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Understanding and modelling astrophysical plasmas on atomic levels while taking into account various assumptions (for example, collisional ionisation equilibrium or photoionisation equilibrium) became essential with the progress of high-resolution X- ray spectroscopy. In order to prepare for the upcoming X-ray spectroscopy missions such as XRISM or Athena, the plasma codes with their models and the atomic databases need to be up to date and accurate. One such update for the plasma code SPEX is presented in this paper where we focus on the radiative loss due to collisional excitation in the low-density, optically thin regime. We also update the atomic data for neutral hydrogen and include the contribution of the dielectronic recombination. With all these updates being implemented in SPEX we finally present the new cooling curve. We include the comparison to other plasma codes (MEKAL, APEC, Cloudy) and other atomic databases (CHIANTI, ADAS). We show how the updated cooling impacts the stability curve for photoionised plasmas and find a new stable branch.
From Swift monitoring of a sample of active galactic nuclei (AGN) we found a transient X-ray obscuration event in Seyfert-1 galaxy NGC 3227, and thus triggered our joint XMM-Newton, NuSTAR, and Hubble Space Telescope (HST) observations to study this event. Here in the first paper of our series we present the broadband continuum modelling of the spectral energy distribution (SED) for NGC 3227, extending from near infrared (NIR) to hard X-rays. We use our new spectra taken with XMM-Newton, NuSTAR, and HST/COS in 2019, together with archival unobscured XMM-Newton, NuSTAR, and HST/STIS data, in order to disentangle various spectral components of NGC 3227 and recover the underlying continuum. We find the observed NIR-optical-UV continuum is explained well by an accretion disk blackbody component (Tmax = 10 eV), which is internally reddened by E(B-V) = 0.45 with a Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC) extinction law. We derive the inner radius (12 Rg) and the accretion rate (0.1 solar mass per year) of the disk by modelling the thermal disk emission. The internal reddening in NGC 3227 is most likely associated with outflows from the dusty AGN torus. In addition, an unreddened continuum component is also evident, which likely arises from scattered radiation, associated with the extended narrow-line region (NLR) of NGC 3227. The extreme ultraviolet (EUV) continuum, and the soft X-ray excess, can be explained with a warm Comptonisation component. The hard X-rays are consistent with a power-law and a neutral reflection component. The intrinsic bolometric luminosity of the AGN in NGC 3227 is about 2.2e+43 erg/s in 2019, corresponding to 3% Eddington luminosity. Our continuum modelling of the new triggered data of NGC 3227 requires the presence of a new obscuring gas with column density NH = 5e+22 cm^-2, partially covering the X-ray source (Cf = 0.6).
We investigate the photoionised X-ray emission line regions (ELRs) within the Seyfert 2 galaxy NGC 1068, to determine if there are any characteristic changes between observations taken fourteen years apart. We compare XMM-Newton observations collecte d in 2000 and 2014, simultaneously fitting the reflection grating spectrometer (RGS) and EPIC-pn spectra of each epoch, for the first time, with the photoionisation model, PION, in SPEX. We find that four PION components are required to fit the majority of the emission lines in the spectra of NGC 1068, with $log xi=1-4$, $log N_H>26 m^{-2}$, and $v_{out}=-100$ to $-600 kms^{-1}$ for both epochs. Comparing the ionisation state of the components shows almost no difference between the two epochs, while there is an increase in the total column density. To estimate the locations of these plasma regions from the central black hole we compare distance methods, excluding the variability arguments as there is no spectral change between observations. Although the methods are unable to constrain the distances, the locations are consistent with the narrow line region, with the possibility of the higher ionised component being part of the broad line region, but we cannot conclude this for certain. In addition, we find evidence for emission from collisionally ionised plasma, while previous analysis had suggested that collisional plasma emission was unlikely. However, although PION is unable to account for the FeXVII emission lines at 15 and 17 AA, we do not rule out that photoexcitation is a valid processes to produce these lines too. NGC 1068 has not changed, both in terms of the observed spectra or from our modelling, within the 14 year time period between observations. This suggests that the ELRs are fairly static relative to the 14 year time frame between observations, or there is no dramatic change in the black hole variability.
