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373 - Qiming Sun 2020
This work presents an algorithm to evaluate Coulomb and exchange matrices in Fock operator using range separation techniques at various aspects. This algorithm is particularly favorable for the scenario of (1) all-electron calculations or (2) computi ng exchange matrix for a large number of $mathbf{k}$-point samples. An all electron Hartree-Fock calculation with 110k basis functions is demonstrated in this work.
PYSCF is a Python-based general-purpose electronic structure platform that both supports first-principles simulations of molecules and solids, as well as accelerates the development of new methodology and complex computational workflows. The present paper explains the design and philosophy behind PYSCF that enables it to meet these twin objectives. With several case studies, we show how users can easily implement their own methods using PYSCF as a development environment. We then summarize the capabilities of PYSCF for molecular and solid-state simulations. Finally, we describe the growing ecosystem of projects that use PYSCF across the domains of quantum chemistry, materials science, machine learning and quantum information science.
Neural-Network Quantum State (NQS) has attracted significant interests as a powerful wave-function ansatz to model quantum phenomena. In particular, a variant of NQS based on the restricted Boltzmann machine (RBM) has been adapted to model the ground state of spin lattices and the electronic structures of small molecules in quantum devices. Despite these progresses, significant challenges remain with the RBM-NQS based quantum simulations. In this work, we present a state-preparation protocol to generate a specific set of complex-valued RBM-NQS, that we name the unitary-coupled RBM-NQS, in quantum circuits. This is a crucial advancement as all prior works deal exclusively with real-valued RBM-NQS for quantum algorithms. With this novel scheme, we achieve (1) modeling complex-valued wave functions, (2) using as few as one ancilla qubit to simulate $M$ hidden spins in an RBM architecture, and (3) avoiding post-selections to improve scalability.
Atomistic modeling of energetic disorder in organic semiconductors (OSCs) and its effects on the optoelectronic properties of OSCs requires a large number of excited-state electronic-structure calculations, a computationally daunting task for many OS C applications. In this work, we advocate the use of deep learning to address this challenge and demonstrate that state-of-the-art deep neural networks (DNNs) are capable of predicting the electronic properties of OSCs at an accuracy comparable with the quantum chemistry methods used for generating training data. We extensively investigate the performances of four recent DNNs (deep tensor neural network, SchNet, message passing neural network, and multilevel graph convolutional neural network) in predicting various electronic properties of an important class of OSCs, i.e., oligothiophenes (OTs), including their HOMO and LUMO energies, excited-state energies and associated transition dipole moments. We find that SchNet shows the best performance for OTs of different sizes (from bithiophene to sexithiophene), achieving average prediction errors in the range of 20-80meV compared to the results from (time-dependent) density functional theory. We show that SchNet also consistently outperforms shallow feed-forward neural networks, especially in difficult cases with large molecules or limited training data. We further show that SchNet could predict the transition dipole moment accurately, a task previously known to be difficult for feed-forward neural networks, and we ascribe the relatively large errors in transition dipole prediction seen for some OT configurations to the charge-transfer character of their excited states. Finally, we demonstrate the effectiveness of SchNet by modeling the UV-Vis absorption spectra of OTs in dichloromethane and a good agreement is observed between the calculated and experimental spectra.
We describe the ground- and excited-state electronic structure of bulk MnO and NiO, two prototypical correlated electron materials, using coupled cluster theory with single and double excitations (CCSD). As a corollary, this work also reports the fir st implementation of unrestricted periodic ab initio equation-of motion CCSD. Starting from a Hartree-Fock reference, we find fundamental gaps of 3.46 eV and 4.83 eV for MnO and NiO respectively for the 16 unit supercell, slightly overestimated compared to experiment, although finite-size scaling suggests that the gap is more severely overestimated in the thermodynamic limit. From the character of the correlated electronic bands we find both MnO and NiO to lie in the intermediate Mott/charge-transfer insulator regime, although NiO appears as a charge transfer insulator when only the fundamental gap is considered. While the lowest quasiparticle excitations are of metal 3d and O 2p character in most of the Brillouin zone, near the {Gamma} point, the lowest conduction band quasiparticles are of s character. Our study supports the potential of coupled cluster theory to provide high level many-body insights into correlated solids.
The electronic structure of the nitrogenase metal cofactors is central to nitrogen fixation. However, the P-cluster and iron molybdenum cofactor, each containing eight irons, have resisted detailed characterization of their electronic properties. Thr ough exhaustive many-electron wavefunction simulations enabled by new theoretical methods, we report on the low-energy electronic states of the P-cluster in three oxidation states. The energy scales of orbital and spin excitations overlap, yielding a dense spectrum with features we trace to the underlying atomic states and recouplings. The clusters exist in superpositions of spin configurations with non-classical spin correlations, complicating interpretation of magnetic spectroscopies, while the charges are mostly localized from reorganization of the cluster and its surroundings. Upon oxidation, the opening of the P-cluster significantly increases the density of states, which is intriguing given its proposed role in electron transfer. These results demonstrate that many-electron simulations stand to provide new insights into the electronic structure of the nitrogenase cofactors.
We introduce a mixed density fitting scheme that uses both a Gaussian and a plane-wave fitting basis to accurately evaluate electron repulsion integrals in crystalline systems. We use this scheme to enable efficient all-electron Gaussian based period ic density functional and Hartree-Fock calculations.
PySCF is a general-purpose electronic structure platform designed from the ground up to emphasize code simplicity, both to aid new method development, as well as for flexibility in computational workflow. The package provides a wide range of tools to support simulations of finite size systems, extended systems with periodic boundary conditions, low dimensional periodic systems, and custom Hamiltonians, using mean-field and post-mean-field methods with standard Gaussian basis functions. To ensure easy of extensibility, PySCF uses the Python language to implement almost all its features, while computationally critical paths are implemented with heavily optimized C routines. Using this combined Python/C implementation, the package is as efficient as the best existing C or Fortran based quantum chemistry programs. In this paper we document the capabilities and design philosophy of the current version of the PySCF package.

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