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We study high-temperature magnetization transport in a many-body spin-1/2 chain with on-site quasiperiodic potential governed by the Fibonacci rule. In the absence of interactions it is known that the system is critical with the transport described b y a continuously varying dynamical exponent (from ballistic to localized) as a function of the on-site potential strength. Upon introducing weak interactions, we find that an anomalous noninteracting dynamical exponent becomes diffusive for any potential strength. This is borne out by a boundary-driven Lindblad dynamics as well as unitary dynamics, with agreeing diffusion constants. This must be contrasted to random potential where transport is subdiffusive at such small interactions. Mean-field treatment of the dynamics for small U always slows down the non-interacting dynamics to subdiffusion, and is therefore unable to describe diffusion in an interacting quasiperiodic system. Finally, briefly exploring larger interactions we find a regime of interaction-induced subdiffusive dynamics, despite the on-site potential itself having no rare-regions.
We study energy transport in XXZ spin chains driven to nonequilibrium configurations by thermal reservoirs of different temperatures at the boundaries. We discuss the transition between diffusive and subdiffusive transport regimes in sectors of zero and finite magnetization at high temperature. At large anisotropies we find that diffusive energy transport prevails over a large range of disorder strengths, which is in contrast to spin transport that is subdiffusive in the same regime for weak disorder strengths. However, when finite magnetization is induced, both energy and spin currents decay as a function of system size with the same exponent. Based on this, we conclude that diffusion of energy is much more pervasive than that of magnetization in these disordered spin-1/2 systems, and occurs across a significant range of the interaction-disorder parameter phase-space; we suggest this is due to conservation laws present in the clean XXZ limit.
Generalised hydrodynamics predicts universal ballistic transport in integrable lattice systems when prepared in generic inhomogeneous initial states. However, the ballistic contribution to transport can vanish in systems with additional discrete symm etries. Here we perform large scale numerical simulations of spin dynamics in the anisotropic Heisenberg $XXZ$ spin $1/2$ chain starting from an inhomogeneous mixed initial state which is symmetric with respect to a combination of spin-reversal and spatial reflection. In the isotropic and easy-axis regimes we find non-ballistic spin transport which we analyse in detail in terms of scaling exponents of the transported magnetisation and scaling profiles of the spin density. While in the easy-axis regime we find accurate evidence of normal diffusion, the spin transport in the isotropic case is clearly super-diffusive, with the scaling exponent very close to $2/3$, but with universal scaling dynamics which obeys the diffusion equation in nonlinearly scaled time.

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