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Cosmic voids are a promising environment to characterize neutrino-induced effects on the large-scale distribution of matter in the universe. We perform a comprehensive numerical study of the statistical properties of voids, identified both in the mat ter and galaxy distributions, in massive and massless neutrino cosmologies. The matter density field is obtained by running several independent $N$-body simulations with cold dark matter and neutrino particles, while the galaxy catalogs are modeled by populating the dark matter halos in simulations via a halo occupation distribution (HOD) model to reproduce the clustering properties observed by the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) II Data Release 7. We focus on the impact of massive neutrinos on the following void statistical properties: number density, ellipticities, two-point statistics, density and velocity profiles. Considering the matter density field, we find that voids in massive neutrino cosmologies are less evolved than those in the corresponding massless neutrinos case: there is a larger number of small voids and a smaller number of large ones, their profiles are less evacuated, and they present a lower wall at the edge. Moreover, the degeneracy between $sigma_8$ and $Omega_{ u}$ is broken when looking at void properties. In terms of the galaxy density field, we find that differences among cosmologies are difficult to detect because of the small number of galaxy voids in the simulations. Differences are instead present when looking at the matter density and velocity profiles around these voids.
We provide a quantitative analysis of the halo model in the context of massive neutrino cosmologies. We discuss all the ingredients necessary to model the non-linear matter and cold dark matter power spectra and compare with the results of N-body sim ulations that incorporate massive neutrinos. Our neutrino halo model is able to capture the non-linear behavior of matter clustering with a $sim 20%$ accuracy up to very non-linear scales of $k=10~h/$Mpc (which would be affected by baryon physics). The largest discrepancies arise in the range $k=0.5-1~h/$Mpc where the 1-halo and 2-halo terms are comparable and are present also in a massless neutrino cosmology. However, at scales $k<0.2~h/$Mpc our neutrino halo model agrees with the results of N-body simulations at the level of 8% for total neutrino masses of $<0.3$ eV. We also model the neutrino non-linear density field as a sum of a linear and clustered component and predict the neutrino power spectrum and the cold dark matter-neutrino cross-power spectrum up to $k=1~h/$Mpc with $sim$ 30% accuracy. For masses below 0.15 eV the neutrino halo model captures the neutrino induced suppression, casted in terms of matter power ratios between massive and massless scenarios, with a 2% agreement with the results of N-body/neutrino simulations. Finally, we provide a simple application of the halo model: the computation of the clustering of galaxies, in massless and massive neutrinos cosmologies, using a simple Halo Occupation Distribution scheme and our halo model extension.
We use a suite of N-body simulations that incorporate massive neutrinos as an extra-set of particles to investigate their effect on the halo mass function. We show that for cosmologies with massive neutrinos the mass function of dark matter haloes se lected using the spherical overdensity (SO) criterion is well reproduced by the fitting formula of Tinker et al. (2008) once the cold dark matter power spectrum is considered instead of the total matter power, as it is usually done. The differences between the two implementations, i.e. using $P_{rm cdm}(k)$ instead of $P_{rm m}(k)$, are more pronounced for large values of the neutrino masses and in the high end of the halo mass function: in particular, the number of massive haloes is higher when $P_{rm cdm}(k)$ is considered rather than $P_{rm m}(k)$. As a quantitative application of our findings we consider a Planck-like SZ-clusters survey and show that the differences in predicted number counts can be as large as $30%$ for $sum m_ u = 0.4$ eV. Finally, we use the Planck-SZ clusters sample, with an approximate likelihood calculation, to derive Planck-like constraints on cosmological parameters. We find that, in a massive neutrino cosmology, our correction to the halo mass function produces a shift in the $sigma_8(Omega_{rm m}/0.27)^gamma$ relation which can be quantified as $Delta gamma sim 0.05$ and $Delta gamma sim 0.14$ assuming one ($N_ u=1$) or three ($N_ u=3$) degenerate massive neutrino, respectively. The shift results in a lower mean value of $sigma_8$ with $Delta sigma_8 = 0.01$ for $N_ u=1$ and $Delta sigma_8 = 0.02$ for $N_ u=3$, respectively. Such difference, in a cosmology with massive neutrinos, would increase the tension between cluster abundance and Planck CMB measurements.
The forest of Lyman-alpha absorption lines seen in the spectra of distant quasars has become an important probe of the distribution of matter in the Universe. We use large, hydrodynamical simulations from the OWLS project to investigate the effect of feedback from galaxy formation on the probability distribution function and the power spectrum of the Lyman-alpha transmitted flux. While metal-line cooling is unimportant, both galactic outflows from massive galaxies driven by active galactic nuclei and winds from low-mass galaxies driven by supernovae have a substantial impact on the flux statistics. At redshift z=2.25, the effects on the flux statistics are of a similar magnitude as the statistical uncertainties of published data sets. The changes in the flux statistics are not due to differences in the temperature-density relation of the photo-ionised gas. Instead, they are caused by changes in the density distribution and in the fraction of hot, collisionally ionised gas. It may be possible to disentangle astrophysical and cosmological effects by taking advantage of the fact that they induce different redshift dependencies. In particular, the magnitude of the feedback effects appears to decrease rapidly with increasing redshift. Analyses of Lyman-alpha forest data from surveys that are currently in process, such as BOSS/SDSS-III and X-Shooter/VLT, must take galactic winds into account.
