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The quantum nature of the state of a bosonic quantum field manifests itself in its entanglement, coherence, or optical nonclassicality which are each known to be resources for quantum computing or metrology. We provide quantitative and computable bou nds relating entanglement measures with optical nonclassicality measures. These bounds imply that strongly entangled states must necessarily be strongly optically nonclassical. As an application, we infer strong bounds on the entanglement that can be produced with an optically nonclassical state impinging on a beam splitter. For Gaussian states, we analyze the link between the logarithmic negativity and a specific nonclassicality witness called quadrature coherence scale.
We define an uncertainty observable, acting on several replicas of a continuous-variable bosonic state, whose trivial uncertainty lower bound induces nontrivial phase-space uncertainty relations for a single copy of the state. By exploiting the Schwi nger representation of angular momenta in terms of bosonic operators, we construct such an observable that is invariant under symplectic transformations (rotation and squeezing in phase space). We first design a two-copy uncertainty observable, which is a discrete-spectrum operator vanishing with certainty if and only if it is applied on (two copies of) any pure Gaussian state centered at the origin. The non-negativity of its variance translates into the Schrodinger-Robertson uncertainty relation. We then extend our construction to a three-copy uncertainty observable, which exhibits additional invariance under displacements (translations in phase space) so that it vanishes on every pure Gaussian state. The resulting invariance under Gaussian unitaries makes this observable a natural tool to measure the phase-space uncertainty -- or the deviation from pure Gaussianity -- of continuous-variable bosonic states. In particular, it suggests that the Shannon entropy of this observable provides a symplectic-invariant entropic measure of uncertainty in position and momentum phase space.
Uncertainty relations are central to quantum physics. While they were originally formulated in terms of variances, they have later been successfully expressed with entropies following the advent of Shannon information theory. Here, we review recent r esults on entropic uncertainty relations involving continuous variables, such as position $x$ and momentum $p$. This includes the generalization to arbitrary (not necessarily canonically-conjugate) variables as well as entropic uncertainty relations that take $x$-$p$ correlations into account and admit all Gaussian pure states as minimum uncertainty states. We emphasize that these continuous-variable uncertainty relations can be conveniently reformulated in terms of entropy power, a central quantity in the information-theoretic description of random signals, which makes a bridge with variance-based uncertainty relations. In this review, we take the quantum optics viewpoint and consider uncertainties on the amplitude and phase quadratures of the electromagnetic field, which are isomorphic to $x$ and $p$, but the formalism applies to all such variables (and linear combinations thereof) regardless of their physical meaning. Then, in the second part of this paper, we move on to new results and introduce a tighter entropic uncertainty relation for two arbitrary vectors of intercommuting continuous variables that take correlations into account. It is proven conditionally on reasonable assumptions. Finally, we present some conjectures for new entropic uncertainty relations involving more than two continuous variables.
The uncertainty relation for continuous variables due to Byalinicki-Birula and Mycielski expresses the complementarity between two $n$-uples of canonically conjugate variables $(x_1,x_2,cdots x_n)$ and $(p_1,p_2,cdots p_n)$ in terms of Shannon differ ential entropy. Here, we consider the generalization to variables that are not canonically conjugate and derive an entropic uncertainty relation expressing the balance between any two $n$-variable Gaussian projective measurements. The bound on entropies is expressed in terms of the determinant of a matrix of commutators between the measured variables. This uncertainty relation also captures the complementarity between any two incompatible linear canonical transforms, the bound being written in terms of the corresponding symplectic matrices in phase space. Finally, we extend this uncertainty relation to Renyi entropies and also prove a covariance-based uncertainty relation which generalizes Robertson relation.
We show that a proper expression of the uncertainty relation for a pair of canonically-conjugate continuous variables relies on entropy power, a standard notion in Shannon information theory for real-valued signals. The resulting entropy-power uncert ainty relation is equivalent to the entropic formulation of the uncertainty relation due to Bialynicki-Birula and Mycielski, but can be further extended to rotated variables. Hence, based on a reasonable assumption, we give a partial proof of a tighter form of the entropy-power uncertainty relation taking correlations into account and provide extensive numerical evidence of its validity. Interestingly, it implies the generalized (rotation-invariant) Schrodinger-Robertson uncertainty relation exactly as the original entropy-power uncertainty relation implies Heisenberg relation. It is saturated for all Gaussian pure states, in contrast with hitherto known entropic formulations of the uncertainty principle.
