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In offline reinforcement learning (RL) agents are trained using a logged dataset. It appears to be the most natural route to attack real-life applications because in domains such as healthcare and robotics interactions with the environment are either expensive or unethical. Training agents usually requires reward functions, but unfortunately, rewards are seldom available in practice and their engineering is challenging and laborious. To overcome this, we investigate reward learning under the constraint of minimizing human reward annotations. We consider two types of supervision: timestep annotations and demonstrations. We propose semi-supervised learning algorithms that learn from limited annotations and incorporate unlabelled data. In our experiments with a simulated robotic arm, we greatly improve upon behavioural cloning and closely approach the performance achieved with ground truth rewards. We further investigate the relationship between the quality of the reward model and the final policies. We notice, for example, that the reward models do not need to be perfect to result in useful policies.
Behavior cloning (BC) is often practical for robot learning because it allows a policy to be trained offline without rewards, by supervised learning on expert demonstrations. However, BC does not effectively leverage what we will refer to as unlabele d experience: data of mixed and unknown quality without reward annotations. This unlabeled data can be generated by a variety of sources such as human teleoperation, scripted policies and other agents on the same robot. Towards data-driven offline robot learning that can use this unlabeled experience, we introduce Offline Reinforced Imitation Learning (ORIL). ORIL first learns a reward function by contrasting observations from demonstrator and unlabeled trajectories, then annotates all data with the learned reward, and finally trains an agent via offline reinforcement learning. Across a diverse set of continuous control and simulated robotic manipulation tasks, we show that ORIL consistently outperforms comparable BC agents by effectively leveraging unlabeled experience.
Offline reinforcement learning (RL), also known as batch RL, offers the prospect of policy optimization from large pre-recorded datasets without online environment interaction. It addresses challenges with regard to the cost of data collection and sa fety, both of which are particularly pertinent to real-world applications of RL. Unfortunately, most off-policy algorithms perform poorly when learning from a fixed dataset. In this paper, we propose a novel offline RL algorithm to learn policies from data using a form of critic-regularized regression (CRR). We find that CRR performs surprisingly well and scales to tasks with high-dimensional state and action spaces -- outperforming several state-of-the-art offline RL algorithms by a significant margin on a wide range of benchmark tasks.
In adversarial imitation learning, a discriminator is trained to differentiate agent episodes from expert demonstrations representing the desired behavior. However, as the trained policy learns to be more successful, the negative examples (the ones p roduced by the agent) become increasingly similar to expert ones. Despite the fact that the task is successfully accomplished in some of the agents trajectories, the discriminator is trained to output low values for them. We hypothesize that this inconsistent training signal for the discriminator can impede its learning, and consequently leads to worse overall performance of the agent. We show experimental evidence for this hypothesis and that the False Negatives (i.e. successful agent episodes) significantly hinder adversarial imitation learning, which is the first contribution of this paper. Then, we propose a method to alleviate the impact of false negatives and test it on the BabyAI environment. This method consistently improves sample efficiency over the baselines by at least an order of magnitude.
We show that a critical vulnerability in adversarial imitation is the tendency of discriminator networks to learn spurious associations between visual features and expert labels. When the discriminator focuses on task-irrelevant features, it does not provide an informative reward signal, leading to poor task performance. We analyze this problem in detail and propose a solution that outperforms standard Generative Adversarial Imitation Learning (GAIL). Our proposed method, Task-Relevant Adversarial Imitation Learning (TRAIL), uses constrained discriminator optimization to learn informative rewards. In comprehensive experiments, we show that TRAIL can solve challenging robotic manipulation tasks from pixels by imitating human operators without access to any task rewards, and clearly outperforms comparable baseline imitation agents, including those trained via behaviour cloning and conventional GAIL.

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