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We use the nonequilibrium dynamical mean field theory formalism to compute the equilibrium and nonequilibrium resonant inelastic X-ray scattering (RIXS) signal of a strongly interacting fermionic lattice model with a coupling of dispersionless phonon s to the total charge on a given site. In the atomic limit, this model produces phonon subbands in the spectral function, but not in the RIXS signal. Electron hopping processes however result in phonon-related modifications of the charge excitation peak. We discuss the equilibrium RIXS spectra and the characteristic features of nonequilibrium states induced by photo-doping and by the application of a static electric field. The latter produces features related to Wannier-Stark states, which are dressed with phonon sidebands. Thanks to the effect of field-induced localization, the phonon features can be clearly resolved even in systems with weak electron-phonon coupling.
Resonant inelastic X-ray scattering (RIXS) detects various types of high- and low-energy elementary excitations in correlated solids, and this tool will play an increasingly important role in investigations of time-dependent phenomena in photo-excite d systems. While theoretical frameworks for the computation of equilibrium RIXS spectra are well established, the development of appropriate methods for nonequilibrium simulations are an active research field. Here, we apply a recently developed nonequilibrium dynamical mean field theory (DMFT) based approach to compute the RIXS response of photo-excited two-orbital Mott insulators. The results demonstrate the feasibility of multi-orbital nonequilibrium RIXS calculations and the sensitivity of the quasi-elastic fluorescence-like features and d-d excitation peaks on the nonequilibrium population of the Hubbard bands.
We theoretically investigate the effects of the lattice geometry on the nonequilibrium dynamics of photo-excited carriers in a half-filled two-dimensional Hubbard model. Using a nonequilibrium generalization of the dynamical cluster approximation, we compare the relaxation dynamics in lattices which interpolate between the triangular lattice and square lattice configuration and thus reveal the role of the geometric frustration in these strongly correlated nonequilibrium systems. In particular, we show that the cooling effect resulting from the disordering of the spin background is less effective in the triangular case because of the frustration. This manifests itself in a longer relaxation time of the photo-doped population, as measured by the time-resolved photo-emission signal, and a higher effective temperature of the photo-doped carriers in the non-thermal steady state after the intra-Hubbard-band thermalization.
We study the high harmonic generation (HHG) in Mott insulators using Floquet dynamical mean-field theory (DMFT). We show that the main origin of the HHG in Mott insulators is the doublon-holon recombination, and that the character of the HHG spectrum differs depending on the field strength. In the weaker-field regime, the HHG spectrum shows a single plateau as in the HHG from gases, and its cut-off energy $epsilon_{rm cut}$ scales linearly with the field strength $E_0$ as $epsilon_{rm cut}=Delta_{rm gap} + alpha E_0$, where $Delta_{rm gap}$ is the Mott gap. On the other hand, in the stronger-field regime, multiple plateaus emerge and the $m$-th cut-off scales as $epsilon_{rm cut,m}=U + m E_0$. We show that this difference originates from the different dynamics of the doublons and holons in the weak- and strong-field regimes. We also comment on the similarities and differences between HHG from Mott insulators and from semiconductors. This proceedings paper complements our recent work, Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 057405 (2018), with additional results and analyses.
We investigate the effect of nonlocal interactions on the photo-doped Mott insulating state of the two-dimensional Hubbard model using a nonequilibrium generalization of the dynamical cluster approximation. In particular, we compare the situation whe re the excitonic states are lying within the continuum of doublon-holon excitations to a set-up where the excitons appear within the Mott gap. In the first case, the creation of nearest-neighbor doublon-holon pairs by excitations across the Mott gap results in enhanced excitonic correlations, but these excitons quickly decay into uncorrelated doublons and holons. In the second case, photo-excitation results in long-lived excitonic states. While in a low-temperature equilibrium state, excitonic features are usually not evident in single-particle observables such as the photoemission spectrum, we show that the photo-excited nonequilibrium system can exhibit in-gap states associated with the excitons. The comparison with exact-diagonalization results for small clusters allows us to identify the signatures of the excitons in the photo-emission spectrum.
