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Heterogeneity in medical data, e.g., from data collected at different sites and with different protocols in a clinical study, is a fundamental hurdle for accurate prediction using machine learning models, as such models often fail to generalize well. This paper leverages a recently proposed normalizing-flow-based method to perform counterfactual inference upon a structural causal model (SCM), in order to achieve harmonization of such data. A causal model is used to model observed effects (brain magnetic resonance imaging data) that result from known confounders (site, gender and age) and exogenous noise variables. Our formulation exploits the bijection induced by flow for the purpose of harmonization. We infer the posterior of exogenous variables, intervene on observations, and draw samples from the resultant SCM to obtain counterfactuals. This approach is evaluated extensively on multiple, large, real-world medical datasets and displayed better cross-domain generalization compared to state-of-the-art algorithms. Further experiments that evaluate the quality of confounder-independent data generated by our model using regression and classification tasks are provided.
Leveraging data from multiple tasks, either all at once, or incrementally, to learn one model is an idea that lies at the heart of multi-task and continual learning methods. Ideally, such a model predicts each task more accurately than if the task we re trained in isolation. We show using tools in statistical learning theory (i) how tasks can compete for capacity, i.e., including a particular task can deteriorate the accuracy on a given task, and (ii) that the ideal set of tasks that one should train together in order to perform well on a given task is different for different tasks. We develop methods to discover such competition in typical benchmark datasets which suggests that the prevalent practice of training with all tasks leaves performance on the table. This motivates our Model Zoo, which is a boosting-based algorithm that builds an ensemble of models, each of which is very small, and it is trained on a smaller set of tasks. Model Zoo achieves large gains in prediction accuracy compared to state-of-the-art methods across a variety of existing benchmarks in multi-task and continual learning, as well as more challenging ones of our creation. We also show that even a model trained independently on all tasks outperforms all existing multi-task and continual learning methods.
We propose a framework for deformable linear object prediction. Prediction of deformable objects (e.g., rope) is challenging due to their non-linear dynamics and infinite-dimensional configuration spaces. By mapping the dynamics from a non-linear spa ce to a linear space, we can use the good properties of linear dynamics for easier learning and more efficient prediction. We learn a locally linear, action-conditioned dynamics model that can be used to predict future latent states. Then, we decode the predicted latent state into the predicted state. We also apply a sampling-based optimization algorithm to select the optimal control action. We empirically demonstrate that our approach can predict the rope state accurately up to ten steps into the future and that our algorithm can find the optimal action given an initial state and a goal state.
Domain shift, the mismatch between training and testing data characteristics, causes significant degradation in the predictive performance in multi-source imaging scenarios. In medical imaging, the heterogeneity of population, scanners and acquisitio n protocols at different sites presents a significant domain shift challenge and has limited the widespread clinical adoption of machine learning models. Harmonization methods which aim to learn a representation of data invariant to these differences are the prevalent tools to address domain shift, but they typically result in degradation of predictive accuracy. This paper takes a different perspective of the problem: we embrace this disharmony in data and design a simple but effective framework for tackling domain shift. The key idea, based on our theoretical arguments, is to build a pretrained classifier on the source data and adapt this model to new data. The classifier can be fine-tuned for intra-site domain adaptation. We can also tackle situations where we do not have access to ground-truth labels on target data; we show how one can use auxiliary tasks for adaptation; these tasks employ covariates such as age, gender and race which are easy to obtain but nevertheless correlated to the main task. We demonstrate substantial improvements in both intra-site domain adaptation and inter-site domain generalization on large-scale real-world 3D brain MRI datasets for classifying Alzheimers disease and schizophrenia.
This paper prescribes a distance between learning tasks modeled as joint distributions on data and labels. Using tools in information geometry, the distance is defined to be the length of the shortest weight trajectory on a Riemannian manifold as a c lassifier is fitted on an interpolated task. The interpolated task evolves from the source to the target task using an optimal transport formulation. This distance, which we call the coupled transfer distance can be compared across different classifier architectures. We develop an algorithm to compute the distance which iteratively transports the marginal on the data of the source task to that of the target task while updating the weights of the classifier to track this evolving data distribution. We develop theory to show that our distance captures the intuitive idea that a good transfer trajectory is the one that keeps the generalization gap small during transfer, in particular at the end on the target task. We perform thorough empirical validation and analysis across diverse image classification datasets to show that the coupled transfer distance correlates strongly with the difficulty of fine-tuning.
