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89 - G. J. M. Luna 2015
We use the best available X-ray data from the intermediate polar EX Hydrae to study the cooling-flow model often applied to interpret the X-ray spectra of these accreting magnetic white dwarf binaries. First, we resolve a long-standing discrepancy be tween the X-ray and optical determinations of the mass of the white dwarf in EX Hya by applying new models of the inner disk truncation radius. Our fits to the X-ray spectrum now agree with the white dwarf mass of 0.79 M$_{odot}$sun determined using dynamical methods through spectroscopic observations of the secondary. We use a simple isobaric cooling flow model to derive the emission line fluxes, emission measure distribution, and H-like to He-like line ratios for comparison with the 496 ks Chandra High Energy Transmission Grating observation of EX Hydrae. We find that the H/He ratios are not well reproduced by this simple isobaric cooling flow model and show that while H-like line fluxes can be accurately predicted, fluxes of lower-Z He-like lines are significantly underestimated. This discrepancy suggests that some extra heating mechanism plays an important role at the base of the accretion column, where cooler ions form. We thus explored more complex cooling models including the change of gravitational potential with height in the accretion column and a magnetic dipole geometry. None of these modifications to the standard cooling flow model are able to reproduce the observed line ratios. While a cooling flow model with subsolar (0.1 $odot$) abundances is able to reproduce the line ratios by reducing the cooling rate at temperatures lower than $sim 10^{7.3}$ K, the predicted line-to-continuum ratios are much lower than observed. We discuss and discard mechanisms such as photoionization, departures from constant pressure, resonant scattering, different electron-ion temperatures, and Compton cooling. [Abridged]
Diagnostics of electron temperature (T_e), electron density (n_e), and hydrogen column density (N_H) from the Chandra High Energy Transmission Grating spectrum of He-like Ne IX in TW Hydrae (TW Hya), in conjunction with a classical accretion model, a llow us to infer the accretion rate onto the star directly from measurements of the accreting material. The new method introduces the use of the absorption of Ne IX lines as a measure of the column density of the intervening, accreting material. On average, the derived mass accretion rate for TW Hya is 1.5 x 10^{-9} M_{odot} yr^{-1}, for a stellar magnetic field strength of 600 Gauss and a filling factor of 3.5%. Three individual Chandra exposures show statistically significant differences in the Ne IX line ratios, indicating changes in N_H, T_e, and n_e by factors of 0.28, 1.6, and 1.3, respectively. In exposures separated by 2.7 days, the observations reported here suggest a five-fold reduction in the accretion rate. This powerful new technique promises to substantially improve our understanding of the accretion process in young stars.
283 - A. K. Dupree 2012
The nearest accreting T Tauri star, TW Hya was observed with spectroscopic and photometric measurements simultaneous with a long se gmented exposure using the CHANDRA satellite. Contemporaneous optical photometry from WASP-S indicates a 4.74 day peri od was present during this time. Absence of a similar periodicity in the H-alpha flux and the total X-ray flux points to a different source of photometric variations. The H-alpha emission line appears intrinsically broad and symmetric, and both the profile and its variability suggest an origin in the post-shock cooling region. An accretion event, signaled by soft X-rays, is traced spectroscopically for the first time through the optical emission line profiles. After the accretion event, downflowing turbulent material observed in the H-alpha and H-beta lines is followed by He I (5876A) broadening. Optical veiling increases with a delay of about 2 hours after the X-ray accretion event. The response of the stellar coronal emission to an increase in the veiling follows about 2.4 hours later, giving direct evidence that the stellar corona is heated in part by accretion. Subsequently, the stellar wind becomes re-established. We suggest a model that incorporates this sequential series of events: an accretion shock, a cooling downflow in a supersonically turbulent region, followed by photospheric and later, coronal heating. This model naturally explains the presence of broad optical and ultraviolet lines, and affects the mass accretion rates determined from emission line profiles.
