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Baryon axial charges from Chirally Improved fermions - first results

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 نشر من قبل Daniel Mohler
 تاريخ النشر 2009
  مجال البحث
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We present first results from dynamical Chirally Improved (CI) fermion simulations for the axial charge $G_A$ of various hadrons. We work with 16^3x32 lattices of spatial extent 2.4 fm and use the variational method with a suitable basis of Jacobi-smeared interpolators to suppress contaminations from excited states.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

We present first results for a study with two mass-degenerate dynamical Chirally Improved (CI) fermions on lattices of spatial extent 2.4 fm. The CI Dirac operator obeys the Ginsparg-Wilson condition in good approximation. The pion mass we use is sti ll large O(470 MeV) for the 16**3*32 lattices with lattice spacing of 0.15 fm. The hadron masses are obtained with the variational technique and the results compared with earlier quenched calculations with similar lattice parameters. We find indications for the isovector, scalar meson a0(980) near the experimental value, in contradistinction to quenched results which always produced a mass value compatible with the first excitation a0(1450).
We report lattice QCD results on the axial charges of ground and excited nucleon states of both parities. This is the first study of these quantities with approximately chiral (CI) fermions. Two energy levels in the range of the negative parity reson ances N*(1535) and N*(1650) are observed and we determine the axial charge for both. We obtain a small axial charge for one of them, which is consistent with the chiral symmetry restoration in this state as well as with the small axial charge of the N*(1535) predicted within the quark model. This result agrees with the findings of Takahashi et al. obtained with Wilson quarks which violate chiral symmetry for finite lattice spacing. At the same time for the other observed negative parity state we obtain a large axial charge, that is close to the axial charge of the nucleon. This is in disagreement both with the quark model prediction as well as with the chiral restoration but allows for an interpretation as an s-wave {pi} N state.
We report on recent results of the QCDSF/UKQCD Collaboration on investigations of baryon structure using configurations generated with N_f=2+1 dynamical flavours of O(a) improved Wilson fermions. With the strange quark mass as an additional dynamical degree of freedom in our simulations we avoid the need for a partially quenched approximation when investigating the properties of particles containing a strange quark, e.g. the hyperons. In particular, we will focus on the nucleon and hyperon axial charges and quark momentum fractions.
We simulate two dynamical, mass degenerate light quarks on 16^3x32 lattices with a spatial extent of 2.4 fm using the Chirally Improved Dirac operator. The simulation method, the implementation of the action and signals of equilibration are discussed in detail. Based on the eigenvalues of the Dirac operator we discuss some qualitative features of our approach. Results for ground state masses of pseudoscalar and vector mesons as well as for the nucleon and delta baryons are presented.
We present excited meson masses from quenched calculations using chirally improved (CI) quarks at pion masses down to 350 MeV. The salient features of our analysis are the use of a matrix of correlators from various source and sink operators and a ba sis which includes quark sources with different spatial widths, thereby improving overlap with states exhibiting radial excitations.
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