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The characterization of the Intra-Cluster Medium (ICM) properties of high-redshift galaxy clusters is fundamental to our understanding of large-scale structure formation processes. We present the results of a multi-wavelength analysis of the very mas sive cluster MOO J1142$+$1527 at a redshift $z = 1.2$ discovered as part of the Massive and Distant Clusters of WISE Survey (MaDCoWS). This analysis is based on high angular resolution $Chandra$ X-ray and NIKA2 Sunyaev-Zeldovich (SZ) data. Although the X-ray data have only about 1700 counts, we are able to determine the ICM thermodynamic radial profiles, namely temperature, entropy, and hydrostatic mass. These have been obtained with unprecedented precision at this redshift and up to $0.7R_{500}$, thanks to the combination of high-resolution X-ray and SZ data. The comparison between the galaxy distribution mapped in infrared by $Spitzer$ and the morphological properties of the ICM derived from the combined analysis of the $Chandra$ and NIKA2 data leads us to the conclusion that the cluster is an on-going merger. We measure the hydrostatic mass profile of the cluster in four angular sectors centered on the large-scale X-ray centroid. This allows us to estimate a systematic uncertainty on the cluster total mass that characterizes both the impact of the observed deviations from spherical symmetry and of the core dynamics on the mass profile. We further combine the X-ray and SZ data at the pixel level to obtain maps of the temperature and entropy distributions averaged along the line of sight. We find a relatively low entropy core at the position of the X-ray peak and high temperature regions located on its south and west sides. The increase in ICM temperature at the location of the SZ peak is expected given the merger dynamics. (abridged)
We present 190 galaxy cluster candidates (most at high redshift) based on galaxy overdensity measurements in the spitzer/IRAC imaging of the fields surrounding 646 bent, double-lobed radio sources drawn from the Clusters Occupied by Bent Radio AGN (C OBRA) Survey. The COBRA sources were chosen as objects in the VLA FIRST survey that lack optical counterparts in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) to a limit of $m_r=22$, making them likely to lie at high redshift. This is confirmed by our observations: the redshift distribution of COBRA sources with estimated redshifts peaks near $z=1$, and extends out to $zapprox3$. Cluster candidates were identified by comparing our target fields to a background field and searching for statistically significant ($ge2sigma$) excesses in the galaxy number counts surrounding the radio sources; 190 fields satisfy the $ge2sigma$ limit. We find that 530 fields (82.0%) have a net positive excess of galaxies surrounding the radio source. Many of the fields with positive excesses but below the $2sigma$ cutoff are likely to be galaxy groups. Forty-one COBRA sources are quasars with known spectroscopic redshifts, which may be tracers of some of the most distant clusters known.
We present CARMA 30 GHz Sunyaev-Zeldovich (SZ) observations of five high-redshift ($z gtrsim 1$), infrared-selected galaxy clusters discovered as part of the all-sky Massive and Distant Clusters of WISE Survey (MaDCoWS). The SZ decrements measured to ward these clusters demonstrate that the MaDCoWS selection is discovering evolved, massive galaxy clusters with hot intracluster gas. Using the SZ scaling relation calibrated with South Pole Telescope clusters at similar masses and redshifts, we find these MaDCoWS clusters have masses in the range $M_{200} approx 2-6 times 10^{14}$ $M_odot$. Three of these are among the most massive clusters found to date at $zgtrsim 1$, demonstrating that MaDCoWS is sensitive to the most massive clusters to at least $z = 1.3$. The added depth of the AllWISE data release will allow all-sky infrared cluster detection to $z approx 1.5$ and beyond.
