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85 - James B. Dent 2015
Beginning with a set of simplified models for spin-0, spin-$half$, and spin-1 dark matter candidates using completely general Lorentz invariant and renormalizable Lagrangians, we derive the full set of non-relativistic operators and nuclear matrix el ements relevant for direct detection of dark matter, and use these to calculate rates and recoil spectra for scattering on various target nuclei. This allows us to explore what high energy physics constraints might be obtainable from direct detection experiments, what degeneracies exist, which operators are ubiquitous and which are unlikely or sub-dominant. We find that there are operators which are common to all spins as well operators which are unique to spin-$half$ and spin-1 and elucidate two new operators which have not been previously considered. In addition we demonstrate how recoil energy spectra can distinguish fundamental microphysics if multiple target nuclei are used. Our work provides a complete roadmap for taking generic fundamental dark matter theories and calculating rates in direct detection experiments. This provides a useful guide for experimentalists designing experiments and theorists developing new dark matter models.
A simple classical consideration of black hole formation and evaporation times focusing solely on the frame of an observer at infinity demonstrates that an infall cutoff outside the event horizon of a black hole must be imposed in order for the forma tion time of a black hole event horizon to not exceed its evaporation time. We explore this paradox quantitatively and examine possible cutoff scales and their relation to the Planck scale. Our analysis suggests several different possibilities, none of which can be resolved classically and all of which require new physics associated with even large black holes and macroscopic event horizons:(1) an event horizon never forms, for example due to radiation during collapse (resolving the information loss problem), (2) quantum effects may affect space-time near an event horizon in ways which alter infall as well as black hole evaporation itself.
It is commonly anticipated that gravity is subject to the standard principles of quantum mechanics. Yet some (including Einstein) have questioned that presumption, whose empirical basis is weak. Indeed, recently Freeman Dyson has emphasized that no c onventional experiment is capable of detecting individual gravitons. However, as we describe, if inflation occurred, the Universe, by acting as an ideal graviton amplifier, affords such access. It produces a classical signal, in the form of macroscopic gravitational waves, in response to spontaneous (not induced) emission of gravitons. Thus recent BICEP2 observations of polarization in the cosmic microwave background will, if confirmed, provide empirical evidence for the quantization of gravity. Their details also support quantitative ideas concerning the unification of strong, electromagnetic, and weak forces, and of all these with gravity.
38 - James B. Dent 2014
The surprisingly large value of $r$, the ratio of power in tensor to scalar density perturbations in the CMB reported by the BICEP2 Collaboration, if confirmed, provides strong evidence for Inflation at the GUT scale. While the Inflationary signal re mains the best motivated source, a large value of $r$ alone would still allow for the possibility that a comparable gravitational wave background might result from a self ordering scalar field (SOSF) transition that takes place later at somewhat lower energy. We find that even without detailed considerations of the predicted BICEP signature of such a transition, simple existing limits on the isocurvature contribution to CMB anisotropies would definitively rule out a contribution of more than $5%$ to $r approx 0.2$,. We also present a general relation for the allowed fractional SOSF contribution to $r$ as a function of the ultimate measured value of $r$. These results point strongly not only to an inflationary origin of the BICEP2 signal, if confirmed, but also to the fact that if the GUT scale is of order $10^{16} GeV$ then either the GUT transition happens before Inflation or the Inflationary transition and the GUT transition must be one and the same.
In a recently proposed Higgs-Seesaw model the observed scale of dark energy results from a metastable false vacuum energy associated with mixing of the standard model Higgs particle and a scalar associated with new physics at the GUT or Planck scale. Here we address the issue of how to ensure metastability of this state over cosmological time. We consider new tree-level operators, the presence of a thermal bath of hidden sector particles, and quantum corrections to the effective potential. We find that in the thermal scenario many additional light degrees of freedom are typically required unless coupling constants are somewhat fine-tuned. However quantum corrections arising from as few as one additional light scalar field can provide the requisite support. We also briefly consider implications of late-time vacuum decay for the perdurance of observed structures in the universe in this model.
