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110 - K. Huang , L. M. Chen , Y. F. Li 2015
A new scheme for bright hard x-ray emission from laser wakefield electron accelerator is reported, where pure nitrogen gas is adopted. Intense Betatron x-ray beams are generated from ionization injected K-shell electrons of nitrogen into the accelera ting wave bucket. The x-ray radiation shows synchrotron-like spectrum with total photon yield 8$times$10$^8$/shot and $10^8$ over 110keV. In particular, the betatron hard x-ray photon yield is 10 times higher compared to the case of helium gas under the same laser parameters. Particle-in-cell simulation suggests that the enhancement of the x-ray yield results from ionization injection, which enables the electrons to be quickly accelerated to the driving laser region for subsequent betatron resonance. Employing the present scheme,the single stage nitrogen gas target could be used to generate stable high brightness betatron hard x-ray beams.
119 - W. Tao , L. M. Chen , X. M. Wang 2013
The bulk single crystals of $S = 1$ chain compound Ni(C$_3$H$_{10}$N$_2$)$_2$NO$_2$ClO$_4$ are grown by using a slow evaporation method at a constant temperature and a slow cooling method. It is found that the optimum condition of growing large cryst als is via slow evaporation at 25 $^circ$C using 0.015 mol Ni(ClO$_4$)$_2$$cdot$6H$_2$O, 0.015 mol NaNO$_2$, and 0.03 mol 1,3-propanediamine liquid dissolved into 30 ml aqueous solvent. High-quality crystals with size up to $18 times 7.5 times 5$ mm$^3$ are obtained. The single crystals are characterized by measurements of x-ray diffraction, magnetic susceptibility, specific heat and thermal conductivity. The susceptibilities along three crystallographic axes are found to exhibit broad peaks at $sim 55$ K, and then decrease abruptly to zero at lower temperatures, which is characteristic of a Haldane chain system. The specific heat and the thermal conductivity along the $c$ axis can be attributed to the simple phononic contribution and are analyzed using the Debye approximation.
166 - L. M. Chen , W. Tao , Z. Y. Zhao 2013
The bulk single crystals of of low-dimensional magnet (CH$_3$)$_2$NH$_2$CuCl$_3$ (DMACuCl$_3$ or MCCL) are grown by a slow evaporation method with different kinds of solvents, different degrees of super-saturation of solution and different temperatur es of solution, respectively. Among three kinds of solvent, methanol, alcohol and water, alcohol is found to be the best one for growing MCCL crystals because of its structural similarity to the raw materials and suitable evaporation rate. The best growth temperature is in the vicinity of 35 $^{circ}$C. The problem of the crystals deliquescing in air has been solved through recrystallization process. The crystals are characterized by means of x-ray diffraction, specific heat and magnetic susceptibility.
109 - X. F. Sun , X. G. Liu , L. M. Chen 2012
We report a study on the heat transport of an S = 1 Haldane chain compound Ni(C_3H_{10}N_2)_2NO_2ClO_4 at low temperatures and in magnetic fields. The zero-field thermal conductivities show a remarkable anisotropy for the heat current along the spin- chain direction (kappa_b) and the vertical direction (kappa_c), implying a magnetic contribution to the heat transport along the spin-chain direction. The magnetic-field-induced change of the spin spectrum has obviously opposite impacts on kappa_b and kappa_c. In particular, kappa_b(H) and kappa_c(H) curves show peak-like increases and dip-like decreases, respectively, at sim 9 T, which is the critical field that minimizes the spin gap. These results indicate a large magnetic thermal transport in this material.
We report a study of the low-temperature heat transport in the quasi-one-dimensional S = 1/2 alternating antiferromagnetic-ferromagnetic chain compound (CH_{3})_{2}NH_{2}CuCl_{3}. Both the temperature and magnetic-field dependencies of thermal conduc tivity are very complicated, pointing to the important role of spin excitations. It is found that magnetic excitations act mainly as the phonon scatterers in a broad temperature region from 0.3 to 30 K. In magnetic fields, the thermal conductivity show drastic changes, particularly at the field-induced transitions from the low-field N{e}el state to the spin-gapped state, the field-induced magnetic ordered state, and the spin polarized state. In high fields, the phonon conductivity is significantly enhanced because of the weakening of spin fluctuations.
235 - L. M. Chen , F. Liu , W. M. Wang 2009
Bright Ar K-shell x-ray with very little background has been generated using an Ar clustering gas jet target irradiated with an 800 mJ, 30 fs ultra-high contrast laser, with the measured flux of 1.1 x 10^4 photons/mrad^2/pulse. This intense x-ray sou rce critically depends on the laser contrast and the laser energy and the optimization of this source with interaction is addressed. Electron driven by laser electric field directly via nonlinear resonant is proved in simulation, resulting in effective electron heating and the enhancement of x-ray emission. The x-ray pulse duration is demonstrated to be only 10 fs, as well as a source size of 20 um, posing great potential application for single-shot ultrafast x-ray imaging.

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