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We present first results from dynamical Chirally Improved (CI) fermion simulations for the axial charge $G_A$ of various hadrons. We work with 16^3x32 lattices of spatial extent 2.4 fm and use the variational method with a suitable basis of Jacobi-sm eared interpolators to suppress contaminations from excited states.
It is possible to define and calculate in a gauge-invariant manner the chiral as well as the partial wave content of the quark-antiquark Fock component of a meson in the infrared, where mass is generated. Using the variational method and a set of int erpolators that span a complete chiral basis we extract in a lattice QCD Monte Carlo simulation with two dynamical light quarks the orbital angular momentum and spin content of the rho-meson. We obtain in the infrared a simple 3S1 component as a leading component of the rho-meson with a small admixture of the 3D1 partial wave, in agreement with the SU(6) flavor-spin symmetry.
The variational method allows one to study the mixing of interpolators with different chiral transformation properties in the non-perturbatively determined physical state. It is then possible to define and calculate in a gauge-invariant manner the ch iral as well as the partial wave content of the quark-antiquark component of a meson in the infrared, where mass is generated. Using a unitary transformation from the chiral basis to the LSJ basis one may extract a partial wave content of a meson. We present results for the ground state of the rho-meson using quenched simulations as well as simulations with two dynamical quarks, all for lattice spacings close to 0.15 fm. We point out that these results indicate a simple 3S1-wave composition of the rho-meson in the infrared, like in the SU(6) flavor-spin quark model.

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