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We study the doping-driven Mott metal-insulator transition for multi-orbital Hubbard models with Hunds exchange coupling at finite temperatures. As in the single-orbital Hubbard model, the transition is of first-order within dynamical mean field theo ry, with a coexistence region where two solutions can be stabilized. We find, that in the presence of finite Hunds coupling, the insulating phase is connected to a badly metallic phase, which extends to surprisingly large dopings. While fractional power-law behavior of the self-energies on the Matsubara axis is found on both sides of the transition, a regime with frozen local moments develops only on the branch connected to the insulating phase.
La$_2$O$_3$Fe$_2$Se$_2$ can be explained in terms of Mott localization in sharp contrast with the metallic behavior of FeSe and other parent parent compounds of iron superconductors. We demonstrate that the key ingredient that makes La$_2$O$_3$Fe$_2$ Se$_2$ a Mott insulator, rather than a correlated metal dominated by the Hunds coupling is the enhanced crystal-field splitting, accompanied by a smaller orbital-resolved kinetic energy. The strong deviation from orbital degeneracy introduced by the crystal-field splitting also pushes this materials close to an orbital-selective Mott transition. We predict that either doping or uniaxial external pressure can drive the material into an orbital-selective Mott state, where only one or few orbitals are metallized while the others remain insulating.
The three-band model relevant to high temperature copper-oxide superconductors is solved using single-site dynamical mean field theory and a tight-binding parametrization of the copper and oxygen bands. For a band filling of one hole per unit cell th e metal/charge-transfer-insulator phase diagram is determined. The electron spectral function, optical conductivity and quasiparticle mass enhancement are computed as functions of electron and hole doping for parameters such that the corresponding to the paramagnetic metal and charge-transfer insulator sides of the one hole per cell phase diagram. The optical conductivity is computed using the Peierls phase approximation for the optical matrix elements. The calculation includes the physics of Zhang-Rice singlets. The effects of antiferromagnetism on the magnitude of the gap and the relation between correlation strength and doping-induced changes in state density are determined. Three band and one band models are compared. The two models are found to yield quantitatively consistent results for all energies less than about 4eV, including energies in the vicinity of the charge-transfer gap. Parameters on the insulating side of the metal/charge-transfer insulator phase boundary lead to gaps which are too large and near-gap conductivities which are too small relative to data. The results place the cuprates clearly in the intermediate correlation regime, on the paramagnetic metal side of the metal/charge-transfer insulator phase boundary.
We outline a general mechanism for Orbital-selective Mott transition (OSMT), the coexistence of both itinerant and localized conduction electrons, and show how it can take place in a wide range of realistic situations, even for bands of identical wid th and correlation, provided a crystal field splits the energy levels in manifolds with different degeneracies and the exchange coupling is large enough to reduce orbital fluctuations. The mechanism relies on the different kinetic energy in manifolds with different degeneracy. This phase has Curie-Weiss susceptibility and non Fermi-liquid behavior, which disappear at a critical doping, all of which is reminiscent of the physics of the pnictides.

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