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100 - N. La Palombara 2015
We report on the results of the first XMM-Newton satellite observation of the luminous and helium-rich O-type subdwarf BD +37{deg} 1977 carried out in April 2014. X-ray emission is detected with a flux of about 4*10^(-14) erg/cm2/s (0.2-1.5 keV), cor responding to a f_X/f_bol ratio about 10^(-7); the source spectrum is very soft, and is well fit by the sum of two plasma components at different temperatures. Both characteristics are in agreement with what is observed in the main-sequence early-type stars, where the observed X-ray emission is due to turbulence and shocks in the stellar wind. A smaller but still significant stellar wind has been observed also in BD +37{deg} 1977; therefore, we suggest that also in this case the detected X-ray flux has the same origin.
The examination of two 2010 Chandra ACIS exposures of the Circinus galaxy resulted in the discovery of two pulsators: CXO J141430.1-651621 and CXOU J141332.9-651756. We also detected 26-ks pulsations in CG X-1, consistently with previous measures. Fo r ~40 other sources, we obtained limits on periodic modulations. In CXO J141430.1-651621, which is ~2 arcmin outside the Circinus galaxy, we detected signals at 6120(1) s and 64.2(5) ks. In the longest observation, the source showed a flux of ~1.1e-13 erg/cm^2/s (absorbed, 0.5-10 keV) and the spectrum could be described by a power-law with photon index ~1.4. From archival observations, we found that the luminosity is variable by ~50 per cent on time-scales of weeks-years. The two periodicities pin down CXO J141430.1-651621 as a cataclysmic variable of the intermediate polar subtype. The period of CXOU J141332.9-651756 is 6378(3) s. It is located inside the Circinus galaxy, but the low absorption indicates a Galactic foreground object. The flux was ~5e-14 erg/cm^2/s in the Chandra observations and showed ~50 per cent variations on weekly/yearly scales; the spectrum is well fit by a power law ~0.9. These characteristics and the large modulation suggest that CXOU J141332.9-651756 is a magnetic cataclysmic variable, probably a polar. For CG X-1, we show that if the source is in the Circinus galaxy, its properties are consistent with a Wolf-Rayet plus black hole binary. We consider the implications of this for ultraluminous X-ray sources and the prospects of Advanced LIGO and Virgo. In particular, from the current sample of WR-BH systems we estimate an upper limit to the detection rate of stellar BH-BH mergers of ~16 events per yr.
We report on multi-frequency, wideband radio observations of the Galactic Center magnetar (SGR 1745$-$2900) with the Green Bank Telescope for $sim$100 days immediately following its initial X-ray outburst in April 2013. We made multiple simultaneous observations at 1.5, 2.0, and 8.9 GHz, allowing us to examine the magnetars flux evolution, radio spectrum, and interstellar medium parameters (such as the dispersion measure (DM), the scattering timescale and its index). During two epochs, we have simultaneous observations from the Chandra X-ray Observatory, which permitted the absolute alignment of the radio and X-ray profiles. As with the two other radio magnetars with published alignments, the radio profile lies within the broad peak of the X-ray profile, preceding the X-ray profile maximum by $sim$0.2 rotations. We also find that the radio spectral index $gamma$ is significantly negative between $sim$2 and 9 GHz; during the final $sim$30 days of our observations $gamma sim -1.4$, which is typical of canonical pulsars. The radio flux has not decreased during this outburst, whereas the long-term trends in the other radio magnetars show concomitant fading of the radio and X-ray fluxes. Finally, our wideband measurements of the DMs taken in adjacent frequency bands in tandem are stochastically inconsistent with one another. Based on recent theoretical predictions, we consider the possibility that the dispersion measure is frequency-dependent. Despite having several properties in common with the other radio magnetars, such as $L_{textrm{X,qui}}/L_{textrm{rot}} lesssim 1$, an increase in the radio flux during the X-ray flux decay has not been observed thus far in other systems.
We report on the discovery of a new X-ray pulsator, Swift J201424.9+152930 (Sw J2014). Owing to its X-ray modulation at 491 s, it was discovered in a systematic search for coherent signals in the archival data of the Swift X-ray Telescope. To investi gate the nature of Sw J2014, we performed multi-wavelength follow-up observations with space-borne (Swift and XMM-Newton) and ground-based (the 1.5-m Loiano Telescope and the 3.6-m Telescopio Nazionale Galileo) instruments. The X-ray spectrum of Sw J2014 can be described by a hard and highly absorbed power law. The optical observations made it possible to single out the optical counterpart to this source, which displays several variable emission lines and total eclipses lasting ~20 min. Total eclipses of similar length were observed also in X-rays. The study of the eclipses, allowed us to infer a second periodicity of 3.44 h, which we interpret as the orbital period of a close binary system. We also found that the period has not significantly changed over a ~7 yr timespan. Based on the timing signatures of Sw J2014, and its optical and X-ray spectral properties, we suggest that it is a close binary hosting an accreting magnetic white dwarf. The system is therefore a cataclysmic variable of the intermediate polar type and one of the very few showing deep eclipses.
