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Automated tuning of gate-defined quantum dots is a requirement for large scale semiconductor based qubit initialisation. An essential step of these tuning procedures is charge state detection based on charge stability diagrams. Using supervised machi ne learning to perform this task requires a large dataset for models to train on. In order to avoid hand labelling experimental data, synthetic data has been explored as an alternative. While providing a significant increase in the size of the training dataset compared to using experimental data, using synthetic data means that classifiers are trained on data sourced from a different distribution than the experimental data that is part of the tuning process. Here we evaluate the prediction accuracy of a range of machine learning models trained on simulated and experimental data and their ability to generalise to experimental charge stability diagrams in two dimensional electron gas and nanowire devices. We find that classifiers perform best on either purely experimental or a combination of synthetic and experimental training data, and that adding common experimental noise signatures to the synthetic data does not dramatically improve the classification accuracy. These results suggest that experimental training data as well as realistic quantum dot simulations and noise models are essential in charge state detection using supervised machine learning.
The so-called minimal models of unconventional superconductivity are lattice models of interacting electrons derived from materials in which electron pairing arises from purely repulsive interactions. Showing unambiguously that a minimal model actual ly can have a superconducting ground state remains a challenge at nonperturbative interactions. We make a significant step in this direction by computing ground states of the 2D mbox{U-V} Hubbard model - the minimal model of the quasi-1D superconductors - by parallelized DMRG, which allows for systematic control of any bias and that is sign-problem-free. Using distributed-memory supercomputers and leveraging the advantages of the mbox{U-V} model, we can treat unprecedented sizes of 2D strips and extrapolate their spin gap both to zero approximation error and the thermodynamic limit. Our results for the spin gap are shown to be compatible with a spin excitation spectrum that is either fully gapped or has zeros only in discrete points, and conversely that a Fermi liquid or magnetically ordered ground state is incompatible with them. Coupled with the enhancement to short-range correlations that we find exclusively in the $d_{xy}$ pairing-channel, this allows us to build an indirect case for the ground state of this model having superconducting order in the full 2D limit, and ruling out the other main possible phases, magnetic orders and Fermi liquids.
We review some of the features of the ProjectQ software framework and quantify their impact on the resulting circuits. The concise high-level language facilitates implementing even complex algorithms in a very time-efficient manner while, at the same time, providing the compiler with additional information for optimization through code annotation - so-called meta-instructions. We investigate the impact of these annotations for the example of Shors algorithm in terms of logical gate counts. Furthermore, we analyze the effect of different intermediate gate sets for optimization and how the dimensions of the resulting circuit depend on a smart choice thereof. Finally, we demonstrate the benefits of a modular compilation framework by implementing mapping procedures for one- and two-dimensional nearest neighbor architectures which we then compare in terms of overhead for different problem sizes.
Quantum computing exploits quantum phenomena such as superposition and entanglement to realize a form of parallelism that is not available to traditional computing. It offers the potential of significant computational speed-ups in quantum chemistry, materials science, cryptography, and machine learning. The dominant approach to programming quantum computers is to provide an existing high-level language with libraries that allow for the expression of quantum programs. This approach can permit computations that are meaningless in a quantum context; prohibits succinct expression of interaction between classical and quantum logic; and does not provide important constructs that are required for quantum programming. We present Q#, a quantum-focused domain-specific language explicitly designed to correctly, clearly and completely express quantum algorithms. Q# provides a type system, a tightly constrained environment to safely interleave classical and quantum computations; specialized syntax, symbolic code manipulation to automatically generate correct transformations of quantum operations, and powerful functional constructs which aid composition.