Interstellar dust permeates our Galaxy and plays an important role in many physical processes in the diffuse and dense regions of the interstellar medium. High-resolution X-ray spectroscopy, coupled with modelling based on laboratory dust measurement s, provides a unique probe to investigate the interstellar dust properties along our line of sight towards Galactic X-ray sources. Here, we focus on the oxygen content of the interstellar medium through its absorption features in the X-ray spectra. To model the dust features, we perform a laboratory experiment using the electron microscope facility located at the University of Cadiz in Spain, where we acquire new laboratory data in the oxygen K-edge. We study 18 dust samples of silicates and oxides with different chemical compositions. The laboratory measurements are adopted for our astronomical data analysis. We carry out a case study on the X-ray spectrum of the bright low-mass X-ray binary Cygnus X-2, observed by XMM-Newton. We determine different temperature phases of the ISM, and parameterize oxygen in both gas (neutral and ionised) and dust form. We find Solar abundances of oxygen along the line of sight towards the source. Due to both the relatively low depletion of oxygen into dust form and the shape of the oxygen cross section profiles, it is challenging to determine the precise chemistry of interstellar dust. However, silicates provide an acceptable fit. Finally, we discuss the systematic discrepancies in the atomic (gaseous phase) data of the oxygen edge spectral region using different X-ray atomic databases, and also consider future prospects for studying the ISM with the Arcus concept mission.
Aims. We aim to investigate and characterise the photoionised X-ray emission line regions within NGC 7469. Methods. We apply the photoionisation model, PION, within the spectral fitting code SPEX to analyse the 640 ks RGS spectrum of NGC 7469 gathere d during an XMM-Newton observing campaign in 2015. Results. We find the emission line region in NGC 7469 to be multiphased, consisting of two narrow components with ionisation parameters of $log xi = 0.4$ and 1.6. A third, broad emission component, with a broadening velocity of $v_b sim 1400$ km stextsuperscript{-1} and an outflow velocity of $v_{out} sim -4500$ km stextsuperscript{-1}, is required to fit the residuals in the O VII triplet, at around 22 AA. Assuming a volume filling factor of 0.1, the lower distance limits of the narrow emission line region components are estimated for the first time at 2.6 and 2.5 pc from the central black hole, whereas the broad component has an estimated lower bound distance between 0.004 to 0.03 pc, depending on the assumed plasma parameters. The collisionally ionised plasma from the star burst region in NGC 7469 has a plasma temperature of 0.32 keV and outflow velocity of $-280$ km stextsuperscript{-1}, consistent with previous results in this campaign. In addition, we model the photoionised plasma of the warm absorber (WA) in NGC 7469, and find that it consists of three photoionised phases, with different values of $xi$, $N_H$ and $v_{out}$. The upper bound distances of these WA components are 1.9, 0.3 and 0.6 pc, respectively, consistent with archival results. Conclusions. The environment of NGC 7469 is a complex mix of plasma winds absorbing and emitting X-rays. We find the picture painted by our results can be attributed to line emitting plasma located at distances ranging from near the black hole to the torus and beyond the ionised outflows.
Our Swift monitoring program triggered two joint XMM-Newton, NuSTAR and HST observations on 11 and 21 December 2016 targeting NGC 3783, as its soft X-ray continuum was heavily obscured. Consequently, emission features, including the O VII radiative r ecombination continuum, stand out above the diminished continuum. We focus on the photoionized emission features in the December 2016 RGS spectra and compare them to the time-averaged RGS spectrum obtained in 2000--2001 when the continuum was unobscured. A two-phase photoionized plasma is required to account for the narrow emission features. These narrow emission features are weakly varying between 2000--2001 and December 2016. We also find a statistically significant broad emission component in the time-averaged RGS spectrum in 2000--2001. This broad emission component is significantly weaker in December 2016, suggesting that the obscurer is farther away than the X-ray broad-line region. In addition, by analyzing the archival high-resolution X-ray spectra, we find that nine photoionized absorption components with different ionization parameters and kinematics are required for the warm absorber in X-rays.
To understand the nature of transient obscuring outflows in active galactic nuclei, we observed the Seyfert 1 galaxy NGC 3783 on two occasions in December 2016 triggered by Swift monitoring indicating strong soft X-ray absorption in November. We obta ined ultraviolet spectra using COS on HST and optical spectra using FEROS on the MPG/ESO 2.2-m telescope that were simultaneous with X-ray spectra from XMM-Newton and NuSTAR. We find new components of broad, blue-shifted absorption associated with Ly$alpha$, ion{N}{v}, ion{Si}{iv}, and ion{C}{iv} in our COS spectra. The absorption extends from velocities near zero in the rest-frame of the host galaxy to $-6200$ $rm km~s^{-1}$. These features appear for the first time in NGC 3783 at the same time as the heavy soft X-ray absorption seen in the XMM-Newton X-ray spectra. The X-ray absorption has a column density of $sim 10^{23}~rm cm^{-2}$, and it partially covers the X-ray continuum source. The X-ray absorption becomes more transparent in the second observation, as does the UV absorption. Combining the X-ray column densities with the UV spectral observations yields an ionization parameter for the obscuring gas of log $xi =1.84^{+0.4}_{-0.2}$ $rm erg~cm~s^{-1}$. Despite the high intensity of the UV continuum in NGC 3783, F(1470 AA)=$8 times 10^{-14}~rm erg~cm^{-2}~s^{-1}~AA^{-1}$, the well known narrow UV absorption lines are deeper than in earlier observations in unobscured states, and low ionization species such as ion{C}{iii} appear, indicating that the narrow-line gas is more distant from the nucleus and is being shadowed by the gas producing the obscuration. Despite the high continuum flux levels in our observations of NGC 3783, moderate velocities in the UV broad line profiles have substantially diminished. We suggest that a collapse of the broad line region has led to the outburst and triggered the obscuring event.
