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We investigate void properties in $f(R)$ models using N-body simulations, focusing on their differences from General Relativity (GR) and their detectability. In the Hu-Sawicki $f(R)$ modified gravity (MG) models, the halo number density profiles of v oids are not distinguishable from GR. In contrast, the same $f(R)$ voids are more empty of dark matter, and their profiles are steeper. This can in principle be observed by weak gravitational lensing of voids, for which the combination of a spectroscopic redshift and a lensing photometric redshift survey over the same sky is required. Neglecting the lensing shape noise, the $f(R)$ model parameter amplitudes $|f_{R0}|=10^{-5}$ and $10^{-4}$ may be distinguished from GR using the lensing tangential shear signal around voids by 4 and 8$sigma$ for a volume of 1~(Gpc/$h$)$^3$. The line-of-sight projection of large-scale structure is the main systematics that limits the significance of this signal for the near future wide angle and deep lensing surveys. For this reason, it is challenging to distinguish $|f_{R0}|=10^{-6}$ from GR. We expect that this can be overcome with larger volume. The halo void abundance being smaller and the steepening of dark matter void profiles in $f(R)$ models are unique features that can be combined to break the degeneracy between $|f_{R0}|$ and $sigma_8$.
Cosmic voids are becoming key players in testing the physics of our Universe. Here we concentrate on the abundances and the dynamics of voids as these are among the best candidates to provide information on cosmological parameters. Cai, Padilla & Li (2014) use the abundance of voids to tell apart Hu & Sawicki $f(R)$ models from General Relativity. An interesting result is that even though, as expected, voids in the dark matter field are emptier in $f(R)$ gravity due to the fifth force expelling away from the void centres, this result is reversed when haloes are used to find voids. The abundance of voids in this case becomes even lower in $f(R)$ compared to GR for large voids. Still, the differences are significant and this provides a way to tell apart these models. The velocity field differences between $f(R)$ and GR, on the other hand, are the same for halo voids and for dark matter voids. Paz et al. (2013), concentrate on the velocity profiles around voids. First they show the necessity of four parameters to describe the density profiles around voids given two distinct void populations, voids-in-voids and voids-in-clouds. This profile is used to predict peculiar velocities around voids, and the combination of the latter with void density profiles allows the construction of model void-galaxy cross-correlation functions with redshift space distortions. When these models are tuned to fit the measured correlation functions for voids and galaxies in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, small voids are found to be of the void-in-cloud type, whereas larger ones are consistent with being void-in-void. This is a novel result that is obtained directly from redshift space data around voids. These profiles can be used to remove systematics on void-galaxy Alcock-Pacinsky tests coming from redshift-space distortions.
81 - Yan-Chuan Cai 2014
We explore voids in dark matter and halo fields from simulations of $Lambda$CDM and Hu-Sawicki $f(R)$ models. In $f(R)$ gravity, dark matter void abundances are greater than that of general relativity (GR). However, when using haloes to identify void s, the differences of void abundances become much smaller, but can still be told apart, in principle, at the 2, 6 and 14 $sigma$ level for the $f(R)$ model parameter amplitudes of $|f_{R0}|=10^{-6}$, $10^{-5}$ and $10^{-4}$. In contrast, the abundance of large voids found using haloes in $f(R)$ gravity is lower than in GR. The more efficient halo formation in underdense regions makes $f(R)$ voids less empty of haloes. This counter intuitive result suggests that voids are not necessarily emptier in $f(R)$ if one looks at galaxies in voids. Indeed, the halo number density profiles of voids are not distinguishable from GR. However, the same $f(R)$ voids are more empty of dark matter. This can in principle be observed by weak gravitational lensing of voids, for which the combination of a spec-$z$ and a photo-$z$ survey over the same sky is necessary. For a volume of 1~(Gpc/$h$)$^3$, neglecting the lensing shape noise, $|f_{R0}|=10^{-5}$ and $10^{-4}$ may be distinguished from GR using the lensing tangential shear signal around voids by 4 and 8$sigma$. The line-of-sight projection of large-scale structure is the main systematics that limits the significance of this signal, limiting the constraining power for $|f_{R0}|=10^{-6}$. The halo void abundance being smaller and the steepening of dark matter void profiles in $f(R)$ models are unique features that can be combined to break the degeneracy between $|f_{R0}|$ and $sigma_8$. The outflow of mass from void centers and velocity dispersions are greater in $f(R)$. Model differences in velocity profiles imply potential powerful constraints of the model in phase space and in redshift space.
