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224 - B. Douc{c}ot , R. Moessner , 2021
We present a theory of optimal topological textures in nonlinear sigma-models with degrees of freedom living in the Grassmannian $mathrm{Gr}(M,N)$ manifold. These textures describe skyrmion lattices of $N$-component fermions in a quantising magnetic field, relevant to the physics of graphene, bilayer and other multicomponent quantum Hall systems near integer filling factors $ u>1$. We derive analytically the optimality condition, minimizing topological charge density fluctuations, for a general Grassmannian sigma model $mathrm{Gr}(M,N)$ on a sphere and a torus, together with counting arguments which show that for any filling factor and number of components there is a critical value of topological charge $d_c$ above which there are no optimal textures. Below $d_c$ a solution of the optimality condition on a torus is unique, while in the case of a sphere one has, in general, a continuum of solutions corresponding to new {it non-Goldstone} zero modes, whose degeneracy is not lifted (via a order from disorder mechanism) by any fermion interactions depending only on the distance on a sphere. We supplement our general theoretical considerations with the exact analytical results for the case of $mathrm{Gr}(2,4)$, appropriate for recent experiments in graphene.
Band topology is both constrained and enriched by the presence of symmetry. The importance of anti-unitary symmetries such as time reversal was recognized early on leading to the classification of topological band structures based on the ten-fold way . Since then, lattice point group and non-symmorphic symmetries have been seen to lead to a vast range of possible topologically nontrivial band structures many of which are realized in materials. In this paper we show that band topology is further enriched in many physically realizable instances where magnetic and lattice degrees of freedom are wholly or partially decoupled. The appropriate symmetry groups to describe general magnetic systems are the spin-space groups. Here we describe cases where spin-space groups are essential to understand the band topology in magnetic materials. We then focus on magnon band topology where the theory of spin-space groups has its simplest realization. We consider magnetic Hamiltonians with various types of coupling including Heisenberg and Kitaev couplings revealing a hierarchy of enhanced magnetic symmetry groups depending on the nature of the lattice and the couplings. We describe, in detail, the associated representation theory and compatibility relations thus characterizing symmetry-enforced constraints on the magnon bands revealing a proliferation of nodal points, lines, planes and volumes.
We study the role of zero-point quantum fluctuations in a range of magnetic states which on the classical level are close to spin-aligned ferromagnets. These include Skyrmion textures characterized by non-zero topological charge, and topologically-tr ivial spirals arising from the competition of the Heisenberg and Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interactions. For the former, we extend our previous results on quantum exactness of classical Bogomolny-Prasad-Sommerfield (BPS) ground-state degeneracies to the general case of Kahler manifolds, with a specific example of Grassmann manifolds $mathrm{Gr(M,N)}$. These are relevant to quantum Hall ferromagnets with $mathrm{N}$ internal states and integer filling factor $mathrm{M}$. A promising candidate for their experimental implementation is monolayer graphene with $mathrm{N=4}$ corresponding to spin and valley degrees of freedom at the charge neutrality point with $mathrm{M=2}$ filled Landau levels. We find that the vanishing of the zero-point fluctuations in taking the continuum limit occurs differently in the case of BPS states compared to the case of more general smooth textures, with the latter exhibiting more pronounced lattice effects. This motivates us to consider the vanishing of zero-point fluctuations in such near-ferromagnets more generally. We present a family of lattice spin models for which the vanishing of zero-point fluctuations is evident, and show that some spirals can be thought of as having nonzero but weak zero-point fluctuations on account of their closeness to this family. Between them, these instances provide concrete illustrations of how the Casimir energy, dependent on the full UV-structure of the theory, evolves as the continuum limit is taken.
