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80 - Nan Wu , Huake He , Yuan Xie 2021
Circuit design is complicated and requires extensive domain-specific expertise. One major obstacle stuck on the way to hardware agile development is the considerably time-consuming process of accurate circuit quality evaluation. To significantly expe dite the circuit evaluation during the translation from behavioral languages to circuit designs, we formulate it as a Program-to-Circuit problem, aiming to exploit the representation power of graph neural networks (GNNs) by representing C/C++ programs as graphs. The goal of this work is four-fold. First, we build a standard benchmark containing 40k C/C++ programs, each of which is translated to a circuit design with actual hardware quality metrics, aiming to facilitate the development of effective GNNs targeting this high-demand circuit design area. Second, 14 state-of-the-art GNN models are analyzed on the Program-to-Circuit problem. We identify key design challenges of this problem, which should be carefully handled but not yet solved by existing GNNs. The goal is to provide domain-specific knowledge for designing GNNs with suitable inductive biases. Third, we discuss three sets of real-world benchmarks for GNN generalization evaluation, and analyze the performance gap between standard programs and the real-case ones. The goal is to enable transfer learning from limited training data to real-world large-scale circuit design problems. Fourth, the Program-to-Circuit problem is a representative within the Program-to-X framework, a set of program-based analysis problems with various downstream tasks. The in-depth understanding of strength and weaknesses in applying GNNs on Program-to-Circuit could largely benefit the entire family of Program-to-X. Pioneering in this direction, we expect more GNN endeavors to revolutionize this high-demand Program-to-Circuit problem and to enrich the expressiveness of GNNs on programs.
The detection of anomaly subgraphs naturally appears in various real-life tasks, yet label noise seriously interferes with the result. As a motivation for our work, we focus on inaccurate supervision and use prior knowledge to reduce effects of noise , like query graphs. Anomalies in attributed networks exhibit structured-properties, e.g., anomaly in money laundering with ring structure property. It is the main challenge to fast and approximate query anomaly in attributed networks. We propose a novel search method: 1) decomposing a query graph into stars; 2) sorting attributed vertices; and 3) assembling anomaly stars under the root vertex sequence into near query. We present ANOMALYMAXQ and perform on 68,411 company network (Tianyancha dataset),7.72m patent networks (Company patents) and so on. Extensive experiments show that our method has high robustness and fast response time. When running the patent dataset,the average running time to query the graph once is about 252 seconds.
240 - Guangwei Gao , Shuonan Wu 2021
In the past decade, there are many works on the finite element methods for the fully nonlinear Hamilton--Jacobi--Bellman (HJB) equations with Cordes condition. The linearised systems have large condition numbers, which depend not only on the mesh siz e, but also on the parameters in the Cordes condition. This paper is concerned with the design and analysis of auxiliary space preconditioners for the linearised systems of $C^0$ finite element discretization of HJB equations [Calcolo, 58, 2021]. Based on the stable decomposition on the auxiliary spaces, we propose both the additive and multiplicative preconditoners which converge uniformly in the sense that the resulting condition number is independent of both the number of degrees of freedom and the parameter $lambda$ in Cordes condition. Numerical experiments are carried out to illustrate the efficiency of the proposed preconditioners.
We propose a multi-channel speech enhancement approach with a novel two-stage feature fusion method and a pre-trained acoustic model in a multi-task learning paradigm. In the first fusion stage, the time-domain and frequency-domain features are extra cted separately. In the time domain, the multi-channel convolution sum (MCS) and the inter-channel convolution differences (ICDs) features are computed and then integrated with a 2-D convolutional layer, while in the frequency domain, the log-power spectra (LPS) features from both original channels and super-directive beamforming outputs are combined with another 2-D convolutional layer. To fully integrate the rich information of multi-channel speech, i.e. time-frequency domain features and the array geometry, we apply a third 2-D convolutional layer in the second stage of fusion to obtain the final convolutional features. Furthermore, we propose to use a fixed clean acoustic model trained with the end-to-end lattice-free maximum mutual information criterion to enforce the enhanced output to have the same distribution as the clean waveform to alleviate the over-estimation problem of the enhancement task and constrain distortion. On the Task1 development dataset of the ConferencingSpeech 2021 challenge, a PESQ improvement of 0.24 and 0.19 is attained compared to the official baseline and a recently proposed multi-channel separation method.
262 - Xuezhang Chen , Nan Wu 2021
We establish an improved Sobolev trace inequality of order two in the Euclidean unit ball under the vanishing of higher order moments of the boundary volume element, and construct precise test functions to show that such inequalities are almost optim al. Our arguments can be adapted to the fourth order Sobolev trace inequalities in higher dimensional unit ball.
