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Accurate downlink channel information is crucial to the beamforming design, but it is difficult to obtain in practice. This paper investigates a deep learning-based optimization approach of the downlink beamforming to maximize the system sum rate, wh en only the uplink channel information is available. Our main contribution is to propose a model-driven learning technique that exploits the structure of the optimal downlink beamforming to design an effective hybrid learning strategy with the aim to maximize the sum rate performance. This is achieved by jointly considering the learning performance of the downlink channel, the power and the sum rate in the training stage. The proposed approach applies to generic cases in which the uplink channel information is available, but its relation to the downlink channel is unknown and does not require an explicit downlink channel estimation. We further extend the developed technique to massive multiple-input multiple-output scenarios and achieve a distributed learning strategy for multicell systems without an inter-cell signalling overhead. Simulation results verify that our proposed method provides the performance close to the state of the art numerical algorithms with perfect downlink channel information and significantly outperforms existing data-driven methods in terms of the sum rate.
This paper studies fast downlink beamforming algorithms using deep learning in multiuser multiple-input-single-output systems where each transmit antenna at the base station has its own power constraint. We focus on the signal-to-interference-plus-no ise ratio (SINR) balancing problem which is quasi-convex but there is no efficient solution available. We first design a fast subgradient algorithm that can achieve near-optimal solution with reduced complexity. We then propose a deep neural network structure to learn the optimal beamforming based on convolutional networks and exploitation of the duality of the original problem. Two strategies of learning various dual variables are investigated with different accuracies, and the corresponding recovery of the original solution is facilitated by the subgradient algorithm. We also develop a generalization method of the proposed algorithms so that they can adapt to the varying number of users and antennas without re-training. We carry out intensive numerical simulations and testbed experiments to evaluate the performance of the proposed algorithms. Results show that the proposed algorithms achieve close to optimal solution in simulations with perfect channel information and outperform the alleged theoretically optimal solution in experiments, illustrating a better performance-complexity tradeoff than existing schemes.

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