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Recently a pair of experiments demonstrated a simulation of Abelian anyons in a spin network of single photons. The experiments were based on an Abelian discrete gauge theory spin lattice model of Kitaev. Here we describe how to use linear optics and single photons to simulate non-Abelian anyons. The scheme makes use of joint qutrit-qubit encoding of the spins and the resources required are three pairs of parametric down converted photons and 14 beam splitters.
Anyons are particlelike excitations of strongly correlated phases of matter with fractional statistics, characterized by nontrivial changes in the wave function, generalizing Bose and Fermi statistics, when two of them are interchanged. This can be u sed to perform quantum computations [A. Yu. Kitaev, Ann. Phys. (N.Y.) 303, 2 (2003)]. We show how to simulate the creation and manipulation of Abelian and non- Abelian anyons in topological lattice models using trapped atoms in optical lattices. Our proposal, feasible with present technology, requires an ancilla particle which can undergo single-particle gates, be moved close to each constituent of the lattice and undergo a simple quantum gate, and be detected.
We demonstrate how to build a simulation of two dimensional physical theories describing topologically ordered systems whose excitations are in one to one correspondence with irreducible representations of a Hopf algebra, D(G), the quantum double of a finite group G. Our simulation uses a digital sequence of operations on a spin lattice to prepare a ground vacuum state and to create, braid and fuse anyonic excitations. The simulation works with or without the presence of a background Hamiltonian though only in the latter case is the system topologically protected. We describe a physical realization of a simulation of the simplest non-Abelian model, D(S_3), using trapped neutral atoms in a two dimensional optical lattice and provide a sequence of steps to perform universal quantum computation with anyons. The use of ancillary spin degrees of freedom figures prominently in our construction and provides a novel technique to prepare and probe these systems.
A study of the thermal properties of two-dimensional topological lattice models is presented. This work is relevant to assess the usefulness of these systems as a quantum memory. For our purposes, we use the topological mutual information $I_{mathrm{ topo}}$ as a topological order parameter. For Abelian models, we show how $I_{mathrm{topo}}$ depends on the thermal topological charge probability distribution. More generally, we present a conjecture that $I_{mathrm{topo}}$ can (asymptotically) be written as a Kullback-Leitner distance between this probability distribution and that induced by the quantum dimensions of the model at hand. We also explain why $I_{mathrm{topo}}$ is more suitable for our purposes than the more familiar entanglement entropy $S_{mathrm{topo}}$. A scaling law, encoding the interplay of volume and temperature effects, as well as different limit procedures, are derived in detail. A non-Abelian model is next analysed and similar results are found. Finally, we also consider, in the case of a one-plaquette toric code, an environment model giving rise to a simulation of thermal effects in time.
We analyze the antiferromagnetic $text{SU}(3)$ Heisenberg chain by means of the Density Matrix Renormalization Group (DMRG). The results confirm that the model is critical and the computation of its central charge and the scaling dimensions of the fi rst excited states show that the underlying low energy conformal field theory is the $text{SU}(3)_1$ Wess-Zumino-Novikov-Witten model.
Understanding the behaviour of topologically ordered lattice systems at finite temperature is a way of assessing their potential as fault-tolerant quantum memories. We compute the natural extension of the topological entanglement entropy for T > 0, n amely the subleading correction $I_{textrm{topo}}$ to the area law for mutual information. Its dependence on T can be written, for Abelian Kitaev models, in terms of information-theoretic functions and readily identifiable scaling behaviour, from which the interplay between volume, temperature, and topological order, can be read. These arguments are extended to non-Abelian quantum double models, and numerical results are given for the $D(S_3)$ model, showing qualitative agreement with the Abelian case.

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