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The Borda voting rule is a positional scoring rule for $z$ candidates such that in each vote, the first candidate receives $z-1$ points, the second $z-2$ points and so on. The winner in the Borda rule is the candidate with highest total score. We stu dy the manipulation problem of the Borda rule in a setting with two non-manipulators while one of the non-manipulators vote is weighted. We demonstrate a sharp contrast on computational complexity depending on the weight of the non-manipulator: the problem is NP-hard when the weight is larger than $1$ while there exists an efficient algorithm to find a manipulation when the weight is at most $1$.
Reinforcement learning algorithms such as the deep deterministic policy gradient algorithm (DDPG) has been widely used in continuous control tasks. However, the model-free DDPG algorithm suffers from high sample complexity. In this paper we consider the deterministic value gradients to improve the sample efficiency of deep reinforcement learning algorithms. Previous works consider deterministic value gradients with the finite horizon, but it is too myopic compared with infinite horizon. We firstly give a theoretical guarantee of the existence of the value gradients in this infinite setting. Based on this theoretical guarantee, we propose a class of the deterministic value gradient algorithm (DVG) with infinite horizon, and different rollout steps of the analytical gradients by the learned model trade off between the variance of the value gradients and the model bias. Furthermore, to better combine the model-based deterministic value gradient estimators with the model-free deterministic policy gradient estimator, we propose the deterministic value-policy gradient (DVPG) algorithm. We finally conduct extensive experiments comparing DVPG with state-of-the-art methods on several standard continuous control benchmarks. Results demonstrate that DVPG substantially outperforms other baselines.
In this paper, we design gross product maximization mechanisms which incentivize users to upload high-quality contents on user-generated-content (UGC) websites. We show that, the proportional division mechanism, which is widely used in practice, can perform arbitrarily bad in the worst case. The problem can be formulated using a linear program with bounded and increasing variables. We then present an $O(nlog n)$ algorithm to find the optimal mechanism, where n is the number of players.
It is often observed that the probabilistic predictions given by a machine learning model can disagree with averaged actual outcomes on specific subsets of data, which is also known as the issue of miscalibration. It is responsible for the unreliabil ity of practical machine learning systems. For example, in online advertising, an ad can receive a click-through rate prediction of 0.1 over some population of users where its actual click rate is 0.15. In such cases, the probabilistic predictions have to be fixed before the system can be deployed. In this paper, we first introduce a new evaluation metric named field-level calibration error that measures the bias in predictions over the sensitive input field that the decision-maker concerns. We show that existing post-hoc calibration methods have limited improvements in the new field-level metric and other non-calibration metrics such as the AUC score. To this end, we propose Neural Calibration, a simple yet powerful post-hoc calibration method that learns to calibrate by making full use of the field-aware information over the validation set. We present extensive experiments on five large-scale datasets. The results showed that Neural Calibration significantly improves against uncalibrated predictions in common metrics such as the negative log-likelihood, Brier score and AUC, as well as the proposed field-level calibration error.
We study a reinforcement learning setting, where the state transition function is a convex combination of a stochastic continuous function and a deterministic function. Such a setting generalizes the widely-studied stochastic state transition setting , namely the setting of deterministic policy gradient (DPG). We firstly give a simple example to illustrate that the deterministic policy gradient may be infinite under deterministic state transitions, and introduce a theoretical technique to prove the existence of the policy gradient in this generalized setting. Using this technique, we prove that the deterministic policy gradient indeed exists for a certain set of discount factors, and further prove two conditions that guarantee the existence for all discount factors. We then derive a closed form of the policy gradient whenever exists. Furthermore, to overcome the challenge of high sample complexity of DPG in this setting, we propose the Generalized Deterministic Policy Gradient (GDPG) algorithm. The main innovation of the algorithm is a new method of applying model-based techniques to the model-free algorithm, the deep deterministic policy gradient algorithm (DDPG). GDPG optimize the long-term rewards of the model-based augmented MDP subject to a constraint that the long-rewards of the MDP is less than the original one. We finally conduct extensive experiments comparing GDPG with state-of-the-art methods and the direct model-based extension method of DDPG on several standard continuous control benchmarks. Results demonstrate that GDPG substantially outperforms DDPG, the model-based extension of DDPG and other baselines in terms of both convergence and long-term rewards in most environments.