We use the galaxy angular power spectrum at $zsim0.5-1.2$ from the Canada-France-Hawaii-Telescope Legacy Survey Wide fields (CFHTLS-Wide) to constrain separately the total neutrino mass $sum{m_ u}$ and the effective number of neutrino species $N_{rm{ eff}}$. This survey has recently benefited from an accurate calibration of the redshift distribution, allowing new measurements of the (non-linear) matter power spectrum in a unique range of scales and redshifts sensitive to neutrino free streaming. Our analysis makes use of a recent model for the effect of neutrinos on the weakly non-linear matter power spectrum derived from accurate N-body simulations. We show that CFHTLS, combined with WMAP7 and a prior on the Hubble constant provides an upper limit of $sum{m_ u}<0.29,$eV and $N_{rm{eff}} =4.17^{+1.62}_{-1.26}$ (2$,sigma$ confidence levels). If we omit smaller scales which may be affected by non-linearities, these constraints become $sum{m_ u}<0.41,$eV and $N_{rm{eff}} =3.98^{+2.02}_{-1.20}$ (2$,sigma$ confidence levels). Finally we show that the addition of other large scale structures probes can further improve these constraints, demonstrating that high redshift large volumes surveys such as CFHTLS are complementary to other cosmological probes of the neutrino mass.
Cosmological neutrinos strongly affect the evolution of the largest structures in the Universe, i.e. galaxies and galaxy clusters. We use large box-size full hydrodynamic simulations to investigate the non-linear effects that massive neutrinos have o n the spatial properties of cold dark matter (CDM) haloes. We quantify the difference with respect to the concordance LambdaCDM model of the halo mass function and of the halo two-point correlation function. We model the redshift-space distortions and compute the errors on the linear distortion parameter beta introduced if cosmological neutrinos are assumed to be massless. We find that, if not taken correctly into account and depending on the total neutrino mass, these effects could lead to a potentially fake signature of modified gravity. Future nearly all-sky spectroscopic galaxy surveys will be able to constrain the neutrino mass if it is larger than 0.6 eV, using beta measurements alone and independently of the value of the matter power spectrum normalisation. In combination with other cosmological probes, this will strengthen neutrino mass constraints and help breaking parameter degeneracies.
We present a suite of full hydrodynamical cosmological simulations that quantitatively address the impact of neutrinos on the (mildly non-linear) spatial distribution of matter and in particular on the neutral hydrogen distribution in the Intergalact ic Medium (IGM), which is responsible for the intervening Lyman-alpha absorption in quasar spectra. The free-streaming of neutrinos results in a (non-linear) scale-dependent suppression of power spectrum of the total matter distribution at scales probed by Lyman-alpha forest data which is larger than the linear theory prediction by about 25% and strongly redshift dependent. By extracting a set of realistic mock quasar spectra, we quantify the effect of neutrinos on the flux probability distribution function and flux power spectrum. The differences in the matter power spectra translate into a ~2.5% (5%) difference in the flux power spectrum for neutrino masses with Sigma m_{ u} = 0.3 eV (0.6 eV). This rather small effect is difficult to detect from present Lyman-alpha forest data and nearly perfectly degenerate with the overall amplitude of the matter power spectrum as characterised by sigma_8. If the results of the numerical simulations are normalized to have the same sigma_8 in the initial conditions, then neutrinos produce a smaller suppression in the flux power of about 3% (5%) for Sigma m_{ u} = 0.6$ eV (1.2 eV) when compared to a simulation without neutrinos. We present constraints on neutrino masses using the Sloan Digital Sky Survey flux power spectrum alone and find an upper limit of Sigma m_{ u} < 0.9$ eV (2 sigma C.L.), comparable to constraints obtained from the cosmic microwave background data or other large scale structure probes.
82 - Marco Pierleoni 2008
We use high-resolution hydrodynamical simulations to investigate the spatial correlation between weak (N(HI) <10^{15} cm^{-2}) Ly-alpha absorbers and gas-rich galaxies in the local universe. We confirm that Ly-alpha absorbers are preferentially expec ted near gas-rich galaxies and that the degree of correlation increases with the column density of the absorber. The real-space galaxy auto-correlation is stronger than the cross-correlation (correlation lengths r_{0,gg}=3.1 pm 0.1 Mpc/h and r_{0,ag}=1.4 pm 0.1 Mpc/h, respectively), in contrast with the recent results of Ryan-Weber (2006, RW06), and the auto-correlation of absorbers is very weak. These results are robust to the presence of strong galactic winds in the hydrodynamical simulations. In redshift-space a further mismatch arises since at small separations the distortion pattern of the simulated galaxy-absorber cross-correlation function is different from the one measured by RW06. However, when sampling the intergalactic medium along a limited number of lines-of-sight, as in the real data, uncertainties in the cross correlation estimates are large enough to account for these discrepancies. Our analysis suggests that the statistical significance of difference between the cross-correlation and auto-correlation signal in current datasets is ~ 1-sigma only.
We investigate the properties of one--dimensional flux ``voids (connected regions in the flux distribution above the mean flux level) by comparing hydrodynamical simulations of large cosmological volumes with a set of observed high--resolution spectr a at z ~ 2. After addressing the effects of box size and resolution, we study how the void distribution changes when the most significant cosmological and astrophysical parameters are varied. We find that the void distribution in the flux is in excellent agreement with predictions of the standard LCDM cosmology, which also fits other flux statistics remarkably well. We then model the relation between flux voids and the corresponding one--dimensional gas density field along the line--of--sight and make a preliminary attempt to connect the one--dimensional properties of the gas density field to the three--dimensional dark matter distribution at the same redshift. This provides a framework that allows statistical interpretations of the void population at high redshift using observed quasar spectra, and eventually it will enable linking the void properties of the high--redshift universe with those at lower redshifts, which are better known.

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