We report on an X-ray observation of the Be X-ray Binary Pulsar RX J0059.2-7138, performed by XMM-Newton in March 2014. The 19 ks long observation was carried out about three months after the discovery of the latest outburst from this Small Magellani c Cloud transient, when the source luminosity was Lx ~ 10$^{38}$ erg/s. A spin period of P=2.762383(5) s was derived, corresponding to an average spin-up of $dot{P}_{mathrm{spin}} = -(1.27pm0.01)times10^{-12}$ s $s^{-1}$ from the only previous period measurement, obtained more than 20 years earlier. The time-averaged continuum spectrum (0.2-12 keV) consisted of a hard power-law (photon index ~0.44) with an exponential cut-off at a phase-dependent energy (20-50 keV) plus a significant soft excess below about 0.5 keV. In addition, several features were observed in the spectrum: an emission line at 6.6 keV from highly ionized iron, a broad feature at 0.9-1 keV likely due to a blend of Fe L-shell lines, and narrow emission and absorption lines consistent with transitions in highly ionized oxygen, nitrogen and iron visible in the high resolution RGS data (0.4-2.1 keV). Given the different ionization stages of the narrow line components, indicative of photoionization from the luminous X-ray pulsar, we argue that the soft excess in RX J0059.2-7138 is produced by reprocessing of the pulsar emission in the inner regions of the accretion disc.
We present timing observations of four millisecond pulsars discovered in the Parkes 20-cm multibeam pulsar survey of the Galactic plane. PSRs J1552-4937 and J1843-1448 are isolated objects with spin periods of 6.28 and 5.47 ms respectively. PSR J1727 -2946 is in a 40-day binary orbit and has a spin period of 27 ms. The 4.43-ms pulsar J1813-2621 is in a circular 8.16-day binary orbit around a low-mass companion star with a minimum companion mass of 0.2 solar masses. Combining these results with detections from five other Parkes multibeam surveys, gives a well-defined sample of 56 pulsars with spin periods below 20 ms. We develop a likelihood analysis to constrain the functional form which best describes the underlying distribution of spin periods for millisecond pulsars. The best results were obtained with a log-normal distribution. A gamma distribution is less favoured, but still compatible with the observations. Uniform, power-law and Gaussian distributions are found to be inconsistent with the data. Galactic millisecond pulsars being found by current surveys appear to be in agreement with a log-normal distribution which allows for the existence of pulsars with periods below 1.5 ms.
Exact solutions to the Einstein field equations may be generated from already existing ones (seed solutions), that admit at least one Killing vector. In this framework, a space of potentials is introduced. By the use of symmetries in this space, the set of potentials associated to a known solution are transformed into a new set, either by continuous transformations or by discrete transformations. In view of this method, and upon consideration of continuous transformations, we arrive at some exact, stationary axisymmetric solutions to the Einstein field equations in vacuum, that may be of geometrical or/and physical interest.
124 - N. La Palombara 2014
X-ray observations of sdO stars are a useful tool to investigate their properties, but so far only two sdO stars were detected at X-rays. We observed a complete flux-limited sample of 19 sdO stars with the Chandra HRC-I camera to measure the count ra te of the detected sources or to set a tight upper limit on it for the undetected sources. We obtained a robust detection of BD+37 1977 and Feige 34 and a marginal detection of BD+28 4211. The estimated luminosity of BD+37 1977 is above 10^31 erg/s, which is high enough to suggest the possible presence of an accreting compact companion. This possibility is unlikely for all the other targets (both detected and undetected), since in their case L_X < 10^30 erg/s. On the other hand, for all 19 targets the estimated value of L_X (or its upper limit) implies an X-ray/bolometric flux ratio that agrees with log(L_X/L_bol) = -6.7 +/- 0.5, which is the range of values typical of main-sequence and giant O stars. Therefore, for Feige 34 and BD+28 4211 the observed X-ray flux is most probably due to intrinsic emission. The same is possibile for the 16 undetected stars.
The source IGR J17200-3116 was discovered in the hard X-ray band by INTEGRAL. A periodic X-ray modulation at ~326 s was detected in its Swift light curves by our group (and subsequently confirmed by a Swift campaign). In this paper, we report on the analysis of all the Swift observations, which were collected between 2005 and 2011, and of a ~20 ks XMM-Newton pointing that was carried out in 2013 September. During the years covered by the Swift and XMM-Newton observations, the 1-10 keV fluxes range from ~1.5 to 4E-11 erg/cm^2/s. IGR J17200-3116 displays spectral variability as a function of the pulse phase and its light curves show at least one short (a few hundreds of seconds) dip, during which the flux dropped at 20-30% of the average level. Overall, the timing and spectral characteristics of IGR J17200-3116 point to an accreting neutron star in a high-mass system but, while the pulse-phase spectral variability can be accounted for by assuming a variable local absorbing column density, the origin of the dip is unclear. We discuss different possible explanations for this feature, favouring a transition to an ineffective accretion regime, instead of an enhanced absorption along the line of sight.
The system RX J0806.3+1527 (HM Cnc) is a pulsating X-ray source with 100 per cent modulation on a period of 321.5 s (5.4 min). This period reflects the orbital motion of a close binary consisting of two interacting white dwarfs. Here we present a ser ies of simultaneous X-ray (0.2-10 keV) and near-ultraviolet (2600 angstrom and 1928 angstrom) observations that were carried out with the Swift satellite. In the near-ultraviolet, the counterpart of RX J0806.3+1527 was detected at flux densities consistent with a blackbody with temperature 27E+3 K. We found that the emission at 2600 angstrom is modulated at the 321.5-s period with the peak ahead of the X-ray one by 0.28 cycles and is coincident within 0.05 cycles with the optical. This phase-shift measurement confirms that the X-ray hot spot (located on the primary white dwarf) is at about 80-100 degrees from the direction that connects the two white dwarfs. Albeit at lower significance, the 321.5-s signature is present also in the 1928-angstrom data; at this wavelength, however, the pulse peak is better aligned with that observed at X-rays. We use the constraints on the source luminosity and the geometry of the emitting regions to discuss the merits and limits of the main models for RX J0806.3+1527.

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