Galaxy surveys targeting emission lines are characterising the evolution of star-forming galaxies, but there is still little theoretical progress in modelling their physical properties. We predict nebular emission from star-forming galaxies within a cosmological galaxy formation model. Emission lines are computed by combining the semi-analytical model sag with the photoionisation code mapp. We characterise the interstellar medium (ISM) of galaxies by relating the ionisation parameter of gas in galaxies to their cold gas metallicity, obtaining a reasonable agreement with the observed ha, oii, oiii luminosity functions, and the the BPT diagram for local star-forming galaxies. The average ionisation parameter is found to increase towards low star-formation rates and high redshifts, consistent with recent observational results. The predicted link between different emission lines and their associated star-formation rates is studied by presenting scaling relations to relate them. Our model predicts that emission line galaxies have modest clustering bias, and thus reside in dark matter haloes of masses below $M_{rm halo} lesssim 10^{12} {[rm h^{-1} M_{odot}]}$. Finally, we exploit our modelling technique to predict galaxy number counts up to $zsim 10$ by targeting far-infrared (FIR) emission lines detectable with submillimetre facilities
The angular momentum of galactic discs in semi-analytic models of galaxy formation is usually updated in time as material is accreted to the disc by adopting a constant dimensionless spin parameter and little attention is paid to the effects of accre tion with misaligned angular momenta. These effects are the subject of this paper, where we adopt a Monte-Carlo simulation for the changes in the direction of the angular momentum of a galaxy disc as it accretes matter based on accurate measurements from dark-matter haloes in the Millennium II simulation. In our semi-analytic model implementation, the flips seen the dark matter haloes are assumed to be the same for the cold baryons; however, we also assume that in the latter the flip also entails a difficulty for the disc to increase its angular momentum which causes the disc to become smaller relative to a no-flip case. This makes star formation to occur faster, specially in low mass galaxies at all redshifts allowing galaxies to reach higher stellar masses faster. We adopt a new condition for the triggering of starbursts during mergers. As these produce the largest flips it is natural to adopt the disc instability criterion to evaluate the triggering of bursts in mergers instead of one based on mass ratios as in the original model. The new implementation reduces the average lifetimes of discs by a factor of 2, while still allowing old ages for the present-day discs of large spiral galaxies. It also provides a faster decline of star formation in massive galaxies and a better fit to the bright end of the luminosity function at z = 0.
235 - Nelson Padilla n 2011
Aims: We present a new method that uses luminosity or stellar mass functions combined with clustering measurements to select samples of galaxies at different redshifts likely to follow a progenitor-to-descendant relationship. As the method uses clust ering information, we refer to galaxy samples selected this way as clustering-selected samples. We apply this method to infer the number of mergers during the evolution of MUSYC early-type galaxies (ETGs) from z~1 to the present-day. Methods: The method consists in using clustering information to infer the typical dark-matter halo mass of the hosts of the selected progenitor galaxies. Using LambdaCDM predictions, it is then possible to follow these haloes to a later time where the sample of descendants will be that with the clustering of these descendant haloes. Results: This technique shows that ETGs at a given redshift evolve into brighter galaxies at lower redshifts (considering rest-frame, passively evolved optical luminosities). This indicates that the stellar mass of these galaxies increases with time and that, in principle, a stellar mass selection at different redshifts does not provide samples of galaxies in a progenitor-descendant relationship. Conclusions: The comparison between high redshift ETGs and their likely descendants at z=0 points to a higher number density for the progenitors by a factor 5.5+-4.0, implying the need for mergers to decrease their number density by today. Because the luminosity densities of progenitors and descendants are consistent, our results show no need for significant star-formation in ETGs since z=1, which indicates that the needed mergers are dry, i.e. gas free.
