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Spatiotemporal forecasting plays an essential role in various applications in intelligent transportation systems (ITS), such as route planning, navigation, and traffic control and management. Deep Spatiotemporal graph neural networks (GNNs), which ca pture both spatial and temporal patterns, have achieved great success in traffic forecasting applications. Understanding how GNNs-based forecasting work and the vulnerability and robustness of these models becomes critical to real-world applications. For example, if spatiotemporal GNNs are vulnerable in real-world traffic prediction applications, a hacker can easily manipulate the results and cause serious traffic congestion and even a city-scale breakdown. However, despite that recent studies have demonstrated that deep neural networks (DNNs) are vulnerable to carefully designed perturbations in multiple domains like objection classification and graph representation, current adversarial works cannot be directly applied to spatiotemporal forecasting due to the causal nature and spatiotemporal mechanisms in forecasting models. To fill this gap, in this paper we design Spatially Focused Attack (SFA) to break spatiotemporal GNNs by attacking a single vertex. To achieve this, we first propose the inverse estimation to address the causality issue; then, we apply genetic algorithms with a universal attack method as the evaluation function to locate the weakest vertex; finally, perturbations are generated by solving an inverse estimation-based optimization problem. We conduct experiments on real-world traffic data and our results show that perturbations in one vertex designed by SA can be diffused into a large part of the graph.
Individual mobility prediction is an essential task for transportation demand management and traffic system operation. There exist a large body of works on modeling location sequence and predicting the next location of users; however, little attentio n is paid to the prediction of the next trip, which is governed by the strong spatiotemporal dependencies between diverse attributes, including trip start time $t$, origin $o$, and destination $d$. To fill this gap, in this paper we propose a novel point process-based model -- Attentive Marked temporal point processes (AMTPP) -- to model human mobility and predict the whole trip $(t,o,d)$ in a joint manner. To encode the influence of history trips, AMTPP employs the self-attention mechanism with a carefully designed positional embedding to capture the daily/weekly periodicity and regularity in individual travel behavior. Given the unique peaked nature of inter-event time in human behavior, we use an asymmetric log-Laplace mixture distribution to precisely model the distribution of trip start time $t$. Furthermore, an origin-destination (OD) matrix learning block is developed to model the relationship between every origin and destination pair. Experimental results on two large metro trip datasets demonstrate the superior performance of AMTPP.
Categorization is an essential component for us to understand the world for ourselves and to communicate it collectively. It is therefore important to recognize that classification system are not necessarily static, especially for economic systems, a nd even more so in urban areas where most innovation takes place and is implemented. Out-of-date classification systems would potentially limit further understanding of the current economy because things constantly change. Here, we develop an occupation-based classification system for the US labor economy, called industrial topics, that satisfy adaptability and representability. By leveraging the distributions of occupations across the US urban areas, we identify industrial topics - clusters of occupations based on their co-existence pattern. Industrial topics indicate the mechanisms under the systematic allocation of different occupations. Considering the densely connected occupations as an industrial topic, our approach characterizes regional economies by their topical composition. Unlike the existing survey-based top-down approach, our method provides timely information about the underlying structure of the regional economy, which is critical for policymakers and business leaders, especially in our fast-changing economy.
Discovering patterns and detecting anomalies in individual travel behavior is a crucial problem in both research and practice. In this paper, we address this problem by building a probabilistic framework to model individual spatiotemporal travel beha vior data (e.g., trip records and trajectory data). We develop a two-dimensional latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA) model to characterize the generative mechanism of spatiotemporal trip records of each traveler. This model introduces two separate factor matrices for the spatial dimension and the temporal dimension, respectively, and use a two-dimensional core structure at the individual level to effectively model the joint interactions and complex dependencies. This model can efficiently summarize travel behavior patterns on both spatial and temporal dimensions from very sparse trip sequences in an unsupervised way. In this way, complex travel behavior can be modeled as a mixture of representative and interpretable spatiotemporal patterns. By applying the trained model on future/unseen spatiotemporal records of a traveler, we can detect her behavior anomalies by scoring those observations using perplexity. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed modeling framework on a real-world license plate recognition (LPR) data set. The results confirm the advantage of statistical learning methods in modeling sparse individual travel behavior data. This type of pattern discovery and anomaly detection applications can provide useful insights for traffic monitoring, law enforcement, and individual travel behavior profiling.
Improved mobility not only contributes to more intensive human activities but also facilitates the spread of communicable disease, thus constituting a major threat to billions of urban commuters. In this study, we present a multi-city investigation o f communicable diseases percolating among metro travelers. We use smart card data from three megacities in China to construct individual-level contact networks, based on which the spread of disease is modeled and studied. We observe that, though differing in urban forms, network layouts, and mobility patterns, the metro systems of the three cities share similar contact network structures. This motivates us to develop a universal generation model that captures the distributions of the number of contacts as well as the contact duration among individual travelers. This model explains how the structural properties of the metro contact network are associated with the risk level of communicable diseases. Our results highlight the vulnerability of urban mass transit systems during disease outbreaks and suggest important planning and operation strategies for mitigating the risk of communicable diseases.

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