We analyze the star formation properties of 16 infrared-selected, spectroscopically confirmed galaxy clusters at $1 < z < 1.5$ from the Spitzer/IRAC Shallow Cluster Survey (ISCS). We present new spectroscopic confirmation for six of these high-redshi ft clusters, five of which are at $z>1.35$. Using infrared luminosities measured with deep Spitzer/MIPS observations at 24 $mu$m, along with robust optical+IRAC photometric redshifts and SED-fitted stellar masses, we present the dust-obscured star-forming fractions, star formation rates and specific star formation rates in these clusters as functions of redshift and projected clustercentric radius. We find that $zsim 1.4$ represents a transition redshift for the ISCS sample, with clear evidence of an unquenched era of cluster star formation at earlier times. Beyond this redshift the fraction of star-forming cluster members increases monotonically toward the cluster centers. Indeed, the specific star formation rate in the cores of these distant clusters is consistent with field values at similar redshifts, indicating that at $z>1.4$ environment-dependent quenching had not yet been established in ISCS clusters. Combining these observations with complementary studies showing a rapid increase in the AGN fraction, a stochastic star formation history, and a major merging episode at the same epoch in this cluster sample, we suggest that the starburst activity is likely merger-driven and that the subsequent quenching is due to feedback from merger-fueled AGN. The totality of the evidence suggests we are witnessing the final quenching period that brings an end to the era of star formation in galaxy clusters and initiates the era of passive evolution.
The fraction of cluster galaxies that host luminous AGN is an important probe of AGN fueling processes, the cold ISM at the centers of galaxies, and how tightly black holes and galaxies co-evolve. We present a new measurement of the AGN fraction in a sample of 13 clusters of galaxies (M >= 10^{14} Msun) at 1<z<1.5 selected from the Spitzer/IRAC Shallow Cluster Survey, as well as the field fraction in the immediate vicinity of these clusters, and combine these data with measurements from the literature to quantify the relative evolution of cluster and field AGN from the present to z~3. We estimate that the cluster AGN fraction at 1<z<1.5 is f_A = 3.0^{+2.4}_{-1.4}% for AGN with a rest-frame, hard X-ray luminosity greater than L_{X,H} >= 10^{44} erg/s. This fraction is measured relative to all cluster galaxies more luminous than M*_{3.6}(z)+1, where M*_{3.6}(z) is the absolute magnitude of the break in the galaxy luminosity function at the cluster redshift in the IRAC 3.6um bandpass. The cluster AGN fraction is 30 times greater than the 3sigma upper limit on the value for AGN of similar luminosity at z~0.25, as well as more than an order of magnitude greater than the AGN fraction at z~0.75. AGN with L_{X,H} >= 10^{43} erg/s exhibit similarly pronounced evolution with redshift. In contrast with the local universe, where the luminous AGN fraction is higher in the field than in clusters, the X-ray and MIR-selected AGN fractions in the field and clusters are consistent at 1<z<1.5. This is evidence that the cluster AGN population has evolved more rapidly than the field population from z~1.5 to the present. This environment-dependent AGN evolution mimics the more rapid evolution of star-forming galaxies in clusters relative to the field.
We report 31 GHz CARMA observations of IDCS J1426.5+3508, an infrared-selected galaxy cluster at z = 1.75. A Sunyaev-Zeldovich decrement is detected towards this cluster, indicating a total mass of M200 = (4.3 +/- 1.1) x 10^{14} Msun in agreement wit h the approximate X-ray mass of ~5 x 10^{14} Msun. IDCS J1426.5+3508 is by far the most distant cluster yet detected via the Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect, and the most massive z >= 1.4 galaxy cluster found to date. Despite the mere ~1% probability of finding it in the 8.82 deg^2 IRAC Distant Cluster Survey, IDCS J1426.5+3508 is not completely unexpected in LCDM once the area of large, existing surveys is considered. IDCS J1426.5+3508 is, however, among the rarest, most extreme clusters ever discovered, and indeed is an evolutionary precursor to the most massive known clusters at all redshifts. We discuss how imminent, highly sensitive Sunyaev-Zeldovich experiments will complement infrared techniques for statistical studies of the formation of the most massive galaxy clusters in the z > 1.5 Universe, including potential precursors to IDCS J1426.5+3508.