Weyl semimetals are gapless three-dimensional topological materials where two bands touch at an even number of points in the bulk Brillouin zone. These semimetals exhibit topologically protected surface Fermi arcs, which pairwise connect the projecte d bulk band touchings in the surface Brillouin zone. Here, we analyze the quasiparticle interference patterns of the Weyl phase when time-reversal symmetry is explicitly broken. We use a multi-band $d$-electron Hubbard Hamiltonian on a pyrochlore lattice, relevant for the pyrochlore iridate R$_2$Ir$_2$O$_7$ (where R is a rare earth). Using exact diagonalization, we compute the surface spectrum and quasiparticle interference (QPI) patterns for various surface terminations and impurities. We show that the spin and orbital texture of the surface states can be inferred from the absence of certain backscattering processes and from the symmetries of the QPI features for non-magnetic and magnetic impurities. Furthermore, we show that the QPI patterns of the Weyl phase in pyrochlore iridates may exhibit additional interesting features that go beyond those found previously in TaAs.
We study spin glass behavior in a random Ising Coulomb antiferromagnet in two and three dimensions using Monte Carlo simulations. In two dimensions, we find a transition at zero temperature with critical exponents consistent with those of the Edwards Anderson model, though with large uncertainties. In three dimensions, evidence for a finite-temperature transition, as occurs in the Edwards-Anderson model, is rather weak. This may indicate that the sizes are too small to probe the asymptotic critical behavior, or possibly that the universality class is different from that of the Edwards-Anderson model and has a lower critical dimension equal to three.
We combine two aspects of magnetic frustration, multiferroicity and emergent quasi-particles in spin liquids, by studying magneto-electric monopoles. Spin ice offers to couple these emergent topological defects to external fields, and to each other, in unusual ways, making possible to lift the degeneracy underpinning the spin liquid and to potentially stabilize novel forms of charge crystals, opening the path to a magnetic crystallography. In developing the general phase diagram including nearest-neighbour coupling, Zeeman energy, electric and magnetic dipolar interactions, we uncover the emergence of a bi-layered crystal of singly-charged monopoles, whose stability, remarkably, is strengthened by an external [110] magnetic field. Our theory is able to account for the ordering process of Tb2Ti2O7 in large field for reasonably small electric energy scales.
90 - Arnab Sen , R. Moessner 2014
It is a salient experimental fact that a large fraction of candidate spin liquid materials freeze as the temperature is lowered. The question naturally arises whether such freezing is intrinsic to the spin liquid (disorder-free glassiness) or extrins ic, in the sense that a topological phase simply coexists with standard freezing of impurities. Here, we demonstrate a surprising third alternative, namely that freezing and topological liquidity are inseparably linked. The topological phase reacts to the introduction of disorder by generating degrees of freedom of a new type (along with interactions between them), which in turn undergo a freezing transition while the topological phase supporting them remains intact.
We explore the phase diagram and the low-energy physics of three Heisenberg antiferromagnets which, like the kagome lattice, are networks of corner-sharing triangles but contain two sets of inequivalent short-distance resonance loops. We use a combin ation of exact diagonalization, analytical strong-coupling theories, and resonating valence bond approaches, and scan through the ratio of the two inequivalent exchange couplings. In one limit, the lattices effectively become bipartite, while at the opposite limit heavily frustrated nets emerge. In between, competing tunneling processes result in short-ranged spin correlations, a manifold of low-lying singlets (which can be understood as localized bound states of magnetic excitations), and the stabilization of valence bond crystals with resonating building blocks.
Motivated by the quantum adiabatic algorithm (QAA), we consider the scaling of the Hamiltonian gap at quantum first order transitions, generally expected to be exponentially small in the size of the system. However, we show that a quantum antiferroma gnetic Ising chain in a staggered field can exhibit a first order transition with only an algebraically small gap. In addition, we construct a simple classical translationally invariant one-dimensional Hamiltonian containing nearest-neighbour interactions only, which exhibits an exponential gap at a thermodynamic quantum first-order transition of essentially topological origin. This establishes that (i) the QAA can be successful even across first order transitions but also that (ii) it can fail on exceedingly simple problems readily solved by inspection, or by classical annealing.
The Coulomb phase of spin ice, and indeed the Ic phase of water ice, naturally realise a fully-packed two-colour loop model in three dimensions. We present a detailed analysis of the statistics of these loops, which avoid themselves and other loops o f the same colour, and contrast their behaviour to an analogous two-dimensional model. The properties of another extended degree of freedom are also addressed, flux lines of the emergent gauge field of the Coulomb phase, which appear as Dirac strings in spin ice. We mention implications of these results for related models, and experiments.

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