We present a quantum algorithm to compute the entanglement spectrum of arbitrary quantum states. The interesting universal part of the entanglement spectrum is typically contained in the largest eigenvalues of the density matrix which can be obtained from the lower Renyi entropies through the Newton-Girard method. Obtaining the $p$ largest eigenvalues ($lambda_1>lambda_2ldots>lambda_p$) requires a parallel circuit depth of $mathcal{O}(p(lambda_1/lambda_p)^p)$ and $mathcal{O}(plog(N))$ qubits where up to $p$ copies of the quantum state defined on a Hilbert space of size $N$ are needed as the input. We validate this procedure for the entanglement spectrum of the topologically-ordered Laughlin wave function corresponding to the quantum Hall state at filling factor $ u=1/3$. Our scaling analysis exposes the tradeoffs between time and number of qubits for obtaining the entanglement spectrum in the thermodynamic limit using finite-size digital quantum computers. We also illustrate the utility of the second Renyi entropy in predicting a topological phase transition and in extracting the localization length in a many-body localized system.
We introduce ProjectQ, an open source software effort for quantum computing. The first release features a compiler framework capable of targeting various types of hardware, a high-performance simulator with emulation capabilities, and compiler plug-i ns for circuit drawing and resource estimation. We introduce our Python-embedded domain-specific language, present the features, and provide example implementations for quantum algorithms. The framework allows testing of quantum algorithms through simulation and enables running them on actual quantum hardware using a back-end connecting to the IBM Quantum Experience cloud service. Through extension mechanisms, users can provide back-ends to further quantum hardware, and scientists working on quantum compilation can provide plug-ins for additional compilation, optimization, gate synthesis, and layout strategies.
We simulate a one dimensional fermionic optical lattice to analyse heating due to non-adiabatic lattice loading. Our simulations reveal that, similar to the bosonic case, density redistribution effects are the major cause of heating in harmonic traps . We suggest protocols to modulate the local density distribution during the process of lattice loading, in order to reduce the excess energy. Our numerical results confirm that linear interpolation of the trapping potential and/or the interaction strength is an efficient method of doing so, bearing practical applications relevant to experiments.
We describe how to efficiently construct the quantum chemical Hamiltonian operator in matrix product form. We present its implementation as a density matrix renormalization group (DMRG) algorithm for quantum chemical applications in a purely matrix p roduct based framework. Existing implementations of DMRG for quantum chemistry are based on the traditional formulation of the method, which was developed from a viewpoint of Hilbert space decimation and attained a higher performance compared to straightforward implementations of matrix product based DMRG. The latter variationally optimizes a class of ansatz states known as matrix product states (MPS), where operators are correspondingly represented as matrix product operators (MPO). The MPO construction scheme presented here eliminates the previous performance disadvantages while retaining the additional flexibility provided by a matrix product approach; for example, the specification of expectation values becomes an input parameter. In this way, MPOs for different symmetries - abelian and non-abelian - and different relativistic and non-relativistic models may be solved by an otherwise unmodified program.
For many optimization algorithms the time-to-solution depends not only on the problem size but also on the specific problem instance and may vary by many orders of magnitude. It is then necessary to investigate the full distribution and especially it s tail. Here we analyze the distributions of annealing times for simulated annealing and simulated quantum annealing (by path integral quantum Monte Carlo) for random Ising spin glass instances. We find power-law distributions with very heavy tails, corresponding to extremely hard instances, but far broader distributions - and thus worse performance for hard instances - for simulated quantum annealing than for simulated annealing. Fast, non-adiabatic, annealing schedules can improve the performance of simulated quantum annealing for very hard instances by many orders of magnitude.
We study the out-of-equilibrium dynamics of bosonic atoms in a 1D optical lattice, after the ground-state is excited by a single spontaneous emission event, i.e. after an absorption and re-emission of a lattice photon. This is an important fundamenta l source of decoherence for current experiments, and understanding the resulting dynamics and changes in the many-body state is important for controlling heating in quantum simulators. Previously it was found that in the superfluid regime, simple observables relax to values that can be described by a thermal distribution on experimental time-scales, and that this breaks down for strong interactions (in the Mott insulator regime). Here we expand on this result, investigating the relaxation of the momentum distribution as a function of time, and discussing the relationship to eigenstate thermalization. For the strongly interacting limit, we provide an analytical analysis for the behavior of the system, based on an effective low-energy Hamiltonian in which the dynamics can be understood based on correlated doublon-holon pairs.

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