Obscuration of the continuum emission from active galactic nuclei by streams of gas with relatively high velocity (> 1000 km/s) and column density (>3E25 per m2) has been seen in a few Seyfert galaxies. This obscuration has a transient nature. In Dec ember 2016 we have witnessed such an event in NGC 3783. The frequency and duration of these obscuration events is poorly known. Here we study archival data of NGC 3783 in order to constrain this duty cycle. We use archival Chandra/NuSTAR spectra taken in August 2016. We also study the hardness ratio of all Swift XRT spectra taken between 2008-2017. In August 2016, NGC 3783 also showed evidence for obscuration. While the column density of the obscuring material is ten times lower than in December 2016, the opacity is still sufficient to block a significant fraction of the ionising X-ray and EUV photons. From the Swift hardness ratio behaviour we find several other epochs with obscuration. Obscuration with columns >1E26 per m2 may take place in about half of the time. Also in archival X-ray data taken by ASCA in 1993 and 1996 we find evidence for obscuration. Obscuration of the ionising photons in NGC 3783 occurs more frequently than previously thought. This may not always have been recognised due to low spectral resolution observations, too limited spectral bandwidth or confusion with underlying continuum variations.
We investigate the physical structure of the AGN wind in the Seyfert-1 galaxy NGC 7469 through high-resolution X-ray spectroscopy with Chandra HETGS and photoionisation modelling. Contemporaneous data from Chandra, HST, and Swift are used to model th e optical-UV-X-ray continuum and determine the spectral energy distribution (SED) at two epochs, 13 years apart. For our investigation we use new observations taken in December 2015-January 2016, and historical ones taken in December 2002. We study the impact of a change in the SED shape, seen between the two epochs, on the photoionisation of the wind. The HETGS spectroscopy shows that the AGN wind in NGC 7469 consists of four ionisation components, with their outflow velocities ranging from -400 to -1800 km/s. From our modelling we find that the change in the ionising continuum shape between the two epochs results in some variation in the ionisation state of the wind components. However, for the main ions detected in X-rays, the sum of their column densities over all four components, remains in practice unchanged. For two of the four components, which are found to be thermally unstable in both epochs, we obtain 2 < r < 31 pc and 12 < r < 29 pc using the cooling and recombination timescales. For the other two thermally stable components, we obtain r < 31 pc and r < 80 pc from the recombination timescale. The results of our photoionisation modelling and thermal stability analysis suggest that the absorber components in NGC 7469 are consistent with being a thermally-driven wind from the AGN torus. Finally, from analysis of the zeroth-order ACIS/HETG data, we discover that the X-ray emission between 0.2-1 keV is spatially extended over 1.5-12. This diffuse soft X-ray emission is explained by coronal emission from the nuclear starburst ring in NGC 7469.
Ionized outflows in Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) are thought to influence their nuclear and local galactic environment. However, the distance of the outflows with respect to the central engine is poorly constrained, which limits our understanding of their kinetic power as a cosmic feedback channel. Therefore, the impact of AGN outflows on their host galaxies is uncertain. However, when the density of the outflows is known, their distance can be immediately obtained from their modelled ionization parameter. With the new self-consistent PhotoIONization (PION) model in the SPEX code, we are able to calculate detailed level populations, including the ground and metastable levels. This enables us to determine under what physical conditions the metastable levels are significantly populated. We then identify characteristic lines from these metastable levels in the 1 -- 2000 {AA} wavelength range. In the large density range of $n_H in (10^6, 10^{20} m^{-3}$, the metastable levels 2s 2p $(^3P_{0-2})$ in Be-like ions can be significantly populated. For B-like ions, merely the first excited level 2s$^2$ 2p $(^2P_{3/2})$ can be used as a density probe. For C-like ions, the first two excited levels 2s$^2$ 2p$^2$ ($^3P_1$ and $^3P_2$) are better density probes than the next two excited levels 2s$^2$ 2p$^2$ ($^1S_0$ and $^1D_2$). Different ions in the same isoelectronic sequence cover not only a wide range of ionization parameter, but also a wide range of density. On the other hand, within the same isonuclear sequence, less ionized ions probe lower density and smaller ionization parameter. Finally, we re-analyzed the high-resolution grating spectra of NGC 5548 observed with Chandra in January 2002, using a set of PION components to account for the ionized outflow. We derive lower (or upper) limits of plasma density in five out of six PION components, based on the presence (or absence) of the metastable absorption lines.

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