The semi-device-independent approach provides a framework for prepare-and-measure quantum protocols using devices whose behavior must not be characterized nor trusted, except for a single assumption on the dimension of the Hilbert space characterizin g the quantum carriers. Here, we propose instead to constrain the quantum carriers through a bound on the mean value of a well-chosen observable. This modified assumption is physically better motivated than a dimension bound and closer to the description of actual experiments. In particular, we consider quantum optical schemes where the source emits quantum states described in an infinite-dimensional Fock space and model our assumption as an upper bound on the average photon number in the emitted states. We characterize the set of correlations that may be exhibited in the simplest possible scenario compatible with our new framework, based on two energy-constrained state preparations and a two-outcome measurement. Interestingly, we uncover the existence of quantum correlations exceeding the set of classical correlations that can be produced by devices behaving in a purely pre-determined fashion (possibly including shared randomness). This feature suggests immediate applications to certified randomness generation. Along this line, we analyze the achievable correlations in several prepare-and-measure optical schemes with a mean photon number constraint and demonstrate that they allow for the generation of certified randomness. Our simplest optical scheme works by the on-off keying of an attenuated laser source followed by photocounting. It opens the path to more sophisticated energy-constrained semi-device-independent quantum cryptography protocols, such as quantum key distribution.
The symmetry of quantum theory under time reversal has long been a subject of controversy because the transition probabilities given by Borns rule do not apply backward in time. Here, we resolve this problem within a rigorous operational probabilisti c framework. We argue that reconciling time reversal with the probabilistic rules of the theory requires a notion of operation that permits realizations via both pre- and post-selection. We develop the generalized formulation of quantum theory that stems from this approach and give a precise definition of time-reversal symmetry, emphasizing a previously overlooked distinction between states and effects. We prove an analogue of Wigners theorem, which characterizes all allowed symmetry transformations in this operationally time-symmetric quantum theory. Remarkably, we find larger classes of symmetry transformations than those assumed before. This suggests a possible direction for search of extensions of known physics.
The standard formulation of quantum theory assumes a predefined notion of time. This is a major obstacle in the search for a quantum theory of gravity, where the causal structure of space-time is expected to be dynamical and fundamentally probabilist ic in character. Here, we propose a generalized formulation of quantum theory without predefined time or causal structure, building upon a recently introduced operationally time-symmetric approach to quantum theory. The key idea is a novel isomorphism between transformations and states which depends on the symmetry transformation of time reversal. This allows us to express the time-symmetric formulation in a time-neutral form with a clear physical interpretation, and ultimately drop the assumption of time. In the resultant generalized formulation, operations are associated with regions that can be connected in networks with no directionality assumed for the connections, generalizing the standard circuit framework and the process matrix framework for operations without global causal order. The possible events in a given region are described by positive semidefinite operators on a Hilbert space at the boundary, while the connections between regions are described by entangled states that encode a nontrivial symmetry and could be tested in principle. We discuss how the causal structure of space-time could be understood as emergent from properties of the operators on the boundaries of compact space-time regions. The framework is compatible with indefinite causal order, timelike loops, and other acausal structures.
Quantum key distribution (QKD) is the first quantum information task to reach the level of mature technology, already fit for commercialization. It aims at the creation of a secret key between authorized partners connected by a quantum channel and a classical authenticated channel. The security of the key can in principle be guaranteed without putting any restriction on the eavesdroppers power. The first two sections provide a concise up-to-date review of QKD, biased toward the practical side. The rest of the paper presents the essential theoretical tools that have been developed to assess the security of the main experimental platforms (discrete variables, continuous variables and distributed-phase-reference protocols).
We investigate the violation of local realism in Bell tests involving homodyne measurements performed on multimode continuous-variable states. By binning the measurement outcomes in an appropriate way, we prove that the Mermin-Klyshko inequality can be violated by an amount that grows exponentially with the number of modes. Furthermore, the maximum violation allowed by quantum mechanics can be attained for any number of modes, albeit requiring a quantum state that is rather unrealistic. Interestingly, this exponential increase of the violation holds true even for simpler states, such as multipartite GHZ states. The resulting benefit of using more modes is shown to be significant in practical multipartite Bell tests by analyzing the increase of the robustness to noise with the number of modes. In view of the high efficiency achievable with homodyne detection, our results thus open a possible way to feasible loophole-free Bell tests that are robust to experimental imperfections. We provide an explicit example of a three-mode state (a superposition of coherent states) which results in a significantly high violation of the Mermin-Klyshko inequality (around 10%) with homodyne measurements.

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