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129 - Nan Xue , Tianfu Wu , Zhen Zhang 2021
This paper presents a method of learning Local-GlObal Contextual Adaptation for fully end-to-end and fast bottom-up human Pose estimation, dubbed as LOGO-CAP. It is built on the conceptually simple center-offset formulation that lacks inaccuracy for pose estimation. When revisiting the bottom-up human pose estimation with the thought of thinking, fast and slow by D. Kahneman, we introduce a slow keypointer to remedy the lack of sufficient accuracy of the fast keypointer. In learning the slow keypointer, the proposed LOGO-CAP lifts the initial fast keypoints by offset predictions to keypoint expansion maps (KEMs) to counter their uncertainty in two modules. Firstly, the local KEMs (e.g., 11x11) are extracted from a low-dimensional feature map. A proposed convolutional message passing module learns to re-focus the local KEMs to the keypoint attraction maps (KAMs) by accounting for the structured output prediction nature of human pose estimation, which is directly supervised by the object keypoint similarity (OKS) loss in training. Secondly, the global KEMs are extracted, with a sufficiently large region-of-interest (e.g., 97x97), from the keypoint heatmaps that are computed by a direct map-to-map regression. Then, a local-global contextual adaptation module is proposed to convolve the global KEMs using the learned KAMs as the kernels. This convolution can be understood as the learnable offsets guided deformable and dynamic convolution in a pose-sensitive way. The proposed method is end-to-end trainable with near real-time inference speed, obtaining state-of-the-art performance on the COCO keypoint benchmark for bottom-up human pose estimation. With the COCO trained model, our LOGO-CAP also outperforms prior arts by a large margin on the challenging OCHuman dataset.
137 - Rujiao Long , Wen Wang , Nan Xue 2021
This paper tackles the problem of table structure parsing (TSP) from images in the wild. In contrast to existing studies that mainly focus on parsing well-aligned tabular images with simple layouts from scanned PDF documents, we aim to establish a pr actical table structure parsing system for real-world scenarios where tabular input images are taken or scanned with severe deformation, bending or occlusions. For designing such a system, we propose an approach named Cycle-CenterNet on the top of CenterNet with a novel cycle-pairing module to simultaneously detect and group tabular cells into structured tables. In the cycle-pairing module, a new pairing loss function is proposed for the network training. Alongside with our Cycle-CenterNet, we also present a large-scale dataset, named Wired Table in the Wild (WTW), which includes well-annotated structure parsing of multiple style tables in several scenes like the photo, scanning files, web pages, emph{etc.}. In experiments, we demonstrate that our Cycle-CenterNet consistently achieves the best accuracy of table structure parsing on the new WTW dataset by 24.6% absolute improvement evaluated by the TEDS metric. A more comprehensive experimental analysis also validates the advantages of our proposed methods for the TSP task.
210 - Bin Tan , Nan Xue , Song Bai 2021
This paper presents a neural network built upon Transformers, namely PlaneTR, to simultaneously detect and reconstruct planes from a single image. Different from previous methods, PlaneTR jointly leverages the context information and the geometric st ructures in a sequence-to-sequence way to holistically detect plane instances in one forward pass. Specifically, we represent the geometric structures as line segments and conduct the network with three main components: (i) context and line segments encoders, (ii) a structure-guided plane decoder, (iii) a pixel-wise plane embedding decoder. Given an image and its detected line segments, PlaneTR generates the context and line segment sequences via two specially designed encoders and then feeds them into a Transformers-based decoder to directly predict a sequence of plane instances by simultaneously considering the context and global structure cues. Finally, the pixel-wise embeddings are computed to assign each pixel to one predicted plane instance which is nearest to it in embedding space. Comprehensive experiments demonstrate that PlaneTR achieves a state-of-the-art performance on the ScanNet and NYUv2 datasets.
125 - Jiaming Han , Jian Ding , Nan Xue 2021
Recently, object detection in aerial images has gained much attention in computer vision. Different from objects in natural images, aerial objects are often distributed with arbitrary orientation. Therefore, the detector requires more parameters to e ncode the orientation information, which are often highly redundant and inefficient. Moreover, as ordinary CNNs do not explicitly model the orientation variation, large amounts of rotation augmented data is needed to train an accurate object detector. In this paper, we propose a Rotation-equivariant Detector (ReDet) to address these issues, which explicitly encodes rotation equivariance and rotation invariance. More precisely, we incorporate rotation-equivariant networks into the detector to extract rotation-equivariant features, which can accurately predict the orientation and lead to a huge reduction of model size. Based on the rotation-equivariant features, we also present Rotation-invariant RoI Align (RiRoI Align), which adaptively extracts rotation-invariant features from equivariant features according to the orientation of RoI. Extensive experiments on several challenging aerial image datasets DOTA-v1.0, DOTA-v1.5 and HRSC2016, show that our method can achieve state-of-the-art performance on the task of aerial object detection. Compared with previous best results, our ReDet gains 1.2, 3.5 and 2.6 mAP on DOTA-v1.0, DOTA-v1.5 and HRSC2016 respectively while reducing the number of parameters by 60% (313 Mb vs. 121 Mb). The code is available at: url{https://github.com/csuhan/ReDet}.
