander, we obtain a bounded degree Grassmanian poset. We prove, using the tools described above, that this poset is a bounded degree expanding Grassmanian poset, partially proving a conjecture of [DDFH].
Given a random text over a finite alphabet, we study the frequencies at which fixed-length words occur as subsequences. As the data size grows, the joint distribution of word counts exhibits a rich asymptotic structure. We investigate all linear comb inations of subword statistics, and fully characterize their different orders of magnitude using diverse algebraic tools. Moreover, we establish the spectral decomposition of the space of word statistics of each order. We provide explicit formulas for the eigenvectors and eigenvalues of the covariance matrix of the multivariate distribution of these statistics. Our techniques include and elaborate on a set of algebraic word operators, recently studied and employed by Dieker and Saliola (Adv Math, 2018). Subword counts find applications in Combinatorics, Statistics, and Computer Science. We revisit special cases from the combinatorial literature, such as intransitive dice, random core partitions, and questions on random walk. Our structural approach describes in a unified framework several classical statistical tests. We propose further potential applications to data analysis and machine learning.
In this work we introduce a new notion of expansion in higher dimensions that is stronger than the well studied cosystolic expansion notion, and is termed {em Collective-cosystolic expansion}. We show that tensoring two cosystolic expanders yields a new cosystolic expander, assuming one of the complexes in the product, is not only cosystolic expander, but rather a collective cosystolic expander. We then show that the well known bounded degree cosystolic expanders, the Ramanujan complexes are, in fact, collective cosystolic expanders. This enables us to construct new bounded degree cosystolic expanders, by tensoring of Ramanujan complexes. Using our new constructed bounded degree cosystolic expanders we construct {em explicit} quantum LDPC codes of distance $sqrt{n} log^k n$ for any $k$, improving a recent result of Evra et. al. cite{EKZ}, and setting a new record for distance of explicit quantum LDPC codes. The work of cite{EKZ} took advantage of the high dimensional expansion notion known as cosystolic expansion, that occurs in Ramanujan complexes. Our improvement is achieved by considering tensor product of Ramanujan complexes, and using their newly derived property, the collective cosystolic expansion.
We conclude the construction of $r$-spin theory in genus zero for Riemann surfaces with boundary. In particular, we define open $r$-spin intersection numbers, and we prove that their generating function is closely related to the wave function of the $r$th Gelfand--Dickey integrable hierarchy. This provides an analogue of Wittens $r$-spin conjecture in the open setting and a first step toward the construction of an open version of Fan--Jarvis--Ruan--Witten theory. As an unexpected consequence, we establish a mysterious relationship between open $r$-spin theory and an extension of Wittens closed theory.
194 - Ran J. Tessler 2018
We prove a weighted generalization of the formula for the number of plane vertex-labeled trees.
We study a generalization of genus-zero $r$-spin theory in which exactly one insertion has a negative-one twist, which we refer to as the closed extended theory, and which is closely related to the open $r$-spin theory of Riemann surfaces with bounda ry. We prove that the generating function of genus-zero closed extended intersection numbers coincides with the genus-zero part of a special solution to the system of differential equations for the wave function of the $r$-th Gelfand-Dickey hierarchy. This parallels an analogous result for the open $r$-spin generating function in the companion paper to this work.
A study of the intersection theory on the moduli space of Riemann surfaces with boundary was recently initiated in a work of R. Pandharipande, J. P. Solomon and the third author, where they introduced open intersection numbers in genus 0. Their const ruction was later generalized to all genera by J. P. Solomon and the third author. In this paper we consider a refinement of the open intersection numbers by distinguishing contributions from surfaces with different numbers of boundary components, and we calculate all these numbers. We then construct a matrix model for the generating series of the refined open intersection numbers and conjecture that it is equivalent to the Kontsevich-Penner matrix model. An evidence for the conjecture is presented. Another refinement of the open intersection numbers, which describes the distribution of the boundary marked points on the boundary components, is also discussed.
We consider the Edwards-Anderson Ising Spin Glass model for non negative temperatures T: We define the natural notion of Boltzmann- Gibbs measure for the Edwards-Anderson spin glass at a given temperature, and of unsatisfied edges. We prove that for low enough temperatures, in almost every spin configuration the graph formed by the unsatisfied edges is made of finite connected components. In other words, the unsatisfied edges do not percolate.

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