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Star clusters larger than $sim 10^{3}$ $M_odot$ contain multiple hot stars that launch fast stellar winds. The integrated kinetic energy carried by these winds is comparable to that delivered by supernova explosions, suggesting that at early times wi nds could be an important form of feedback on the surrounding cold material from which the star cluster formed. However, the interaction of these winds with the surrounding clumpy, turbulent, cold gas is complex and poorly understood. Here we investigate this problem via an accounting exercise: we use empirically determined properties of four well-studied massive star clusters to determine where the energy injected by stellar winds ultimately ends up. We consider a range of kinetic energy loss channels, including radiative cooling, mechanical work on the cold interstellar medium, thermal conduction, heating of dust via collisions by the hot gas, and bulk advection of thermal energy by the hot gas. We show that, for at least some of the clusters, none of these channels can account for more than a small fraction of the injected energy. We suggest that turbulent mixing at the hot-cold interface or physical leakage of the hot gas from the HII region can efficiently remove the kinetic energy injected by the massive stars in young star clusters. Even for the clusters where we are able to account for all the injected kinetic energy, we show that our accounting sets strong constraints on the importance of stellar winds as a mechanism for feedback on the cold interstellar medium.
Giant molecular clouds (GMCs) are the primary reservoirs of cold, star-forming molecular gas in the Milky Way and similar galaxies, and thus any understanding of star formation must encompass a model for GMC formation, evolution, and destruction. The se models are necessarily constrained by measurements of interstellar molecular and atomic gas, and the emergent, newborn stars. Both observations and theory have undergone great advances in recent years, the latter driven largely by improved numerical simulations, and the former by the advent of large-scale surveys with new telescopes and instruments. This chapter offers a thorough review of the current state of the field.
93 - Ji-hoon Kim 2012
We investigate the spatially-resolved star formation relation using a galactic disk formed in a comprehensive high-resolution (3.8 pc) simulation. Our new implementation of stellar feedback includes ionizing radiation as well as supernova explosions, and we handle ionizing radiation by solving the radiative transfer equation rather than by a subgrid model. Photoheating by stellar radiation stabilizes gas against Jeans fragmentation, reducing the star formation rate. Because we have self-consistently calculated the location of ionized gas, we are able to make spatially-resolved mock observations of star formation tracers, such as H-alpha emission. We can also observe how stellar feedback manifests itself in the correlation between ionized and molecular gas. Applying our techniques to the disk in a galactic halo of 2.3e11 Msun, we find that the correlation between star formation rate density (estimated from mock H-alpha emission) and molecular hydrogen density shows large scatter, especially at high resolutions of <~ 75 pc that are comparable to the size of giant molecular clouds (GMCs). This is because an aperture of GMC size captures only particular stages of GMC evolution, and because H-alpha traces hot gas around star-forming regions and is displaced from the molecular hydrogen peaks themselves. By examining the evolving environment around star clusters, we speculate that the breakdown of the traditional star formation laws of the Kennicutt-Schmidt type at small scales is further aided by a combination of stars drifting from their birthplaces, and molecular clouds being dispersed via stellar feedback.
129 - Ji-hoon Kim 2012
We describe a new method for simulating ionizing radiation and supernova feedback in the analogues of low-redshift galactic disks. In this method, which we call star-forming molecular cloud (SFMC) particles, we use a ray-tracing technique to solve th e radiative transfer equation for ultraviolet photons emitted by thousands of distinct particles on the fly. Joined with high numerical resolution of 3.8 pc, the realistic description of stellar feedback helps to self-regulate star formation. This new feedback scheme also enables us to study the escape of ionizing photons from star-forming clumps and from a galaxy, and to examine the evolving environment of star-forming gas clumps. By simulating a galactic disk in a halo of 2.3e11 Msun, we find that the average escape fraction from all radiating sources on the spiral arms (excluding the central 2.5 kpc) fluctuates between 0.08% and 5.9% during a ~20 Myr period with a mean value of 1.1%. The flux of escaped photons from these sources is not strongly beamed, but manifests a large opening angle of more than 60 degree from the galactic pole. Further, we investigate the escape fraction per SFMC particle, f_esc(i), and how it evolves as the particle ages. We discover that the average escape fraction f_esc is dominated by a small number of SFMC particles with high f_esc(i). On average, the escape fraction from a SFMC particle rises from 0.27% at its birth to 2.1% at the end of a particle lifetime, 6 Myrs. This is because SFMC particles drift away from the dense gas clumps in which they were born, and because the gas around the star-forming clumps is dispersed by ionizing radiation and supernova feedback. The framework established in this study brings deeper insight into the physics of photon escape fraction from an individual star-forming clump, and from a galactic disk.