While many aspects of general relativity have been tested, and general principles of quantum dynamics demand its quantization, there is no direct evidence for that. It has been argued that development of detectors sensitive to individual gravitons is unlikely, and perhaps impossible. We argue here, however, that measurement of polarization of the Cosmic Microwave Background due to a long wavelength stochastic background of gravitational waves from Inflation in the Early Universe would firmly establish the quantization of gravity.
We explore here a new mechanism by which the out of equilibrium decay of heavy gravitinos, followed by possible R-parity violating decays in the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM) can generate the baryon asymmetry of the universe. In this m echanism, gravitino decay produces a CP-asymmetry that is carried by squarks or sleptons. These particles then decay through R-parity violating operators generating a lepton asymmetry. The lepton asymmetry is converted into a baryon asymmetry by weak sphalerons, as in the familiar case of leptogenesis by Majorana neutrino decays. To ensure that the gravitino decays while the sphaleron is still in equilibrium, we obtain a lower bound on the gravitino mass, $m_{3/2} gtrsim 10^{8} GeV$, and therefore our mechanism requires a high scale of SUSY breaking, as well as minimum reheating temperature after inflation of $Tgtrsim 10^{12} GeV$ in order to for the gravitino density to be sufficiently large to generate the baryon asymmetry today. We consider each of the MSSMs relevant R-parity violating operators in turn, and derive constraints on parameters in order to give rise to a baryon asymmetry comparable to that observed today, consistent with low energy phenomenological bounds on SUSY models.
93 - James B. Dent 2013
It has been shown that a cosmological background with an anisotropic stress tensor, appropriate for a free streaming thermal neutrino background, can damp primordial gravitational waves after they enter the horizon, and can thus affect the CMB B-mode polarization signature due to such tensor modes. Here we generalize this result, and examine the sensitivity of this effect to non-zero neutrino masses, extra neutrino species, and also a possible relativistic background of axions from axion strings. In particular, additional neutrinos with cosmologically interesting neutrino masses at the O(1) eV level will noticeably reduce damping compared to massless neutrinos for gravitational wave modes with $ktau_0 approx 100-200$, where $tau_0 approx 2/H_0$ and $H_0$ is the present Hubble parameter, while an axion background would produce a phase-dependent damping distinct from that produced by neutrinos.
Recent observations show that the measured rates of star formation in the early universe are insufficient to produce re-ionization, and therefore, another source of ionizing photons is required. In this emph{Letter}, we examine the possibility that t hese can be supplied by the fast accretion shocks formed around the cores of the most massive haloes ($10.5< log M/M_{odot} < 12$) on spatial scales of order 1 kpc. We model the detailed physics of these fast accretion shocks, and apply these to a simple 1-D spherical hydrodynamic accretion model for baryonic infall in dark matter halos with an Einasto density distribution. The escape of UV photons from these halos is delayed by the time taken to reach the critical accretion shock velocity for escape of UV photons; 220 km s$^{-1}$, and by the time it takes for these photons to ionize the surrounding baryonic matter in the accretion flow. Assuming that in the universe at large the baryonic matter tracks the dark matter, we can estimate the epoch of re-ionization in the case that accretion shocks act alone as the source of UV photons. We find that 50% of the volume (and 5-8% of the mass) of the universe can be ionized by $z sim 7-8$. The UV production rate has an uncertainty of a factor of about 5 due to uncertainties in the cosmological parameters controlling the development of large scale structure. Because our mechanism is a steeply rising function of decreasing redshift, this uncertainty translates to a re-ionization redshift uncertainty of less than $pm0.5$. We also find that, even without including the UV photon production of stars, re-ionization is essentially complete by $z sim 5.8$. Thus, fast accretion shocks can provide an important additional source of ionizing photons in the early universe.
New data from WMAP have appeared, related to both the fractional energy density in relativistic species at decoupling and also the primordial helium abundance, at the same time as other independent observational estimates suggest a higher value of th e latter than previously estimated. All the data are consistent with the possibility that the effective number of relativistic species in the radiation gas at the time of Big Bang Nucleosynthesis may exceed the value of 3, as expected from a CP-symmetric population of the known neutrino species. Here we explore the possibility that new neutrino physics accounts for such an excess. We explore different realizations, including neutrino asymmetry and new neutrino species, as well as their combination, and describe how existing constraints on neutrino physics would need to be relaxed as a result of the new data, as well as possible experimental tests of these possibilities.

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