We study the physical properties of 216 z ~ 2.1 LAEs discovered in an ultra-deep narrow-band MUSYC image of the ECDF-S. We fit their stacked Spectral Energy Distribution (SED) using Charlot & Bruzual templates. We consider star formation histories pa rametrized by the e-folding time parameter tau, allowing for exponentially decreasing (tau>0), exponentially increasing (tau<0), and constant star formation rates. These LAEs are characterized by best fit parameters and 68% confidence intervals of log(M_*/M_sun)=8.6[8.4-9.1], E(B-V)=0.22[0.00-0.31], tau=-0.02[(-4)-18] Gyr, and age_ SF=0.018[0.009-3] Gyr. Thus, we obtain robust measurements of low stellar mass and dust content, but we cannot place meaningful constraints on the age or star formation history of the LAEs. We also calculate the instantaneous SFR to be 35[0.003-170] M_sun/yr, with its average over the last 100 Myr before observation giving <SFR>_100=4[2-30] M_sun/yr. When we compare the results for the same star formation history, LAEs at z~2.1 are dustier and show higher instantaneous SFRs than z~3.1 LAEs, while the observed stellar masses of the two samples seem consistent. LAEs appear to occupy the low-mass end of the distribution of star forming galaxies at z~2. We perform SED fitting on several sub-samples selected based on photometric properties and find that LAE sub-samples at z~2.1 exhibit heterogeneous properties. The IRAC-bright, UV-bright and red LAEs have the largest stellar mass and dust reddening. The UV-faint, IRAC-faint, and high equivalent width LAE sub-samples appear less massive (<10^9 M_sun) and less dusty, with E(B-V) consistent with zero.
85 - Nelson Padilla 2010
We measure the evolution of galaxy clustering out to a redshift of z~1.5 using data from two MUSYC fields, the Extended Hubble Deep Field South (EHDF-S) and the Extended Chandra Deep Field South (ECDF-S). We use photometric redshift information to ca lculate the projected-angular correlation function, omega(sigma), from which we infer the projected correlation function Xi(sigma). We demonstrate that this technique delivers accurate measurements of clustering even when large redshift measurement errors affect the data. To this aim we use two mock MUSYC fields extracted from a LambdaCDM simulation populated with GALFORM semi-analytic galaxies which allow us to assess the degree of accuracy of our estimates of Xi(sigma) and to identify and correct for systematic effects in our measurements. We study the evolution of clustering for volume limited subsamples of galaxies selected using their photometric redshifts and rest-frame r-band absolute magnitudes. We find that the real-space correlation length r_0 of bright galaxies, M_r<-21 (rest-frame) can be accurately recovered out to z~1.5, particularly for ECDF-S given its near-infrared photometric coverage. There is mild evidence for a luminosity dependent clustering in both fields at the low redshift samples (up to <z>=0.57), where the correlation length is higher for brighter galaxies by up to 1Mpc/h between median rest-frame r-band absolute magnitudes of -18 to -21.5. As a result of the photometric redshift measurement, each galaxy is assigned a best-fit template; we restrict to E and E+20%Sbc types to construct subsamples of early type galaxies (ETGs). Our ETG samples show a strong increase in r_0 as the redshift increases, making it unlikely (95% level) that ETGs at median redshift z_med=1.15 are the direct progenitors of ETGs at z_med=0.37 with equivalent passively evolved luminosities. (ABRIDGED)
109 - Nelson Padilla PUC 2009
We study the properties of SDSS galaxies with and without AGN detection as a function of the local and global environment measured via the local density, the mass of the galaxy host group (parameterised by the group luminosity) and distance to massiv e clusters. Our results can be divided in two main subjects, the environments of galaxies and their relation to the assembly of their host haloes, and the environments of AGN. (i) For the full SDSS sample, we find indications that the local galaxy density is the most efficient parameter to separate galaxy populations, but we also find that galaxies at fixed local density show some remaining variation of their properties as a function of the distance to the nearest cluster of galaxies (in a range of 0 to 10 cluster virial radii). These differences seem to become less significant if the galaxy samples are additionally constrained to be hosted by groups of similar total luminosity. (ii) In AGN host galaxies, the morphology-density relation is much less noticeable when compared to the behaviour of the full SDSS sample. In order to interpret this result we analyse control samples constructed using galaxies with no detected AGN activity with matching distributions of redshifts, stellar masses, r-band luminosities, g-r colours, concentrations, local densities, host group luminosities, and fractions of central and satellite galaxies. The control samples also show a similar small dependence on the local density indicating an influence from the AGN selection, but their colours are slightly bluer compared to the AGN hosts regardless of local density. Furthermore, even when the local density is held fixed at intermediate or high values, and the distance to the closest cluster of galaxies is allowed to vary, AGN control galaxies away from clusters tend to be bluer than the AGN hosts. (ABRIDGED)

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