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The classical simulation of quantum systems typically requires exponential resources. Recently, the introduction of a machine learning-based wavefunction ansatz has led to the ability to solve the quantum many-body problem in regimes that had previou sly been intractable for existing exact numerical methods. Here, we demonstrate the utility of the variational representation of quantum states based on artificial neural networks for performing quantum optimization. We show empirically that this methodology achieves high approximation ratio solutions with polynomial classical computing resources for a range of instances of the Maximum Cut (MaxCut) problem whose solutions have been encoded into the ground state of quantum many-body systems up to and including 256 qubits.
We train a neural network to predict human gene expression levels based on experimental data for rat cells. The network is trained with paired human/rat samples from the Open TG-GATES database, where paired samples were treated with the same compound at the same dose. When evaluated on a test set of held out compounds, the network successfully predicts human expression levels. On the majority of the test compounds, the list of differentially expressed genes determined from predicted expression levels agrees well with the list of differentially expressed genes determined from actual human experimental data.
We train a neural network to predict chemical toxicity based on gene expression data. The input to the network is a full expression profile collected either in vitro from cultured cells or in vivo from live animals. The output is a set of fine graine d predictions for the presence of a variety of pathological effects in treated animals. When trained on the Open TG-GATEs database it produces good results, outperforming classical models trained on the same data. This is a promising approach for efficiently screening chemicals for toxic effects, and for more accurately evaluating drug candidates based on preclinical data.

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