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We present a new method for inferring the metallicity (Z) and ionization parameter (q) of HII regions and star-forming galaxies using strong nebular emission lines (SEL). We use Bayesian inference to derive the joint and marginalized posterior probab ility density functions for Z and q given a set of observed line fluxes and an input photo-ionization model. Our approach allows the use of arbitrary sets of SELs and the inclusion of flux upper limits. The method provides a self-consistent way of determining the physical conditions of ionized nebulae that is not tied to the arbitrary choice of a particular SEL diagnostic and uses all the available information. Unlike theoretically calibrated SEL diagnostics the method is flexible and not tied to a particular photo-ionization model. We describe our algorithm, validate it against other methods, and present a tool that implements it called IZI. Using a sample of nearby extra-galactic HII regions we assess the performance of commonly used SEL abundance diagnostics. We also use a sample of 22 local HII regions having both direct and recombination line (RL) oxygen abundance measurements in the literature to study discrepancies in the abundance scale between different methods. We find that oxygen abundances derived through Bayesian inference using currently available photo-ionization models in the literature can be in good (~30%) agreement with RL abundances, although some models perform significantly better than others. We also confirm that abundances measured using the direct method are typically 0.2 dex lower than both RL and photo-ionization model based abundances.
Nuclear inflows of metal-poor interstellar gas triggered by galaxy interactions can account for the systematically lower central oxygen abundances observed in local interacting galaxies. Here, we investigate the metallicity evolution of a large set o f simulations of colliding galaxies. Our models include cooling, star formation, feedback, and a new stochastic method for tracking the mass recycled back to the interstellar medium from stellar winds and supernovae. We study the influence of merger-induced inflows, enrichment, gas consumption, and galactic winds in determining the nuclear metallicity. The central metallicity is primarily a competition between the inflow of low-metallicity gas and enrichment from star formation. An average depression in the nuclear metallicity of ~0.07 is found for gas-poor disk-disk interactions. Gas-rich disk-disk interactions, on the other hand, typically have an enhancement in the central metallicity that is positively correlated with the gas content. The simulations fare reasonably well when compared to the observed mass-metallicity and separation-metallicity relationships, but further study is warranted.
142 - Brent Groves IoA 2007
Using the large emission line galaxy sample from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey we show that Star forming galaxies, Seyferts, and low-ionization nuclear emission-line regions (LINERs) form clearly separated branches on the standard optical diagnostic d iagrams. We derive a new empirical classification scheme which cleanly separates these emission-line galaxies, using strong optical emission lines. Using this classification we identify a few distinguishing host galaxy properties of each class, which, along with the emission line analysis, suggest continuous evolution from one class to another. As a final note, we introduce models of both Starforming galaxies and AGN narrow line regions which can explain the distribution of galaxies on standard emission line ratio diagrams, and possibly suggest new diagnostics across the emission spectrum.
We investigate the production of nitrogen in star forming galaxies with ultraviolet (UV) radiation detected by the Galaxy Evolution Explorer Satellite (GALEX). We use a sample of 8,745 GALEX emission line galaxies matched to the Sloan Digital Sky Sur vey (SDSS) spectroscopic sample. We derive both gas-phase oxygen and nitrogen abundances for the sample, and apply stellar population synthesis models to derive stellar masses and star formation histories of the galaxies. We compare oxygen abundances derived using three different diagnostics. We derive the specific star formation rates of the galaxies by modeling the 7-band GALEX+SDSS photometry. We find that galaxies that have log SFR/M$_*$ > -10.0 typically have values of log N/O ~0.05 dex less than galaxies with log SFR/M$_*$ < -10.0 and similar oxygen abundances.

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