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The aim of this model study of the electron-phonon coupling in graphene was to find out about the relative importance of the inter- and intraband scattering and which phonon modes are the most active. This was achieved by analyzing the electron-phono n matrix element of the carbon dimer in the unit cell. We found that for the intra molecular orbital matrix elements the longitudinal optical phonon mode is the active phonon mode. The matrix element corresponding to sigma to sigma is greater than the matrix element for pi to pi . The inter molecular orbital scattering pi to sigma is driven by the out-of-plane acoustic phonon mode, while the out-of-plane optical mode does not contribute for symmetry reasons. We found the unexpected result that the magnitude of matrix element of the inter molecular orbital scattering pi to sigmat exceeds the intra molecular orbital scattering pi to pi . These results indicate that the in general not considered inter-band scattering has to be taken into account when analyzing e.g. photo-hole lifetimes and the electron-phonon coupling constant ?from photoemission data of graphene.
Neutron stars may harbour the true ground state of matter in the form of strange quark matter. If present, this type of matter is expected to be a color superconductor, a consequence of quark pairing with respect to the color/flavor degrees of freedo m. The stellar magnetic field threading the quark core becomes a color-magnetic admixture and, in the event that superconductivity is of type II, leads to the formation of color-magnetic vortices. In this Letter we show that the volume-averaged color-magnetic vortex tension force should naturally lead to a significant degree of non-axisymmetry in systems like radio pulsars. We show that gravitational radiation from such color-magnetic `mountains in young pulsars like the Crab and Vela could be observable by the future Einstein Telescope, thus becoming a probe of paired quark matter in neutron stars. The detectability threshold can be pushed up toward the sensitivity level of Advanced LIGO if we invoke an interior magnetic field about a factor ten stronger than the surface polar field.
Mature neutron stars are cold enough to contain a number of superfluid and superconducting components. These systems are distinguished by the presence of additional dynamical degrees of freedom associated with superfluidity. In order to consider mode ls with mixtures of condensates we need to develop a multifluid description that accounts for the presence of rotational neutron vortices and magnetic proton fluxtubes. We also need to model the forces that impede the motion of vortices and fluxtubes, and understand how these forces act on the condensates. This paper concerns the development of such a model for the outer core of a neutron star, where superfluid neutrons co-exist with a type II proton superconductor and an electron gas. We discuss the hydrodynamics of this system, focusing on the role of the entrainment effect, the magnetic field, the vortex/fluxtube tension and the dissipative mutual friction forces. Out final results can be directly applied to a number of interesting astrophysical scenarios, e.g. associated with neutron star oscillations or the evolution of the large scale magnetic field.

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