Wave propagation problems have many applications in physics and engineering, and the stochastic effects are important in accurately modeling them due to the uncertainty of the media. This paper considers and analyzes a fully discrete finite element m ethod for a class of nonlinear stochastic wave equations, where the diffusion term is globally Lipschitz continuous while the drift term is only assumed to satisfy weaker conditions as in [11]. The novelties of this paper are threefold. First, the error estimates cannot not be directly obtained if the numerical scheme in primal form is used. The numerical scheme in mixed form is introduced and several H{o}lder continuity results of the strong solution are proved, which are used to establish the error estimates in both $L^2$ norm and energy norms. Second, two types of discretization of the nonlinear term are proposed to establish the $L^2$ stability and energy stability results of the discrete solutions. These two types of discretization and proper test functions are designed to overcome the challenges arising from the stochastic scaling in time issues and the nonlinear interaction. These stability results play key roles in proving the probability of the set on which the error estimates hold approaches one. Third, higher order moment stability results of the discrete solutions are proved based on an energy argument and the underlying energy decaying property of the method. Numerical experiments are also presented to show the stability results of the discrete solutions and the convergence rates in various norms.
106 - Kangning Liu , Yiqiu Shen , Nan Wu 2021
In the last few years, deep learning classifiers have shown promising results in image-based medical diagnosis. However, interpreting the outputs of these models remains a challenge. In cancer diagnosis, interpretability can be achieved by localizing the region of the input image responsible for the output, i.e. the location of a lesion. Alternatively, segmentation or detection models can be trained with pixel-wise annotations indicating the locations of malignant lesions. Unfortunately, acquiring such labels is labor-intensive and requires medical expertise. To overcome this difficulty, weakly-supervised localization can be utilized. These methods allow neural network classifiers to output saliency maps highlighting the regions of the input most relevant to the classification task (e.g. malignant lesions in mammograms) using only image-level labels (e.g. whether the patient has cancer or not) during training. When applied to high-resolution images, existing methods produce low-resolution saliency maps. This is problematic in applications in which suspicious lesions are small in relation to the image size. In this work, we introduce a novel neural network architecture to perform weakly-supervised segmentation of high-resolution images. The proposed model selects regions of interest via coarse-level localization, and then performs fine-grained segmentation of those regions. We apply this model to breast cancer diagnosis with screening mammography, and validate it on a large clinically-realistic dataset. Measured by Dice similarity score, our approach outperforms existing methods by a large margin in terms of localization performance of benign and malignant lesions, relatively improving the performance by 39.6% and 20.0%, respectively. Code and the weights of some of the models are available at https://github.com/nyukat/GLAM
The application of metal nanoparticles as sensitization materials is a common strategy that is used to study dose enhancement in radiotherapy. Recent in vitro tests have revealed that magnetic gold nanoparticles can be used in cancer therapy under a magnetic field to enhance the synergistic efficiency in radiotherapy and photothermal therapy. However, magnetic gold nanoparticles have rarely been studied as sensitization materials. In this study, we obtained further results of the sensitization properties of magnetic gold nanoparticles using the Monte Carlo method TOPAS and TOPAS-nBio. We analyzed the properties of magnetic gold nanoparticles in monoenergetic photons and brachytherapy, and we investigated whether the magnetic field contributes to the sensitization process. Our results demonstrated that the dose enhancement factor of the magnetic gold nanoparticles was 16.7% lower than that of gold nanoparticles in a single particle irradiated by monoenergetic photons. In the cell model, the difference was less than 8.1% in the cytoplasm. We revealed that the magnetic field has no detrimental effect on radiosensitization. Moreover, the sensitization properties of magnetic gold nanoparticles in a clinical brachytherapy source have been revealed for the first time.
Existing slot filling models can only recognize pre-defined in-domain slot types from a limited slot set. In the practical application, a reliable dialogue system should know what it does not know. In this paper, we introduce a new task, Novel Slot D etection (NSD), in the task-oriented dialogue system. NSD aims to discover unknown or out-of-domain slot types to strengthen the capability of a dialogue system based on in-domain training data. Besides, we construct two public NSD datasets, propose several strong NSD baselines, and establish a benchmark for future work. Finally, we conduct exhaustive experiments and qualitative analysis to comprehend key challenges and provide new guidance for future directions.
88 - Yunan Wu , Lan Wang , Haoda Fu 2021
This paper develops new tools to quantify uncertainty in optimal decision making and to gain insight into which variables one should collect information about given the potential cost of measuring a large number of variables. We investigate simultane ous inference to determine if a group of variables is relevant for estimating an optimal decision rule in a high-dimensional semiparametric framework. The unknown link function permits flexible modeling of the interactions between the treatment and the covariates, but leads to nonconvex estimation in high dimension and imposes significant challenges for inference. We first establish that a local restricted strong convexity condition holds with high probability and that any feasible local sparse solution of the estimation problem can achieve the near-oracle estimation error bound. We further rigorously verify that a wild bootstrap procedure based on a debiased version of the local solution can provide asymptotically honest uniform inference for the effect of a group of variables on optimal decision making. The advantage of honest inference is that it does not require the initial estimator to achieve perfect model selection and does not require the zero and nonzero effects to be well-separated. We also propose an efficient algorithm for estimation. Our simulations suggest satisfactory performance. An example from a diabetes study illustrates the real application.

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