Recently, deep learning based methods have demonstrated promising results on the graph matching problem, by relying on the descriptive capability of deep features extracted on graph nodes. However, one main limitation with existing deep graph matchin g (DGM) methods lies in their ignorance of explicit constraint of graph structures, which may lead the model to be trapped into local minimum in training. In this paper, we propose to explicitly formulate pairwise graph structures as a textbf{quadratic constraint} incorporated into the DGM framework. The quadratic constraint minimizes the pairwise structural discrepancy between graphs, which can reduce the ambiguities brought by only using the extracted CNN features. Moreover, we present a differentiable implementation to the quadratic constrained-optimization such that it is compatible with the unconstrained deep learning optimizer. To give more precise and proper supervision, a well-designed false matching loss against class imbalance is proposed, which can better penalize the false negatives and false positives with less overfitting. Exhaustive experiments demonstrate that our method competitive performance on real-world datasets.
In the past decade, object detection has achieved significant progress in natural images but not in aerial images, due to the massive variations in the scale and orientation of objects caused by the birds-eye view of aerial images. More importantly, the lack of large-scale benchmarks becomes a major obstacle to the development of object detection in aerial images (ODAI). In this paper, we present a large-scale Dataset of Object deTection in Aerial images (DOTA) and comprehensive baselines for ODAI. The proposed DOTA dataset contains 1,793,658 object instances of 18 categories of oriented-bounding-box annotations collected from 11,268 aerial images. Based on this large-scale and well-annotated dataset, we build baselines covering 10 state-of-the-art algorithms with over 70 configurations, where the speed and accuracy performances of each model have been evaluated. Furthermore, we provide a uniform code library for ODAI and build a website for testing and evaluating different algorithms. Previous challenges run on DOTA have attracted more than 1300 teams worldwide. We believe that the expanded large-scale DOTA dataset, the extensive baselines, the code library and the challenges can facilitate the designs of robust algorithms and reproducible research on the problem of object detection in aerial images.
This paper presents a context-aware tracing strategy (CATS) for crisp edge detection with deep edge detectors, based on an observation that the localization ambiguity of deep edge detectors is mainly caused by the mixing phenomenon of convolutional n eural networks: feature mixing in edge classification and side mixing during fusing side predictions. The CATS consists of two modules: a novel tracing loss that performs feature unmixing by tracing boundaries for better side edge learning, and a context-aware fusion block that tackles the side mixing by aggregating the complementary merits of learned side edges. Experiments demonstrate that the proposed CATS can be integrated into modern deep edge detectors to improve localization accuracy. With the vanilla VGG16 backbone, in terms of BSDS500 dataset, our CATS improves the F-measure (ODS) of the RCF and BDCN deep edge detectors by 12% and 6% respectively when evaluating without using the morphological non-maximal suppression scheme for edge detection.
64 - Faming Liang , Jingnan Xue , 2020
This paper proposes an innovative method for constructing confidence intervals and assessing p-values in statistical inference for high-dimensional linear models. The proposed method has successfully broken the high-dimensional inference problem into a series of low-dimensional inference problems: For each regression coefficient $beta_i$, the confidence interval and $p$-value are computed by regressing on a subset of variables selected according to the conditional independence relations between the corresponding variable $X_i$ and other variables. Since the subset of variables forms a Markov neighborhood of $X_i$ in the Markov network formed by all the variables $X_1,X_2,ldots,X_p$, the proposed method is coined as Markov neighborhood regression. The proposed method is tested on high-dimensional linear, logistic and Cox regression. The numerical results indicate that the proposed method significantly outperforms the existing ones. Based on the Markov neighborhood regression, a method of learning causal structures for high-dimensional linear models is proposed and applied to identification of drug sensitive genes and cancer driver genes. The idea of using conditional independence relations for dimension reduction is general and potentially can be extended to other high-dimensional or big data problems as well.
Many scientific reports document that asymptomatic and presymptomatic individuals contribute to the spread of COVID-19, probably during conversations in social interactions. Droplet emission occurs during speech, yet few studies document the flow to provide the transport mechanism. This lack of understanding prevents informed public health guidance for risk reduction and mitigation strategies, e.g. the six-foot rule. Here we analyze flows during breathing and speaking, including phonetic features, using order-of-magnitudes estimates, numerical simulations, and laboratory experiments. We document the spatio-temporal structure of the expelled air flow. Phonetic characteristics of plosive sounds like P lead to enhanced directed transport, including jet-like flows that entrain the surrounding air. We highlight three distinct temporal scaling laws for the transport distance of exhaled material including (i) transport over a short distance ($<$ 0.5 m) in a fraction of a second, with large angular variations due to the complexity of speech, (ii) a longer distance, approximately 1 m, where directed transport is driven by individual vortical puffs corresponding to plosive sounds, and (iii) a distance out to about 2 m, or even further, where sequential plosives in a sentence, corresponding effectively to a train of puffs, create conical, jet-like flows. The latter dictates the long-time transport in a conversation. We believe that this work will inform thinking about the role of ventilation, aerosol transport in disease transmission for humans and other animals, and yield a better understanding of linguistic aerodynamics, i.e., aerophonetics.
Graph matching (GM), as a longstanding problem in computer vision and pattern recognition, still suffers from numerous cluttered outliers in practical applications. To address this issue, we present the zero-assignment constraint (ZAC) for approachin g the graph matching problem in the presence of outliers. The underlying idea is to suppress the matchings of outliers by assigning zero-valued vectors to the potential outliers in the obtained optimal correspondence matrix. We provide elaborate theoretical analysis to the problem, i.e., GM with ZAC, and figure out that the GM problem with and without outliers are intrinsically different, which enables us to put forward a sufficient condition to construct valid and reasonable objective function. Consequently, we design an efficient outlier-robust algorithm to significantly reduce the incorrect or redundant matchings caused by numerous outliers. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our method can achieve the state-of-the-art performance in terms of accuracy and efficiency, especially in the presence of numerous outliers.

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