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We study the problem of a particle/message that travels as a biased random walk towards a target node in a network in the presence of traps. The bias is represented as the probability $p$ of the particle to travel along the shortest path to the targe t node. The efficiency of the transmission process is expressed through the fraction $f_g$ of particles that succeed to reach the target without being trapped. By relating $f_g$ with the number $S$ of nodes visited before reaching the target, we firstly show that, for the unbiased random walk, $f_g$ is inversely proportional to both the concentration $c$ of traps and the size $N$ of the network. For the case of biased walks, a simple approximation of $S$ provides an analytical solution that describes well the behavior of $f_g$, especially for $p>0.5$. Also, it is shown that for a given value of the bias $p$, when the concentration of traps is less than a threshold value equal to the inverse of the Mean First Passage Time (MFPT) between two randomly chosen nodes of the network, the efficiency of transmission is unaffected by the presence of traps and almost all the particles arrive at the target. As a consequence, for a given concentration of traps, we can estimate the minimum bias that is needed to have unaffected transmission, especially in the case of Random Regular (RR), ErdH{o}s-R{e}nyi (ER) and Scale-Free (SF) networks, where an exact expression (RR and ER) or an upper bound (SF) of the MFPT is known analytically. We also study analytically and numerically, the fraction $f_g$ of particles that reach the target on SF networks, where a single trap is placed on the highest degree node. For the unbiased random walk, we find that $f_g sim N^{-1/(gamma-1)}$, where $gamma$ is the power law exponent of the SF network.
We study a model for a random walk of two classes of particles (A and B). Where both species are present in the same site, the motion of As takes precedence over that of Bs. The model was originally proposed and analyzed in Maragakis et al., Phys. Re v. E 77, 020103 (2008); here we provide additional results. We solve analytically the diffusion coefficients of the two species in lattices for a number of protocols. In networks, we find that the probability of a B particle to be free decreases exponentially with the node degree. In scale-free networks, this leads to localization of the Bs at the hubs and arrest of their motion. To remedy this, we investigate several strategies to avoid trapping of the Bs: moving an A instead of the hindered B; allowing a trapped B to hop with a small probability; biased walk towards non-hub nodes; and limiting the capacity of nodes. We obtain analytic results for lattices and networks, and discuss the advantages and shortcomings of the possible strategies.
We model the spreading of a crisis by constructing a global economic network and applying the Susceptible-Infected-Recovered (SIR) epidemic model with a variable probability of infection. The probability of infection depends on the strength of econom ic relations between the pair of countries, and the strength of the target country. It is expected that a crisis which originates in a large country, such as the USA, has the potential to spread globally, like the recent crisis. Surprisingly we show that also countries with much lower GDP, such as Belgium, are able to initiate a global crisis. Using the {it k}-shell decomposition method to quantify the spreading power (of a node), we obtain a measure of ``centrality as a spreader of each country in the economic network. We thus rank the different countries according to the shell they belong to, and find the 12 most central countries. These countries are the most likely to spread a crisis globally. Of these 12 only six are large economies, while the other six are medium/small ones, a result that could not have been otherwise anticipated. Furthermore, we use our model to predict the crisis spreading potential of countries belonging to different shells according to the crisis magnitude.

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