85 - G. J. M. Luna 2010
We present the first results from a long (496 ks) Chandra High Energy Transmission Grating observation of the intermediate polar EX Hydrae. In addition to the narrow emission lines from the cooling post-shock gas, for the first time we have detected a broad component in some of the X-ray emission lines, namely O VIII 18.97, Mg XII 8.42, Si XIV 6.18, and Fe XVII 16.78. The broad and narrow components have widths of ~ 1600 km s^-1 and ~ 150 km s^-1, respectively. We propose a scenario where the broad component is formed in the pre-shock accretion flow, photoionized by radiation from the post-shock flow. Because the photoionized region has to be close to the radiation source in order to produce strong photoionized emission lines from ions like O VIII, Fe XVII, Mg XII, and Si XIV, our photoionization model constrains the height of the standing shock above the white dwarf surface. Thus, the X-ray spectrum from EX Hya manifests features of both magnetic and non-magnetic cataclysmic variables.
Observations of Fe XVIII and Fe XIX X-ray, EUV, and FUV line emission, formed at the peak of Capellas (alpha Aurigae) emission measure distribution and ubiquitous in spectra of many cool stars and galaxies, provide a unique opportunity to test the ro bustness of Fe XVIII and Fe XIX spectral models. The Astrophysical Plasma Emission Code (APEC) is used to identify over 35 lines from these two ions alone, and to compare model predictions with spectra obtained with the Chandra Low Energy Transmission Grating and High Energy Transmission Grating Spectrometers, the Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer, and the Extreme Ultraviolet Explorer. Some flux discrepancies larger than factors of two are found between observations of Fe XVIII and Fe XIX lines and predictions by APEC and other models in common usage. In particular the X-ray resonance lines for both ions are stronger than predicted by all models relative to the EUV resonance lines. The multiwavelength observations demonstrate the importance of including dielectronic recombination and proton impact excitation, and of using accurate wavelengths in spectral codes. These ions provide important diagnostic tools for 10^7 K plasmas currently observed with Chandra, XMM-Newton, and FUSE.
152 - Y. Krongold 2004
We show that the Fe (VII-XII) M-shell unresolved transition array (UTA) in the NGC 3783 900 ks Chandra HETGS observation clearly changes in opacity in a timescale of 31 days responding to a factor of 2 change in the ionizing continuum. The opacity va riation is observed at a level >10 sigma. There is also evidence for variability in the O VI K edge (at 3 sigma level). The observed changes are consistent with the gas producing these absorption features (the low ionization component) being close to photoionization equilibrium. The gas responsible for the Fe (XVII-XXII) L-shell absorption (the high ionization component), does not seem to be responding as expected in photoionization equilibrium. The observed change in opacity for the UTA implies a density >1E4 cm-3, and so locates the gas within 6 pc of the X-ray source. The scenario in which the gas is composed of a continuous radial range of ionization structures is ruled out, as in such scenario, no opacity variations are expected. Rather, the structure of the absorber is likely composed by heavily clumped gas.
190 - Y. Krongold 2003
We present a detailed model for the ionized absorbing gas evident in the 900 ksec Chandra HETGS spectrum of NGC 3783. The analysis was carried out with PHASE a new tool designed to model X-ray and UV absorption features in ionized plasmas. The 0.5-10 keV intrinsic continuum of the source is well represented by a single power law (Gamma=1.53) and a soft black-body component (kT=10 keV). The spectrum contains over 100 features, which are well fit by PHASE with just six free parameters. The model consists of a simple two phase absorber with difference of 35 in the ionization parameter and difference of 4 in the column density of the phases. The two absorption components turned out to be in pressure equilibrium, and are consistent with a single outflow (750 kms-1) an a single turbulent velocity (300 km s-1), and with solar elemental abundances. The main features of the low ionization phase are an Fe M-shell unresolved transition array (UTA) and the OVII lines. The OVII features, usualy identified with the OVIII and a warm absorber, are instead produced in a cooler medium also producing OVI lines. The UTA sets tight constraints on the ionization degree of the absorbers, making the model more reliable. The high ionization phase is required by the OVII and the Fe L-shell lines, and there is evidence for an even more ionized component in the spectrum. A continuous range of ionization parameters is disfavored by the fits, particularly to the UTA. The low ionizaton phase can be decomposed into three subcomponents based on the outflow velocity, FWHM, and H column densities found for three out of the four UV absorbers detected in NGC 3783. However, the ionization parametes are systematically smaller in our model than derived from UV data, indicating a lower degree of ionization.

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