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A characteristic value formulation of the Weyl double copy leads to an asymptotic formulation. We find that the Weyl double copy holds asymptotically in cases where the full solution is algebraically general, using rotating STU supergravity black hol es as an example. The asymptotic formulation provides clues regarding the relation between asymptotic symmetries that follows from the double copy. Using the C-metric as an example, we show that a previous interpretation of this gravity solution as a superrotation has a single copy analogue relating the appropriate Lienard-Wiechert potential to a large gauge transformation.
We establish the status of the Weyl double copy relation for radiative solutions of the vacuum Einstein equations. We show that all type N vacuum solutions, which describe the radiation region of isolated gravitational systems with appropriate fall-o ff for the matter fields, admit a degenerate Maxwell field that squares to give the Weyl tensor. The converse statement also holds, i.e. if there exists a degenerate Maxwell field on a curved background, then the background is type N. This relation defines a scalar that satisfies the wave equation on the background. We show that for non-twisting radiative solutions, the Maxwell field and the scalar also satisfy the Maxwell equation and the wave equation on Minkowski spacetime. Hence, non-twisting solutions have a straightforward double copy interpretation.
We classify the asymptotic charges of a class of polyhomogeneous asymptotically-flat spacetimes with finite shear, generalising recent results on smooth asymptotically-flat spacetimes. Polyhomogenous spacetimes are a formally consistent class of spac etimes that do not satisfy the well-known peeling property. As such, they constitute a more physical class of asymptotically-flat spacetimes compared to the smooth class. In particular, we establish that the generalised conserved non-linear Newman-Penrose charges that are known to exist for such spacetimes are a subset of asymptotic BMS charges.
We provide a Hamiltonian derivation of recently discovered dual BMS charges. In order to do so, we work in the first order formalism and add to the usual Palatini action, the Holst term, which does not contribute to the equations of motion. We give a method for finding the leading order integrable dual charges `a la Wald-Zoupas and construct the corresponding charge algebra. We argue that in the presence of fermions, the relevant term that leads to dual charges is the topological Nieh-Yan term.
We present a method for finding, in principle, all asymptotic gravitational charges. The basic idea is that one must consider all possible contributions to the action that do not affect the equations of motion for the theory of interest; such terms i nclude topological terms. As a result we observe that the first order formalism is best suited to an analysis of asymptotic charges. In particular, this method can be used to provide a Hamiltonian derivation of recently found dual charges.
Writing the metric of an asymptotically flat spacetime in Bondi coordinates provides an elegant way of formulating the Einstein equation as a characteristic value problem. In this setting, we find that a specific class of asymptotically flat spacetim es, including stationary solutions, contains a Maxwell gauge field as free data. Choosing this gauge field to correspond to the Dirac monopole, we derive the Taub-NUT solution in Bondi coordinates.
We consider the consequences of the dual gravitational charges for the phase space of radiating modes, and find that they imply a new soft NUT theorem. In particular, we argue that the existence of these new charges removes the need for imposing boun dary conditions at spacelike infinity that would otherwise preclude the existence of NUT charges.
We supplement the recently found dual gravitational charges with dual charges for the whole BMS symmetry algebra. Furthermore, we extend the dual charges away from null infinity, defining subleading dual charges. These subleading dual charges complem ent the subleading BMS charges in the literature and together account for all the Newman-Penrose charges.
We show that there are a further infinite number of, previously unknown, supertranslation charges. These can be viewed as duals of the known BMS charges corresponding to supertranslations. In Newman-Penrose language, these new supertranslation charge s roughly correspond to the imaginary part of the leading term in $psi_2$. We find these charges by dualising the Barnich-Brandt asymptotic charges and argue that this prescription gives rise to new bona fide charges at null infinity.
In this paper we establish a relation between the non-linearly conserved Newman-Penrose charges and certain subleading terms in a large-$r$ expansion of the BMS charges in an asymptotically-flat spacetime. We define the subleading BMS charges by cons idering a $1/r$-expansion of the Barnich-Brandt prescription for defining asymptotic charges in an asymptotically-flat spacetime. At the leading order, i.e. $1/r^0$, one obtains the standard BMS charges, which would be integrable and conserved in the absence of a flux term at null infinity, corresponding to gravitational radiation, or Bondi news. At subleading orders, analogous terms in general provide obstructions to the integrability of the corresponding charges. Since the subleading terms are defined close to null infinity, but vanish actually at infinity, the analogous obstructions are not associated with genuine Bondi news. One may instead describe them as corresponding to fake news. At order $r^{-3}$, we find that a set of integrable charges can be defined and that these are related to the ten non-linearly conserved Newman-Penrose charges.

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