Using AI approaches to automatically design mechanisms has been a central research mission at the interface of AI and economics [Conitzer and Sandholm, 2002]. Previous approaches that attempt to design revenue optimal auctions for the multi-dimension al settings fall short in at least one of the three aspects: 1) representation -- search in a space that probably does not even contain the optimal mechanism; 2) exactness -- finding a mechanism that is either not truthful or far from optimal; 3) domain dependence -- need a different design for different environment settings. To resolve the three difficulties, in this paper, we put forward -- MenuNet -- a unified neural network based framework that automatically learns to design revenue optimal mechanisms. Our framework consists of a mechanism network that takes an input distribution for training and outputs a mechanism, as well as a buyer network that takes a mechanism as input and output an action. Such a separation in design mitigates the difficulty to impose incentive compatibility constraints on the mechanism, by making it a rational choice of the buyer. As a result, our framework easily overcomes the previously mentioned difficulty in incorporating IC constraints and always returns exactly incentive compatible mechanisms. We then apply our framework to a number of multi-item revenue optimal design settings, for a few of which the theoretically optimal mechanisms are unknown. We then go on to theoretically prove that the mechanisms found by our framework are indeed optimal. To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to apply neural networks to discover optimal auction mechanisms with provable optimality.
Decision making is a challenging task in online recommender systems. The decision maker often needs to choose a contextual item at each step from a set of candidates. Contextual bandit algorithms have been successfully deployed to such applications, for the trade-off between exploration and exploitation and the state-of-art performance on minimizing online costs. However, the applicability of existing contextual bandit methods is limited by the over-simplified assumptions of the problem, such as assuming a simple form of the reward function or assuming a static environment where the states are not affected by previous actions. In this work, we put forward Policy Gradients for Contextual Recommendations (PGCR) to solve the problem without those unrealistic assumptions. It optimizes over a restricted class of policies where the marginal probability of choosing an item (in expectation of other items) has a simple closed form, and the gradient of the expected return over the policy in this class is in a succinct form. Moreover, PGCR leverages two useful heuristic techniques called Time-Dependent Greed and Actor-Dropout. The former ensures PGCR to be empirically greedy in the limit, and the latter addresses the trade-off between exploration and exploitation by using the policy network with Dropout as a Bayesian approximation. PGCR can solve the standard contextual bandits as well as its Markov Decision Process generalization. Therefore it can be applied to a wide range of realistic settings of recommendations, such as personalized advertising. We evaluate PGCR on toy datasets as well as a real-world dataset of personalized music recommendations. Experiments show that PGCR enables fast convergence and low regret, and outperforms both classic contextual-bandits and vanilla policy gradient methods.
We study the problem of allocating impressions to sellers in e-commerce websites, such as Amazon, eBay or Taobao, aiming to maximize the total revenue generated by the platform. We employ a general framework of reinforcement mechanism design, which u ses deep reinforcement learning to design efficient algorithms, taking the strategic behaviour of the sellers into account. Specifically, we model the impression allocation problem as a Markov decision process, where the states encode the history of impressions, prices, transactions and generated revenue and the actions are the possible impression allocations in each round. To tackle the problem of continuity and high-dimensionality of states and actions, we adopt the ideas of the DDPG algorithm to design an actor-critic policy gradient algorithm which takes advantage of the problem domain in order to achieve convergence and stability. We evaluate our proposed algorithm, coined IA(GRU), by comparing it against DDPG, as well as several natural heuristics, under different rationality models for the sellers - we assume that sellers follow well-known no-regret type strategies which may vary in their degree of sophistication. We find that IA(GRU) outperforms all algorithms in terms of the total revenue.
Over the past few years, ride-sharing has emerged as an effective way to relieve traffic congestion. A key problem for these platforms is to come up with a revenue-optimal (or GMV-optimal) pricing scheme and an induced vehicle dispatching policy that incorporate geographic and temporal information. In this paper, we aim to tackle this problem via an economic approach. Modeled naively, the underlying optimization problem may be non-convex and thus hard to compute. To this end, we use a so-called ironing technique to convert the problem into an equivalent convex optimization one via a clean Markov decision process (MDP) formulation, where the states are the driver distributions and the decision variables are the prices for each pair of locations. Our main finding is an efficient algorithm that computes the exact revenue-optimal (or GMV-optimal) randomized pricing schemes. We characterize the optimal solution of the MDP by a primal-dual analysis of a corresponding convex program. We also conduct empirical evaluations of our solution through real data of a major ride-sharing platform and show its advantages over fixed pricing schemes as well as several prevalent surge-based pricing schemes.
We formulate and study the algorithmic mechanism design problem for a general class of resource allocation settings, where the center redistributes the private resources brought by individuals. Money transfer is forbidden. Distinct from the standard literature, which assumes the amount of resources brought by an individual to be public information, we consider this amount as an agents private, possibly multi-dimensional type. Our goal is to design truthful mechanisms that achieve two objectives: max-min and Pareto efficiency. For each objective, we provide a reduction that converts any optimal algorithm into a strategy-proof mechanism that achieves the same objective. Our reductions do not inspect the input algorithms but only query these algorithms as oracles. Applying the reductions, we produce strategy-proof mechanisms in a non-trivial application: network route allocation. Our models and result in the application are valuable on their own rights.

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