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The symmetry-indicators provide valuable information about the topological properties of band structures in real materials. For inversion-symmetric, non-magnetic materials, the pattern of parity eigenvalues of various Kramers-degenerate bands at the time-reversal-invariant momentum points are generally analyzed with the combination of strong $Z_4$, and weak $Z_2$ indices. Can the symmetry indicators identify the tunneling configurations of SU(2) Berry connections or the three-dimensional, winding numbers of topologically non-trivial bands? In this work, we perform detailed analytical and numerical calculations on various effective tight-binding models to answer this question. If the parity eigenvalues are regarded as fictitious Ising spins, located at the vertices of Miller hypercube, the strong $Z_4$ index describes the net ferro-magnetic moment, which is shown to be inadequate for identifying non-trivial bands, supporting even integer winding numbers. We demonstrate that an anti-ferromagnetic index, measuring the staggered magnetization can distinguish between bands possessing zero, odd, and even integer winding numbers. The coarse-grained analysis of symmetry-indicators is substantiated by computing the change in rotational-symmetry-protected, quantized Berry flux and Wilson loops along various high-symmetry axes. By simultaneously computing ferromagnetic and anti-ferromagnetic indices, we categorize various bands of bismuth, antimony, rhombohedral phosphorus, and Bi$_2$Se$_3$.
279 - Bitan Roy , Pallab Goswami , 2017
We analyze emergent quantum multi-criticality for strongly interacting, massless Dirac fermions in two spatial dimensions ($d=2$) within the framework of Gross-Neveu-Yukawa models, by considering the competing order parameters that give rise to fully gapped (insulating or superconducting) ground states. We focus only on those competing orders, which can be rotated into each other by generators of an exact or emergent chiral symmetry of massless Dirac fermions, and break $O(S_1)$ and $O(S_2)$ symmetries in the ordered phase. Performing a renormalization group analysis by using the $epsilon=(3-d)$ expansion scheme, we show that all the coupling constants in the critical hyperplane flow toward a new attractive fixed point, supporting an emph{enlarged} $O(S_1+S_2)$ chiral symmetry. Such a fixed point acts as an exotic quantum multi-critical point (MCP), governing the emph{continuous} semimetal-insulator as well as insulator-insulator (for example antiferromagnet to valence bond solid) quantum phase transitions. In comparison with the lower symmetric semimetal-insulator quantum critical points, possessing either $O(S_1)$ or $O(S_2)$ chiral symmetry, the MCP displays enhanced correlation length exponents, and anomalous scaling dimensions for both fermionic and bosonic fields. We discuss the scaling properties of the ratio of bosonic and fermionic masses, and the increased dc resistivity at the MCP. By computing the scaling dimensions of different local fermion bilinears in the particle-hole channel, we establish that most of the four fermion operators or generalized density-density correlation functions display faster power law decays at the MCP compared to the free fermion and lower symmetric itinerant quantum critical points. Possible generalization of this scenario to higher dimensional Dirac fermions is also outlined.
Due to the interaction between topological defects of an order parameter and underlying fermions, the defects can possess induced fermion numbers, leading to several exotic phenomena of fundamental importance to both condensed matter and high energy physics. One of the intriguing outcome of induced fermion number is the presence of fluctuating competing orders inside the core of topological defect. In this regard, the interaction between fermions and skyrmion excitations of antiferromagnetic phase can have important consequence for understanding the global phase diagrams of many condensed matter systems where antiferromagnetism and several singlet orders compete. We critically investigate the relation between fluctuating competing orders and skyrmion excitations of the antiferromagnetic insulating phase of a half-filled Kondo-Heisenberg model on honeycomb lattice. By combining analytical and numerical methods we obtain exact eigenstates of underlying Dirac fermions in the presence of a single skyrmion configuration, which are used for computing induced chiral charge. Additionally, by employing this nonperturbative eigenbasis we calculate the susceptibilities of different translational symmetry breaking charge, bond and current density wave orders and translational symmetry preserving Kondo singlet formation. Based on the computed susceptibilities we establish spin Peierls and Kondo singlets as dominant competing orders of antiferromagnetism. We show favorable agreement between our findings and field theoretic predictions based on perturbative gradient expansion scheme which crucially relies on adiabatic principle and plane wave eigenstates for Dirac fermions. The methodology developed here can be applied to many other correlated systems supporting competition between spin-triplet and spin-singlet orders in both lower and higher spatial dimensions.
