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162 - M. Compiegne 2011
Dust is a key component of the Universe, especially regarding galaxies evolution, playing an essential role for both the physics and chemistry of the interstellar medium. In this paper, we give a brief review of interstellar dust. We describe the mai n dust observables and how it allows us to constrain dust properties. We discuss the dust lifecycle and the dust evolution in the ISM. We also present a physical dust model, DustEM.
The first Herschel Hi-Gal images of the galactic plane unveil the far-infrared diffuse emission of the interstellar medium with an unprecedented angular resolution and sensitivity. In this paper, we present the first analysis of these data in combina tion with that of Spitzer Glimpse & Mipsgal. We selected a relatively diffuse and low excitation region of the l~59,^{circ} Hi-Gal Science Demonstration Phase field to perform a pixel by pixel fitting of the 8 to 500 microns SED using the DustEM dust emission model. We derived maps of the Very Small Grains (VSG) and PAH abundances from the model. Our analysis allows us to illustrate that the Aromatic Infrared Bands (AIB) intensity does not trace necessarily the PAH abundance but rather the product of abundance x column density x intensity of the exciting radiation field. We show that the spatial structure of PACS70microns map resembles the shorter wavelengths (e.g. IRAC8microns) maps, because they trace both the intensity of exciting radiation field and column density. We also show that the modeled VSG contribution to PACS70microns (PACS160microns) band intensity can be up to 50% (7%). The interpretation of diffuse emission spectra at these wavelengths must take stochastically heated particles into account. Finally, this preliminary study emphasizes the potential of analyzing the full dust SED sampled by Herschel and Spitzer data, with a physical dust model (DustEM) to reach the properties of the dust at simultaneously large and small scales.
The Planck and Herschel missions are currently measuring the farIR-mm emission of dust, which combined with existing IR data, will for the first time provide the full SED of the galactic ISM dust emission with an unprecedented sensitivity and angular resolution. It will allow a systematic study of the dust evolution processes that affect the SED. Here we present a versatile numerical tool, DustEM, that predicts the emission and extinction of dust given their size distribution and their optical and thermal properties. In order to model dust evolution, DustEM has been designed to deal with a variety of grain types, structures and size distributions and to be able to easily include new dust physics. We use DustEM to model the dust SED and extinction in the diffuse interstellar medium at high-galactic latitude (DHGL), a natural reference SED. We present a coherent set of observations for the DHGL SED. The dust components in our DHGL model are (i) PAHs, (ii) amorphous carbon and (iii) amorphous silicates. We use amorphous carbon dust, rather than graphite, because it better explains the observed high abundances of gas-phase carbon in shocked regions of the interstellar medium. Using the DustEM model, we illustrate how, in the optically thin limit, the IRAS/Planck HFI (and likewise Spitzer/Herschel for smaller spatial scales) photometric band ratios of the dust SED can disentangle the influence of the exciting radiation field intensity and constrain the abundance of small grains relative to the larger grains. We also discuss the contributions of the different grain populations to the IRAS, Planck and Herschel channels. Such information is required to enable a study of the evolution of dust as well as to systematically extract the dust thermal emission from CMB data and to analyze the emission in the Planck polarized channels. The DustEM code described in this paper is publically available.
105 - M. Compiegne 2008
Mid-infrared spectroscopy of dense illuminated ridges (or photodissociation regions, PDRs) suggests dust evolution. Such evolution must be reflected in the gas physical properties through processes like photo-electric heating or H_2 formation. With S pitzer Infrared Spectrograph (IRS) and ISOCAM data, we study the mid-IR emission of closeby, well known PDRs. Focusing on the band and continuum dust emissions, we follow their relative contributions and analyze their variations in terms of abundance of dust populations. In order to disentangle dust evolution and excitation effects, we use a dust emission model that we couple to radiative transfer. Our dust model reproduces extinction and emission of the standard interstellar medium that we represent with diffuse high galactic latitude clouds called Cirrus. We take the properties of dust in Cirrus as a reference to which we compare the dust emission from more excited regions, namely the Horsehead and the reflection nebula NGC 2023 North. We show that in both regions, radiative transfer effects cannot account for the observed spectral variations. We interpret these variations in term of changes of the relative abundance between polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs, mid-IR band carriers) and very small grains (VSGs, mid-IR continuum carriers). We conclude that the PAH/VSG abundance ratio is 2.4 times smaller at the peak emission of the Horsehead nebula than in the Cirrus case. For NGC2023 North where spectral evolution is observed across the northern PDR, we conclude that this ratio is ~5 times lower in the dense, cold zones of the PDR than in its diffuse illuminated part where dust properties seem to be the same as in Cirrus. We conclude that dust in PDRs seems to evolve from dense to diffuse properties at the small spatial scale of the dense illuminated ridge.
147 - M. Compiegne 2007
We study the evolution of the Aromatic Infrared Bands (AIBs) emitters across the illuminated edge of the Horsehead nebula and especially their survival and properties in the HII region. We present spectral mapping observations taken with the Infrared Spectrograph (IRS) at wavelengths 5.2-38 microns. A strong AIB at 11.3 microns is detected in the HII region, relative to the other AIBs at 6.2, 7.7 and 8.6 microns. The intensity of this band appears to be correlated with the intensity of the [NeII] at 12.8 microns and of Halpha, which shows that the emitters of the 11.3 microns band are located in the ionised gas. The survival of PAHs in the HII region could be due to the moderate intensity of the radiation field (G0 about 100) and the lack of photons with energy above about 25eV. The enhancement of the intensity of the 11.3 microns band in the HII region, relative to the other AIBs can be explained by the presence of neutral PAHs. Our observations highlight a transition region between ionised and neutral PAHs observed with ideal conditions in our Galaxy. A scenario where PAHs can survive in HII regions and be significantly neutral could explain the detection of a prominent 11.3 microns band in other Spitzer observations.

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