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Dynamical mean-field theory (DMFT) has been employed in conjunction with density functional theory (DFT+DMFT) to investigate the metal-insulator transition (MIT) of strongly correlated $3d$ electrons due to quantum confinement. We shed new light on t he microscopic mechanism of the MIT and previously reported anomalous subband mass enhancement, both of which arise as a direct consequence of the quantization of V $xz(yz)$ states in the SrVO$_3$ layers. We therefore show that quantum confinement can sensitively tune the strength of electron correlations, leading the way to applying such approaches in other correlated materials.
Electronic correlations were long suggested not only to be responsible for the complexity of many novel materials, but also to form essential prerequisites for their intriguing properties. Electronic behavior of iron-based superconductors is far from conventional, while the reason for that is not yet understood. Here we present a combined study of the electronic spectrum in the iron-based superconductor FeSe by means of angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) and dynamical mean field theory (DMFT). Both methods in unison reveal strong deviations of the spectrum from single-electron approximation for the whole 3$d$ band of iron: not only the well separated coherent and incoherent parts of the spectral weight are observed, but also a noticeable dispersion of the lower Hubbard band (LHB) is clearly present. This way we demonstrate correlations of the most puzzling intermediate coupling strength in iron superconductors.
We employ a combination of density functional theory and dynamical mean-field theory to investigate the electronic structure of the recently synthesized insulator BaCrO$_3$. Our calculations show that Hunds coupling is responsible for strong correlat ion effects, which are however not sufficient to turn the system insulating. A finite Jahn-Teller distortion lifting the orbital degeneracy is necessary to stabilize an insulating state with orbital ordering and consequent magnetic ordering.
We consider variants of the Jaynes-Cummings-Hubbard model of lattice polaritons, taking into account next-nearest-neighbor, diagonal and long-range photon hopping in one and two dimensions. These models are relevant for potential experimental realiza tions of polariton Mott insulators based on trapped ions or microwave stripline resonators. We obtain the Mott-superfluid phase boundary and calculate excitation spectra in the Mott phase using numerical and analytical methods. Including the additional hopping terms leads to a larger Mott phase in the case of trapped ions, and to a smaller Mott phase in the case of stripline resonators, compared to the original model with nearest-neighbor hopping only. The critical hopping for the transition changes by up to about 50 percent in one dimension, and by up to about 20 percent in two dimensions. In contrast, the excitation spectra remain largely unaffected.
We investigate the origin of the high Neel temperature recently found in Tc perovskites. The electronic structure in the magnetic state of SrTcO3 and its 3d analogue SrMnO3 is calculated within a framework combining band-structure and many-body metho ds. In agreement with experiment, the Neel temperature of SrTcO3 is found to be four times larger than that of SrMnO3. We show that this is because the Tc-compound lies on the verge of the itinerant-to-localized transition, and also has a larger bandwidth, while the Mn-compound lies deeper into the localized side. For SrTcO3 we predict that the Neel temperature depends weakly on applied pressure, in clear violation of Blochs rule, signaling the complete breakdown of the localized picture.
An array of high-Q electromagnetic resonators coupled to qubits gives rise to the Jaynes-Cummings-Hubbard model describing a superfluid to Mott insulator transition of lattice polaritons. From mean-field and strong coupling expansions, the critical p roperties of the model are expected to be identical to the scalar Bose-Hubbard model. A recent Monte Carlo study of the superfluid density on the square lattice suggested that this does not hold for the fixed-density transition through the Mott lobe tip. Instead, mean-field behavior with a dynamical critical exponent z=2 was found. We perform large-scale quantum Monte Carlo simulations to investigate the critical behavior of the superfluid density and the compressibility. We find z=1 at the tip of the insulating lobe. Hence the transition falls in the 3D XY universality class, analogous to the Bose-Hubbard model.
One central challenge in high-$T_c$ superconductivity (SC) is to derive a detailed understanding for the specific role of the $Cu$-$d_{x^2-y^2}$ and $O$-$p_{x,y}$ orbital degrees of freedom. In most theoretical studies an effective one-band Hubbard ( 1BH) or t-J model has been used. Here, the physics is that of doping into a Mott-insulator, whereas the actual high-$T_c$ cuprates are doped charge-transfer insulators. To shed light on the related question, where the material-dependent physics enters, we compare the competing magnetic and superconducting phases in the ground state, the single- and two-particle excitations and, in particular, the pairing interaction and its dynamics in the three-band Hubbard (3BH) and 1BH-models. Using a cluster embedding scheme, i.e. the variational cluster approach (VCA), we find which frequencies are relevant for pairing in the two models as a function of interaction strength and doping: in the 3BH-models the interaction in the low- to optimal-doping regime is dominated by retarded pairing due to low-energy spin fluctuations with surprisingly little influence of inter-band (p-d charge) fluctuations. On the other hand, in the 1BH-model, in addition a part comes from high-energy excited states (Hubbard band), which may be identified with a non-retarded contribution. We find these differences between a charge-transfer and a Mott insulator to be renormalized away for the ground-state phase diagram of the 3BH- and 1BH-models, which are in close overall agreement, i.e. are universal. On the other hand, we expect the differences - and thus, the material dependence to show up in the non-universal finite-T phase diagram ($T_c$-values).
Two-particle (2-p) excitations such as spin and charge excitations play a key role in high-Tc cuprate superconductors (HTSC). On the basis of a parameter-free theory, which extends the Variational Cluster Approach (a recently developed embedded clust er method) to 2-p excitations, the magnetic excitations of HTSC are shown to be reproduced for a Hubbard model within the relevant strong-coupling regime. In particular, the resonance mode in the underdoped regime, its intensity and hour-glass dispersion are in good overall agreement with experiments.
We present results for the momentum-resolved single-particle spectral function of the low-dimensional system TiOCl in the insulating state, obtained by a combination of ab initio Density Functional Theory (DFT) and Variational Cluster (VCA) calculati ons. This approach allows to combine a realistic band structure and a thorough treatment of the strong correlations. We show that it is important to include a realistic two-dimensional band structure of TiOCl into the effective strongly-correlated models in order to explain the spectral weight behavior seen in angle-resolved photoemission (ARPES) experiments. In particular, we observe that the effect of the interchain couplings is a considerable redistribution of the spectral weight around the Gamma point from higher to lower binding energies as compared to a purely one-dimensional model treatment. Hence, our results support a description of TiOCl as a two-dimensional compound with strong anisotropy and also set a benchmark on the spectral features of correlated coupled-chain systems.
We carry out a detailed numerical study of the three-band Hubbard model in the underdoped region both in the hole- as well as in the electron-doped case by means of the variational cluster approach. Both the phase diagram and the low-energy single-pa rticle spectrum are very similar to recent results for the single-band Hubbard model with next-nearest-neighbor hoppings. In particular, we obtain a mixed antiferromagnetic+superconducting phase at low doping with a first-order transition to a pure superconducting phase accompanied by phase separation. In the single-particle spectrum a clear Zhang-Rice singlet band with an incoherent and a coherent part can be seen, in which holes enter upon doping around $(pi/2,pi/2)$. The latter is very similar to the coherent quasi-particle band crossing the Fermi surface in the single-band model. Doped electrons go instead into the upper Hubbard band, first filling the regions of the Brillouin zone around $(pi,0)$. This fact can be related to the enhanced robustness of the antiferromagnetic phase as a function of electron doping compared to hole doping.

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