Metallic phases have been observed in several disordered two dimensional (2d) systems, including thin films near superconductor-insulator transitions and quantum Hall systems near plateau transitions. The existence of 2d metallic phases at zero tempe rature generally requires an interplay of disorder and interaction effects. Consequently, experimental observations of 2d metallic behavior have largely defied explanation. We formulate a general stability criterion for strongly interacting, massless Dirac fermions against disorder, which describe metallic ground states with vanishing density of states. We show that (2+1)-dimensional quantum electrodynamics (QED$_3$) with a large, even number of fermion flavors remains metallic in the presence of weak scalar potential disorder due to the dynamic screening of disorder by gauge fluctuations. We also show that QED$_3$ with weak mass disorder exhibits a stable, dirty metallic phase in which both interactions and disorder play important roles.
We theoretically study the single particle Green function of a three dimensional disordered Weyl semimetal using a combination of techniques. These include analytic $T$-matrix and renormalization group methods with complementary regimes of validity, and an exact numerical approach based on the kernel polynomial technique. We show that at any nonzero disorder, Weyl excitations are not ballistic: they instead have a nonzero linewidth that for weak short-range disorder arises from non-perturbative resonant impurity scattering. Perturbative approaches find a quantum critical point between a semimetal and a metal at a finite disorder strength, but this transition is avoided due to nonperturbative effects. At moderate disorder strength and intermediate energies the avoided quantum critical point renormalizes the scaling of single particle properties. In this regime we compute numerically the anomalous dimension of the fermion field and find $eta= 0.13 pm 0.04$, which agrees well with a renormalization group analysis ($eta= 0.125$). Our predictions can be directly tested by ARPES and STM measurements in samples dominated by neutral impurities.
The gapless Bogoliubov-de Gennes (BdG) quasiparticles of a clean three dimensional spinless $p_x+ip_y$ superconductor provide an intriguing example of a thermal Hall semimetal (ThSM) phase of Majorana-Weyl fermions in class D of the Altland-Zirnbauer symmetry classification; such a phase can support a large anomalous thermal Hall conductivity and protected surface Majorana-Fermi arcs at zero energy. We study the effect of quenched disorder on such a topological phase with both numerical and analytical methods. Using the kernel polynomial method, we compute the average and typical density of states for the BdG quasiparticles; based on this, we construct the disordered phase diagram. We show for infinitesimal disorder, the ThSM is converted into a diffusive thermal Hall metal (ThDM) due to rare statistical fluctuations. Consequently, the phase diagram of the disordered model only consists of ThDM and thermal insulating phases. Nonetheless, there is a cross-over at finite energies from a ThSM regime to a ThDM regime, and we establish the scaling properties of the avoided quantum critical point which marks this cross-over. Additionally, we show the existence of two types of thermal insulators: (i) a trivial thermal band insulator (ThBI) [or BEC phase] supporting only exponentially localized Lifshitz states (at low energy), and (ii) a thermal Anderson insulator (AI) at large disorder strengths. We determine the nature of the two distinct localization transitions between these two types of insulators and ThDM.We also discuss the experimental relevance of our results for three dimensional, time reversal symmetry breaking, triplet superconducting states.
In quantum spin systems, singlet phases often develop in the vicinity of an antiferromagnetic order. Typical settings for such problems arise when itinerant fermions are also present. In this work, we develop a theoretical framework for addressing su ch competing orders in an itinerant system, described by Dirac fermions strongly coupled to an O(3) nonlinear sigma model. We focus on two spatial dimensions, where upon disordering the antiferromagnetic order by quantum fluctuations the singular tunneling events also known as (anti)hedgehogs can nucleate competing singlet orders in the paramagnetic phase. In the presence of an isolated hedgehog configuration of the nonlinear sigma model field, we show that the fermion determinant vanishes as the dynamic Euclidean Dirac operator supports fermion zero modes of definite chirality. This provides a topological mechanism for suppressing the tunneling events. Using the methodology of quantum chromodynamics, we evaluate the fermion determinant in the close proximity of magnetic quantum phase transition, when the antiferromagnetic order parameter field can be described by a dilute gas of hedgehogs and antihedgehogs. We show how the precise nature of emergent singlet order is determined by the overlap between dynamic fermion zero modes of opposite chirality, localized on the hedgehogs and antihedgehogs. For a Kondo-Heisenberg model on the honeycomb lattice, we demonstrate the competition between spin Peierls order and Kondo singlet formation, thereby elucidating its global phase diagram. We also discuss other physical problems that can be addressed within this general framework.