We report the discovery of an IR-selected massive galaxy cluster in the IRAC Distant Cluster Survey (IDCS). We present new data from the Hubble Space Telescope and the W. M. Keck Observatory that spectroscopically confirm IDCS J1426+3508 at z=1.75. M oreover, the cluster is detected in archival Chandra data as an extended X-ray source, comprising 54 counts after the removal of point sources. We calculate an X-ray luminosity of L{0.5-2 keV} = (5.5 +/- 1.2) X 1e44 ergs/s within r = 60 arcsec (~1 Mpc diameter), which implies M_{200,L_x} = (5.6 +/- 1.6) X 1e14 Msun. IDCS J1426+3508 appears to be an exceptionally massive cluster for its redshift.
We report the X-ray detection of two z>1.4 infrared-selected galaxy clusters from the IRAC Shallow Cluster Survey (ISCS). We present new data from the Hubble Space Telescope and the W. M. Keck Observatory that spectroscopically confirm cluster ISCS J 1432.4+3250 at z=1.49, the most distant of 18 confirmed z>1 clusters in the ISCS to date. We also present new spectroscopy for ISCS J1438.1+3414, previously reported at z = 1.41, and measure its dynamical mass. Clusters ISCS J1432.4+3250 and ISCS J1438.1+3414 are detected in 36ks and 143ks Chandra exposures at significances of 5.2 sigma and 9.7 sigma, from which we measure total masses of log(M_{200,Lx}/Msun) = 14.4 +/- 0.2 and 14.35^{+0.14}_{-0.11}, respectively. The consistency of the X-ray and dynamical properties of these high redshift clusters further demonstrates that the ISCS is robustly detecting massive clusters to at least z = 1.5.
The Spitzer Deep, Wide-Field Survey (SDWFS) is a four-epoch infrared survey of ten square degrees in the Bootes field of the NOAO Deep Wide-Field Survey using the IRAC instrument on the Spitzer Space Telescope. SDWFS, a Cycle four Spitzer Legacy proj ect, occupies a unique position in the area-depth survey space defined by other Spitzer surveys. The four epochs that make up SDWFS permit -- for the first time -- the selection of infrared-variable and high proper motion objects over a wide field on timescales of years. Because of its large survey volume, SDWFS is sensitive to galaxies out to z~3 with relatively little impact from cosmic variance for all but the richest systems. The SDWFS datasets will thus be especially useful for characterizing galaxy evolution beyond z~1.5. This paper explains the SDWFS observing strategy and data processing, presents the SDWFS mosaics and source catalogs, and discusses some early scientific findings. The publicly-released, full-depth catalogs contain 6.78, 5.23, 1.20, and 0.96 x 10e5 distinct sources detected to the average 5-sigma, 4 diameter, aperture-corrected limits of 19.77, 18.83, 16.50, and 15.82 Vega mag at 3.6, 4.5, 5.8, and 8.0 micron, respectively. The SDWFS number counts and color-color distribution are consistent with other, earlier Spitzer surveys. At the 6 min integration time of the SDWFS IRAC imaging, more than 50% of isolated FIRST radio sources and more than 80% of on-axis XBootes sources are detected out to 8.0 micron. Finally, we present the four highest proper motion IRAC-selected sources identified from the multi-epoch imaging, two of which are likely field brown dwarfs of mid-T spectral class.
We built an optimal basis of low resolution templates for galaxies over the wavelength range from 0.2 to 10 $mu$m using a variant of the algorithm presented by Budavari et al. (2000). We derived them using eleven bands of photometry from the NDWFS, F LAMEX, zBootes and IRAC Shallow surveys for 16033 galaxies in the NDWFS Bootes field with spectroscopic redshifts measured by the AGN and Galaxy Evolution Survey. We also developed algorithms to accurately determine photometric redshifts, K corrections and bolometric luminosities using these templates. Our photometric redshifts have an accuracy of $sigma_z/(1+z) = 0.04$ when clipped to the best 95%. We used these templates to study the spectral type distribution in the field and to estimate luminosity functions of galaxies as a function of redshift and spectral type. In particular, we note that the 5-8$mu$m color distribution of galaxies is bimodal, much like the optical g--r colors.

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