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We study a simple lattice model with local symmetry, whose construction is based on a crossed module of finite groups. Its dynamical degrees of freedom are associated both to links and faces of a four-dimensional lattice. In special limits the discus sed model reduces to certain known topological quantum field theories. In this work we focus on its dynamics, which we study both analytically and using Monte Carlo simulations. We prove a factorization theorem which reduces computation of correlation functions of local observables to known, simpler models. This, combined with standard Krammers-Wannier type dualities, allows us to propose a detailed phase diagram, which form is then confirmed in numerical simulations. We describe also topological charges present in the model, its symmetries and symmetry breaking patterns. The corresponding order parameters are the Polyakov loop and its generalization, which we call a Polyakov surface. The latter is particularly interesting, as it is beyond the scope of the factorization theorem. As shown by the numerical results, expectation value of Polyakov surface may serve to detects all phase transitions and is sensitive to a value of the topological charge.
We construct a dynamical lattice model based on a crossed module of possibly non-abelian finite groups. Its degrees of freedom are defined on links and plaquettes, while gauge transformations are based on vertices and links of the underlying lattice. We specify the Hilbert space, define basic observables (including the Hamiltonian) and initiate a~discussion on the models phase diagram. The constructed model generalizes, and in appropriate limits reduces to, topological theories with symmetries described by groups and crossed modules, lattice Yang-Mills theory and $2$-form electrodynamics. We conclude by reviewing classifying spaces of crossed modules, with an emphasis on the direct relation between their geometry and properties of gauge theories under consideration.
We review a procedure of factorizing the Minkowski space Dirac operator over a~suitable superspace, discuss its Euclidean space version and apply the worked out formalism in the case od an almost-commutative Dirac operator. The presented framework is an attempt to reconcile non-commutative geometry and supersymmetry.
We introduce super quantum Airy structures, which provide a supersymmetric generalization of quantum Airy structures. We prove that to a given super quantum Airy structure one can assign a unique set of free energies, which satisfy a supersymmetric g eneralization of the topological recursion. We reveal and discuss various properties of these supersymmetric structures, in particular their gauge transformations, classical limit, peculiar role of fermionic variables, and graphical representation of recursion relations. Furthermore, we present various examples of super quantum Airy structures, both finite-dimensional -- which include well known superalgebras and super Frobenius algebras, and whose classification scheme we also discuss -- as well as infinite-dimensional, that arise in the realm of vertex operator super algebras.
As we have shown in the previous work, using the formalism of matrix and eigenvalue models, to a given classical algebraic curve one can associate an infinite family of quantum curves, which are in one-to-one correspondence with singular vectors of a certain (e.g. Virasoro or super-Virasoro) underlying algebra. In this paper we reformulate this problem in the language of conformal field theory. Such a reformulation has several advantages: it leads to the identification of quantum curves more efficiently, it proves in full generality that they indeed have the structure of singular vectors, it enables identification of corresponding eigenvalue models. Moreover, this approach can be easily generalized to other underlying algebras. To illustrate these statements we apply the conformal field theory formalism to the case of the Ramond version of the super-Virasoro algebra. We derive two classes of corresponding Ramond super-eigenvalue models, construct Ramond super-quantum curves that have the structure of relevant singular vectors, and identify underlying Ramond super-spectral curves. We also analyze Ramond multi-Penner models and show that they lead to supersymmetric generalizations of BPZ equations.
We show that quantum curves arise in infinite families and have the structure of singular vectors of a relevant symmetry algebra. We analyze in detail the case of the hermitian one-matrix model with the underlying Virasoro algebra, and the super-eige nvalue model with the underlying super-Virasoro algebra. In the Virasoro case we relate singular vector structure of quantum curves to the topological recursion, and in the super-Virasoro case we introduce the notion of super-quantum curves. We also discuss the double quantum structure of the quantum curves and analyze specific examples of Gaussian and multi-Penner models.
In modern mathematical and theoretical physics various generalizations, in particular supersymmetric or quantum, of Riemann surfaces and complex algebraic curves play a prominent role. We show that such supersymmetric and quantum generalizations can be combined together, and construct supersymmetric quantum curves, or super-quantum curves for short. Our analysis is conducted in the formalism of super-eigenvalue models: we introduce $beta$-deformed version of those models, and derive differential equations for associated $alpha/beta$-deformed super-matrix integrals. We show that for a given model there exists an infinite number of such differential equations, which we identify as super-quantum curves, and which are in one-to-one correspondence with, and have the structure of, super-Virasoro singular vectors. We discuss potential applications of super-quantum curves and prospects of other generalizations.
The AGT motivated relation between the tensor product of the N = 1 super-Liouville field theory with the imaginary free fermion (SL) and a certain projected tensor product of the real and the imaginary Liouville field theories (LL) is analyzed. Using conformal field theory techniques we give a complete proof of the equivalence in the NS sector. It is shown that the SL-LL correspondence is based on the equivalence of chiral objects including suitably chosen chiral structure constants of all the three Liouville theories involved.
We determine the Clebsch-Gordan and Racah-Wigner coefficients for continuous series of representations of the quantum deformed algebras U_q(sl(2)) and U_q(osp(1|2)). While our results for the former algebra reproduce formulas by Ponsot and Teschner, the expressions for the orthosymplectic algebra are new. Up to some normalization factors, the associated Racah-Wigner coefficients are shown to agree with the fusing matrix in the Neveu-Schwarz sector of N=1 supersymmetric Liouville field theory.
General 1-point toric blocks in all sectors of N=1 superconformal field theories are analyzed. The recurrence relations for blocks coefficients are derived by calculating their residues and large $Delta$ asymptotics.

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