The quantum phase transition between two clean, non interacting topologically distinct gapped states in three dimensions is governed by a massless Dirac fermion fixed point, irrespective of the underlying symmetry class, and this constitutes a remark ably simple example of superuniversality. For a sufficiently weak disorder strength, we show that the massless Dirac fixed point is at the heart of the robustness of superuniversality. We establish this by considering both perturbative and nonperturbative effects of disorder. The superuniversality breaks down at a critical strength of disorder, beyond which the topologically distinct localized phases become separated by a delocalized diffusive phase. In the global phase diagram, the disorder controlled fixed point where superuniversality is lost, serves as a multicritical point, where the delocalized diffusive and two topologically distinct localized phases meet and the nature of the localization-delocalization transition depends on the underlying symmetry class. Based on these features we construct the global phase diagrams of noninteracting, dirty topological systems in three dimensions. We also establish a similar structure of the phase diagram and the superuniversality for weak disorder in higher spatial dimensions. By noting that $1/r^2$ power-law correlated disorder acts as a marginal perturbation for massless Dirac fermion in any spatial dimension $d$, we have established a general renormalization group framework for addressing disorder driven critical phenomena for fixed spatial dimension $d > 2$.
Strong electronic interactions and spin orbit coupling can be conducive for realizing novel broken symmetry phases supporting quasiparticles with nontrivial band topology. 227 pyrochlore iridates provide a suitable material platform for studying such emergent phenomena where both topology and competing orders play important roles. In contrast to the most members of this material class, which are thought to display all-in all-out (AIAO) type magnetically ordered low-temperature insulating ground states, Pr$_2$Ir$_2$O$_7$ remains metallic while exhibiting spin ice (SI) correlations at low temperatures. Additionally, this is the only 227 iridate compound, which exhibits a large anomalous Hall effect (AHE) along [1,1,1] direction below 1.5 K, without possessing any measurable magnetic moment. By focusing on the normal state of 227 iridates, described by a parabolic semimetal with quadratic band touching, we use renormalization group analysis, mean-field theory, and phenomenological Landau theory as three complementary methods to construct a global phase diagram in the presence of generic local interactions among itinerant electrons of Ir ions. While the global phase diagram supports several competing multipolar orders, motivated by the phenomenology of 227 iridates we particularly emphasize the competition between AIAO and SI orders and how it can cause a mixed phase with three-in one-out (3I1O) spin configurations. In terms of topological properties of Weyl quasiparticles of the 3I1O state, we provide an explanation for the magnitude and the direction of the observed AHE in Pr$_2$Ir$_2$O$_7$. We propose a strain induced enhancement of the onset temperature for AHE in thin films of Pr$_2$Ir$_2$O$_7$ and additional experiments for studying competing orders in the vicinity of the metal-insulator transition.
Progress in the understanding of quantum critical properties of itinerant electrons has been hindered by the lack of effective models which are amenable to controlled analytical and numerically exact calculations. Here we establish that the disorder driven semimetal to metal quantum phase transition of three dimensional massless Dirac fermions could serve as a paradigmatic toy model for studying itinerant quantum criticality, which is solved in this work by exact numerical and approximate field theoretic calculations. As a result, we establish the robust existence of a non-Gaussian universality class, and also construct the relevant low energy effective field theory that could guide the understanding of quantum critical scaling for many strange metals. Using the kernel polynomial method (KPM), we provide numerical results for the calculated dynamical exponent ($z$) and correlation length exponent ($ u$) for the disorder-driven semimetal (SM) to diffusive metal (DM) quantum phase transition at the Dirac point for several types of disorder, establishing its universal nature and obtaining the numerical scaling functions in agreement with our field theoretical analysis.

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