An elusive goal in the field of driven quantum matter is the induction of long-range order. Here, we demonstrate a mechanism based on light-induced evaporative cooling of holes in a correlated electron system. Since the entropy of a filled narrow ban d grows rapidly with hole doping, the isentropic transfer of holes from a doped Mott insulator to such a band results in a drop of temperature. Strongly correlated Fermi liquids and symmetry-broken states could thus be produced by dipolar excitations. Using nonequilibrium dynamical mean field theory, we show that suitably designed chirped pulses allow to realize this cooling effect. In particular, we demonstrate the emergence of antiferromagnetic order in a system which is initially in a weakly correlated state above the maximum Neel temperature. Our work suggests a general strategy for inducing strong correlation phenomena and electronic orders in light-driven materials or periodically modulated atomic gases in optical lattice potentials.
Using Floquet dynamical mean-field theory, we study the high-harmonic generation in the time-periodic steady states of wide-gap Mott insulators under AC driving. In the strong-field regime, the harmonic intensity exhibits multiple plateaus, whose cut off energies $epsilon_{rm cut} = U + mE_0$ scale with the Coulomb interaction $U$ and the maximum field strength $E_0$. In this regime, the created doublons and holons are localized because of the strong field and the $m$-th plateau originates from the recombination of $m$-th nearest-neighbor doublon-holon pairs. In the weak-field regime, there is only a single plateau in the intensity, which originates from the recombination of itinerant doublons and holons. Here, $epsilon_{rm cut} = Delta_{rm gap} + alpha E_0$, with $Delta_{rm gap}$ the band gap and $alpha>1$. We demonstrate that the Mott insulator shows a stronger high-harmonic intensity than a semiconductor model with the same dispersion as the Mott insulator, even if the semiconductor bands are broadened by impurity scattering to mimic the incoherent scattering in the Mott insulator.
We study the dynamics of excitonic insulators coupled to phonons. Without phonon couplings, the linear response is given by the damped amplitude oscillations of the order parameter with frequency equal to the minimum band gap. A phonon coupling to th e interband transfer integral induces two types of long-lived collective oscillations of the amplitude, one originating from the phonon dynamics and the other from the phase mode, which becomes massive. We show that even for small phonon coupling, a photo-induced enhancement of the exciton condensation and the gap can be realized. Using the Anderson pseudo-spin picture, we argue that the origin of the enhancement is a cooperative effect of the massive phase mode and the Hartree shift induced by the photo excitation. We also discuss how the enhancement of the order and the collective modes can be observed with time-resolved photo-emission spectroscopy.
We perform a systematic analysis of the influence of phonon driving on the superconducting Holstein model coupled to heat baths by studying both the transient dynamics and the nonequilibrium steady state (NESS) in the weak and strong electron-phonon coupling regimes. Our study is based on the nonequilibrium dynamical mean-field theory, and for the NESS we present a Floquet formulation adapted to electron-phonon systems. The analysis of the phonon propagator suggests that the effective attractive interaction can be strongly enhanced in a parametric resonant regime because of the Floquet side bands of phonons. While this may be expected to enhance the superconductivity (SC), our fully self-consistent calculations, which include the effects of heating and nonthermal distributions, show that the parametric phonon driving generically results in a suppression or complete melting of the SC order. In the strong coupling regime, the NESS always shows a suppression of the SC gap, the SC order parameter and the superfluid density as a result of the driving, and this tendency is most prominent at the parametric resonance. Using the real-time nonequilibrium DMFT formalism, we also study the dynamics towards the NESS, which shows that the heating effect dominates the transient dynamics, and SC is weakened by the external modulations, in particular at the parametric resonance. In the weak coupling regime, we find that the SC fluctuations above the transition temperature are generally weakened under the driving. The strongest suppression occurs again around the parametric resonances because of the efficient energy absorption.
The real-time dynamics of the Fermi-Hubbard model, driven out of equilibrium by quenching or ramping the interaction parameter, is studied within the framework of the nonequilibrium self-energy functional theory. A dynamical impurity approximation wi th a single auxiliary bath site is considered as a reference system and the time-dependent hybridization is optimized as prescribed by the variational principle. The dynamical two-site approximation turns out to be useful to study the real-time dynamics on short and intermediate time scales. Depending on the strength of the interaction in the final state, two qualitatively different response regimes are observed. For both weak and strong couplings, qualitative agreement with previous results of nonequilibrium dynamical mean-field theory is found. The two regimes are sharply separated by a critical point at which the low-energy bath degree of freedom decouples in the course of time. We trace the dependence of the critical interaction of the dynamical Mott transition on the duration of the interaction ramp from sudden quenches to adiabatic dynamics, and therewith link the dynamical to the equilibrium Mott transition.

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