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Graphon is a nonparametric model that generates graphs with arbitrary sizes and can be induced from graphs easily. Based on this model, we propose a novel algorithmic framework called textit{graphon autoencoder} to build an interpretable and scalable graph generative model. This framework treats observed graphs as induced graphons in functional space and derives their latent representations by an encoder that aggregates Chebshev graphon filters. A linear graphon factorization model works as a decoder, leveraging the latent representations to reconstruct the induced graphons (and the corresponding observed graphs). We develop an efficient learning algorithm to learn the encoder and the decoder, minimizing the Wasserstein distance between the model and data distributions. This algorithm takes the KL divergence of the graph distributions conditioned on different graphons as the underlying distance and leads to a reward-augmented maximum likelihood estimation. The graphon autoencoder provides a new paradigm to represent and generate graphs, which has good generalizability and transferability.
For many data mining and machine learning tasks, the quality of a similarity measure is the key for their performance. To automatically find a good similarity measure from datasets, metric learning and similarity learning are proposed and studied ext ensively. Metric learning will learn a Mahalanobis distance based on positive semi-definite (PSD) matrix, to measure the distances between objectives, while similarity learning aims to directly learn a similarity function without PSD constraint so that it is more attractive. Most of the existing similarity learning algorithms are online similarity learning method, since online learning is more scalable than offline learning. However, most existing online similarity learning algorithms learn a full matrix with d 2 parameters, where d is the dimension of the instances. This is clearly inefficient for high dimensional tasks due to its high memory and computational complexity. To solve this issue, we introduce several Sparse Online Relative Similarity (SORS) learning algorithms, which learn a sparse model during the learning process, so that the memory and computational cost can be significantly reduced. We theoretically analyze the proposed algorithms, and evaluate them on some real-world high dimensional datasets. Encouraging empirical results demonstrate the advantages of our approach in terms of efficiency and efficacy.
143 - Jinyu Yang , Peilin Zhao , Yu Rong 2020
Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) draw their strength from explicitly modeling the topological information of structured data. However, existing GNNs suffer from limited capability in capturing the hierarchical graph representation which plays an importan t role in graph classification. In this paper, we innovatively propose hierarchical graph capsule network (HGCN) that can jointly learn node embeddings and extract graph hierarchies. Specifically, disentangled graph capsules are established by identifying heterogeneous factors underlying each node, such that their instantiation parameters represent different properties of the same entity. To learn the hierarchical representation, HGCN characterizes the part-whole relationship between lower-level capsules (part) and higher-level capsules (whole) by explicitly considering the structure information among the parts. Experimental studies demonstrate the effectiveness of HGCN and the contribution of each component.
Retrosynthesis is the process of recursively decomposing target molecules into available building blocks. It plays an important role in solving problems in organic synthesis planning. To automate or assist in the retrosynthesis analysis, various retr osynthesis prediction algorithms have been proposed. However, most of them are cumbersome and lack interpretability about their predictions. In this paper, we devise a novel template-free algorithm for automatic retrosynthetic expansion inspired by how chemists approach retrosynthesis prediction. Our method disassembles retrosynthesis into two steps: i) identify the potential reaction center of the target molecule through a novel graph neural network and generate intermediate synthons, and ii) generate the reactants associated with synthons via a robust reactant generation model. While outperforming the state-of-the-art baselines by a significant margin, our model also provides chemically reasonable interpretation.
Industrial control systems are critical to the operation of industrial facilities, especially for critical infrastructures, such as refineries, power grids, and transportation systems. Similar to other information systems, a significant threat to ind ustrial control systems is the attack from cyberspace---the offensive maneuvers launched by anonymous in the digital world that target computer-based assets with the goal of compromising a systems functions or probing for information. Owing to the importance of industrial control systems, and the possibly devastating consequences of being attacked, significant endeavors have been attempted to secure industrial control systems from cyberattacks. Among them are intrusion detection systems that serve as the first line of defense by monitoring and reporting potentially malicious activities. Classical machine-learning-based intrusion detection methods usually generate prediction models by learning modest-sized training samples all at once. Such approach is not always applicable to industrial control systems, as industrial control systems must process continuous control commands with limited computational resources in a nonstop way. To satisfy such requirements, we propose using online learning to learn prediction models from the controlling data stream. We introduce several state-of-the-art online learning algorithms categorically, and illustrate their efficacies on two typically used testbeds---power system and gas pipeline. Further, we explore a new cost-sensitive online learning algorithm to solve the class-imbalance problem that is pervasive in industrial intrusion detection systems. Our experimental results indicate that the proposed algorithm can achieve an overall improvement in the detection rate of cyberattacks in industrial control systems.
The amount of data in our society has been exploding in the era of big data today. In this paper, we address several open challenges of big data stream classification, including high volume, high velocity, high dimensionality, high sparsity, and high class-imbalance. Many existing studies in data mining literature solve data stream classification tasks in a batch learning setting, which suffers from poor efficiency and scalability when dealing with big data. To overcome the limitations, this paper investigates an online learning framework for big data stream classification tasks. Unlike some existing online data stream classification techniques that are often based on first-order online learning, we propose a framework of Sparse Online Classification (SOC) for data stream classification, which includes some state-of-the-art first-order sparse online learning algorithms as special cases and allows us to derive a new effective second-order online learning algorithm for data stream classification. In addition, we also propose a new cost-sensitive sparse online learning algorithm by extending the framework with application to tackle online anomaly detection tasks where class distribution of data could be very imbalanced. We also analyze the theoretical bounds of the proposed method, and finally conduct an extensive set of experiments, in which encouraging results validate the efficacy of the proposed algorithms in comparison to a family of state-of-the-art techniques on a variety of data stream classification tasks.

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