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The Maki-Thompson rumor model is defined by assuming that a population represented by a graph is subdivided into three classes of individuals; namely, ignorants, spreaders and stiflers. A spreader tells the rumor to any of its nearest ignorant neighb ors at rate one. At the same rate, a spreader becomes a stifler after a contact with other nearest neighbor spreaders, or stiflers. In this work we study the model on random trees. As usual we define a critical parameter of the model as the critical value around which the rumor either becomes extinct almost-surely or survives with positive probability. We analyze the existence of phase-transition regarding the survival of the rumor, and we obtain estimates for the mean range of the rumor. The applicability of our results is illustrated with examples on random trees generated from some well-known discrete distributions.
Evolution algebras are non-associative algebras. In this work we provide an extension of this class of algebras, in the context of Hilbert spaces, capable to deal with infinite-dimensional spaces. We illustrate the applicability of our approach by di scussing a connection with discrete-time Markov chains with countable state space.
We consider the Stavskayas process, which is a two-states Probabilistic Celular Automata defined on a one-dimensional lattice. The process is defined in such a way that the state of any vertex depends only on itself and on the state of its right-adja cent neighbor. This process was one of the first multicomponent systems with local interaction, for which has been proved rigorously the existence of a kind of phase transition. However, the exact localization of its critical value remains as an open problem. In this work we provide a new lower bound for the critical value. The last one was obtained by Andrei Toom, fifty years ago.
We study the space of derivations for some finite-dimensional evolution algebras, depending on the twin partition of an associated directed graph. For evolution algebras with a twin-free associated graph we prove that the space of derivations is zero . For the remaining families of evolution algebras we obtain sufficient conditions under which the study of such a space can be simplified. We accomplish this task by identifying the null entries of the respective derivation matrix. Our results suggest how strongly the associated graphs structure impacts in the characterization of derivations for a given evolution algebra. Therefore our approach constitutes an alternative to the recent developments in the research of this subject. As an illustration of the applicability of our results we provide some examples and we exhibit the classification of the derivations for non-degenerate irreducible $3$-dimensional evolution algebras.
In this work we propose a new extension for the Maki-Thompson rumor model which incorporates inter-group directed contacts. The model is defined on an homogeneously mixing population where the existence of two differentiated groups of individuals is assumed. While individuals of one group have an active role in the spreading process, individuals of the other group only contribute in stifling the rumor provided they would contacted. For this model we measure the impact of dissemination by studying the remaining proportion of ignorants of both groups at the end of the process. In addition we discuss some examples and possible applications.
Cator and Van Mieghem [Cator E, Van Mieghem P., Phys. Rev. E 89, 052802 (2014)] stated that the correlation of infection at the same time between any pair of nodes in a network is non-negative for the Markovian SIS and SIR epidemic models. The argume nts used to obtain this result rely strongly on the graphical construction of the stochastic process, as well as the FKG inequality. In this note we show that although the approach used by the authors applies to the SIS model, it cannot be used for the SIR model as stated in their work. In particular, we observe that monotonicity in the process is crucial for invoking the FKG inequality. Moreover, we provide an example of simple graph for which the nodal infection in the SIR Markovian model is negatively correlated.
Evolution algebras are non-associative algebras inspired from biological phenomena, with applications to or connections with different mathematical fields. There are two natural ways to define an evolution algebra associated to a given graph. While o ne takes into account only the adjacencies of the graph, the other includes probabilities related to the symmetric random walk on the same graph. In this work we state new properties related to the relation between these algebras, which is one of the open problems in the interplay between evolution algebras and graphs. On the one hand, we show that for any graph both algebras are strongly isotopic. On the other hand, we provide conditions under which these algebras are or are not isomorphic. For the case of finite non-singular graphs we provide a complete description of the problem, while for the case of finite singular graphs we state a conjecture supported by examples and partial results. The case of graphs with an infinite number of vertices is also discussed. As a sideline of our work, we revisit a result existing in the literature about the identification of the automorphism group of an evolution algebra, and we give an improved version of it.
We consider the Maki-Thompson model for the stochastic propagation of a rumour within a population. We extend the original hypothesis of homogenously mixed population by allowing for a small-world network embedding the model. This structure is realiz ed starting from a $k$-regular ring and by inserting, in the average, $c$ additional links in such a way that $k$ and $c$ are tuneable parameter for the population architecture. We prove that this system exhibits a transition between regimes of localization (where the final number of stiflers is at most logarithmic in the population size) and propagation (where the final number of stiflers grows algebraically with the population size) at a finite value of the network parameter $c$. A quantitative estimate for the critical value of $c$ is obtained via extensive numerical simulations.
This paper deals with branching processes in varying environment, namely, whose offspring distributions depend on the generations. We provide sufficient conditions for survival or extinction which rely only on the first and second moments of the offs pring distributions. These results are then applied to branching processes in varying environment with selection where every particle has a real-valued label and labels can only increase along genealogical lineages; we obtain analogous conditions for survival or extinction. These last results can be interpreted in terms of accessibility percolation on Galton-Watson trees, which represents a relevant tool for modeling the evolution of biological populations.

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