Autonomous navigation in crowded, complex urban environments requires interacting with other agents on the road. A common solution to this problem is to use a prediction model to guess the likely future actions of other agents. While this is reasonab le, it leads to overly conservative plans because it does not explicitly model the mutual influence of the actions of interacting agents. This paper builds a reinforcement learning-based method named MIDAS where an ego-agent learns to affect the control actions of other cars in urban driving scenarios. MIDAS uses an attention-mechanism to handle an arbitrary number of other agents and includes a driver-type parameter to learn a single policy that works across different planning objectives. We build a simulation environment that enables diverse interaction experiments with a large number of agents and methods for quantitatively studying the safety, efficiency, and interaction among vehicles. MIDAS is validated using extensive experiments and we show that it (i) can work across different road geometries, (ii) results in an adaptive ego policy that can be tuned easily to satisfy performance criteria such as aggressive or cautious driving, (iii) is robust to changes in the driving policies of external agents, and (iv) is more efficient and safer than existing approaches to interaction-aware decision-making.
This paper introduces two simple techniques to improve off-policy Reinforcement Learning (RL) algorithms. First, we formulate off-policy RL as a stochastic proximal point iteration. The target network plays the role of the variable of optimization an d the value network computes the proximal operator. Second, we exploits the two value functions commonly employed in state-of-the-art off-policy algorithms to provide an improved action value estimate through bootstrapping with limited increase of computational resources. Further, we demonstrate significant performance improvement over state-of-the-art algorithms on standard continuous-control RL benchmarks.
This paper prescribes a suite of techniques for off-policy Reinforcement Learning (RL) that simplify the training process and reduce the sample complexity. First, we show that simple Deterministic Policy Gradient works remarkably well as long as the overestimation bias is controlled. This is contrast to existing literature which creates sophisticated off-policy techniques. Second, we pinpoint training instabilities, typical of off-policy algorithms, to the greedy policy update step; existing solutions such as delayed policy updates do not mitigate this issue. Third, we show that ideas in the propensity estimation literature can be used to importance-sample transitions from the replay buffer and selectively update the policy to prevent deterioration of performance. We make these claims using extensive experimentation on a set of challenging MuJoCo tasks. A short video of our results can be seen at https://tinyurl.com/scs6p5m .
Fine-tuning from pre-trained ImageNet models has become the de-facto standard for various computer vision tasks. Current practices for fine-tuning typically involve selecting an ad-hoc choice of hyperparameters and keeping them fixed to values normal ly used for training from scratch. This paper re-examines several common practices of setting hyperparameters for fine-tuning. Our findings are based on extensive empirical evaluation for fine-tuning on various transfer learning benchmarks. (1) While prior works have thoroughly investigated learning rate and batch size, momentum for fine-tuning is a relatively unexplored parameter. We find that the value of momentum also affects fine-tuning performance and connect it with previous theoretical findings. (2) Optimal hyperparameters for fine-tuning, in particular, the effective learning rate, are not only dataset dependent but also sensitive to the similarity between the source domain and target domain. This is in contrast to hyperparameters for training from scratch. (3) Reference-based regularization that keeps models close to the initial model does not necessarily apply for dissimilar datasets. Our findings challenge common practices of fine-tuning and encourages deep learning practitioners to rethink the hyperparameters for fine-tuning.
In many real-world applications of Machine Learning it is of paramount importance not only to provide accurate predictions, but also to ensure certain levels of robustness. Adversarial Training is a training procedure aiming at providing models that are robust to worst-case perturbations around predefined points. Unfortunately, one of the main issues in adversarial training is that robustness w.r.t. gradient-based attackers is always achieved at the cost of prediction accuracy. In this paper, a new algorithm, called Wasserstein Projected Gradient Descent (WPGD), for adversarial training is proposed. WPGD provides a simple way to obtain cost-sensitive robustness, resulting in a finer control of the robustness-accuracy trade-off. Moreover, WPGD solves an optimal transport problem on the output space of the network and it can efficiently discover directions where robustness is required, allowing to control the directional trade-off between accuracy and robustness. The proposed WPGD is validated in this work on image recognition tasks with different benchmark datasets and architectures. Moreover, real world-like datasets are often unbalanced: this paper shows that when dealing with such type of datasets, the performance of adversarial training are mainly affected in term of standard accuracy.

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