Massive stars are very rare, but their extreme luminosities make them both the only type of young star we can observe in distant galaxies and the dominant energy sources in the universe today. They form rarely because efficient radiative cooling keep s most star-forming gas clouds close to isothermal as they collapse, and this favors fragmentation into stars <~1 Msun. Heating of a cloud by accreting low-mass stars within it can prevent fragmentation and allow formation of massive stars, but what properties a cloud must have to form massive stars, and thus where massive stars form in a galaxy, has not yet been determined. Here we show that only clouds with column densities >~ 1 g cm^-2 can avoid fragmentation and form massive stars. This threshold, and the environmental variation of the stellar initial mass function (IMF) that it implies, naturally explain the characteristic column densities of massive star clusters and the difference between the radial profiles of Halpha and UV emission in galactic disks. The existence of a threshold also implies that there should be detectable variations in the IMF with environment within the Galaxy and in the characteristic column densities of massive star clusters between galaxies, and that star formation rates in some galactic environments may have been systematically underestimated.
222 - Mark R. Krumholz 2007
The formation of massive stars is currently an unsolved problems in astrophysics. Understanding the formation of massive stars is essential because they dominate the luminous, kinematic, and chemical output of stars. Furthermore, their feedback is li kely to play a dominant role in the evolution of molecular clouds and any subsequent star formation therein. Although significant progress has been made observationally and theoretically, we still do not have a consensus as to how massive stars form. There are two contending models to explain the formation of massive stars, Core Accretion and Competitive Accretion. They differ primarily in how and when the mass that ultimately makes up the massive star is gathered. In the core accretion model, the mass is gathered in a prestellar stage due to the overlying pressure of a stellar cluster or a massive pre-cluster cloud clump. In contrast, competitive accretion envisions that the mass is gathered during the star formation process itself, being funneled to the centre of a stellar cluster by the gravitational potential of the stellar cluster. Although these differences may not appear overly significant, they involve significant differences in terms of the physical processes involved. Furthermore, the differences also have important implications in terms of the evolutionary phases of massive star formation, and ultimately that of stellar clusters and star formation on larger scales. Here we review the dominant models, and discuss prospects for developing a better understanding of massive star formation in the future.
We compute the molecular line emission of massive protostellar disks by solving the equation of radiative transfer through the cores and disks produced by the recent radiation-hydrodynamic simulations of Krumholz, Klein, & McKee. We find that in seve ral representative lines the disks show brightness temperatures of hundreds of Kelvin over velocity channels ~10 km s^-1 wide, extending over regions hundreds of AU in size. We process the computed intensities to model the performance of next-generation radio and submillimeter telescopes. Our calculations show that observations using facilities such as the EVLA and ALMA should be able to detect massive protostellar disks and measure their rotation curves, at least in the nearest massive star-forming regions. They should also detect significant sub-structure and non-axisymmetry in the disks, and in some cases may be able to detect star-disk velocity offsets of a few km s^-1, both of which are the result of strong gravitational instability in massive disks. We use our simulations to explore the strengths and weaknesses of different observational techniques, and we also discuss how observations of massive protostellar disks may be used to distinguish between alternative models of massive star formation.

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