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We numerically study the phase structure of the CP(1) model in the presence of a topological $theta$-term, a regime afflicted by the sign problem for conventional lattice Monte Carlo simulations. Using a bond-weighted Tensor Renormalization Group met hod, we compute the free energy for inverse couplings ranging from $0leq beta leq 1.1$ and find a CP-violating, first-order phase transition at $theta=pi$. In contrast to previous findings, our numerical results provide no evidence for a critical coupling $beta_c<1.1$ above which a second-order phase transition emerges at $theta=pi$ and/or the first-order transition line bifurcates at $theta eqpi$. If such a critical coupling exists, as suggested by Haldanes conjecture, our study indicates that is larger than $beta_c>1.1$.
In Variational Quantum Simulations, the construction of a suitable parametric quantum circuit is subject to two counteracting effects. The number of parameters should be small for the device noise to be manageable, but also large enough for the circu it to be able to represent the solution. Dimensional expressivity analysis can optimize a candidate circuit considering both aspects. In this article, we will first discuss an inductive construction for such candidate circuits. Furthermore, it is sometimes necessary to choose a circuit with fewer parameters than necessary to represent all relevant states. To characterize such circuits, we estimate the best-approximation error using Voronoi diagrams. Moreover, we discuss a hybrid quantum-classical algorithm to estimate the worst-case best-approximation error, its complexity, and its scaling in state space dimensionality. This allows us to identify some obstacles for variational quantum simulations with local optimizers and underparametrized circuits, and we discuss possible remedies.
Tensor networks are a powerful tool to simulate a variety of different physical models, including those that suffer from the sign problem in Monte Carlo simulations. The Hubbard model on the honeycomb lattice with non-zero chemical potential is one s uch problem. Our method is based on projected entangled pair states (PEPS) using imaginary time evolution. We demonstrate that it provides accurate estimators for the ground state of the model, including cases where Monte Carlo simulations fail miserably. In particular it shows near to optimal, that is linear, scaling in lattice size. We also present a novel approach to directly simulate the subspace with an odd number of fermions. It allows to independently determine the ground state in both sectors. Without a chemical potential this corresponds to half filling and the lowest energy state with one additional electron or hole. We identify several stability issues, such as degenerate ground states and large single particle gaps, and provide possible fixes.
Parametric quantum circuits play a crucial role in the performance of many variational quantum algorithms. To successfully implement such algorithms, one must design efficient quantum circuits that sufficiently approximate the solution space while ma intaining a low parameter count and circuit depth. In this paper, we develop a method to analyze the dimensional expressivity of parametric quantum circuits. Our technique allows for identifying superfluous parameters in the circuit layout and for obtaining a maximally expressive ansatz with a minimum number of parameters. Using a hybrid quantum-classical approach, we show how to efficiently implement the expressivity analysis using quantum hardware, and we provide a proof of principle demonstration of this procedure on IBMs quantum hardware. We also discuss the effect of symmetries and demonstrate how to incorporate or remove symmetries from the parametrized ansatz.
Variational quantum eigensolvers (VQEs) combine classical optimization with efficient cost function evaluations on quantum computers. We propose a new approach to VQEs using the principles of measurement-based quantum computation. This strategy uses entagled resource states and local measurements. We present two measurement-based VQE schemes. The first introduces a new approach for constructing variational families. The second provides a translation of circuit-based to measurement-based schemes. Both schemes offer problem-specific advantages in terms of the required resources and coherence times.
We develop a classical bit-flip correction method to mitigate measurement errors on quantum computers. This method can be applied to any operator, any number of qubits, and any realistic bit-flip probability. We first demonstrate the successful perfo rmance of this method by correcting the noisy measurements of the ground-state energy of the longitudinal Ising model. We then generalize our results to arbitrary operators and test our method both numerically and experimentally on IBM quantum hardware. As a result, our correction method reduces the measurement error on the quantum hardware by up to one order of magnitude. We finally discuss how to pre-process the method and extend it to other errors sources beyond measurement errors. For local Hamiltonians, the overhead costs are polynomial in the number of qubits, even if multi-qubit correlations are included.
Nonlocal quark bilinear operators connected by link paths are used for studying parton distribution functions (PDFs) and transverse momentum-dependent PDFs of hadrons using lattice QCD. The nonlocality makes it difficult to understand the renormaliza tion and improvement of these operators using standard methods. In previous work, we showed that by introducing an auxiliary field on the lattice, one can understand an on-axis Wilson-line operator as the product of two local operators in an extended theory. In this paper, we provide details about the calculation in perturbation theory of the factor for conversion from our lattice-suitable renormalization scheme to the MS-bar scheme. Extending our work, we study Symanzik improvement of the extended theory to understand the pattern of discretization effects linear in the lattice spacing, $a$, which are present even if the lattice fermion action exactly preserves chiral symmetry. This provides a prospect for an eventual $O(a)$ improvement of lattice calculations of PDFs. We also generalize our approach to apply to Wilson lines along lattice diagonals and to piecewise-straight link paths.
We numerically study the single-flavor Schwinger model with a topological $theta$-term, which is practically inaccessible by standard lattice Monte Carlo simulations due to the sign problem. By using numerical methods based on tensor networks, especi ally the one-dimensional matrix product states, we explore the non-trivial $theta$-dependence of several lattice and continuum quantities in the Hamiltonian formulation. In particular, we compute the ground-state energy, the electric field, the chiral fermion condensate, and the topological vacuum susceptibility for positive, zero, and even negative fermion mass. In the chiral limit, we demonstrate that the continuum model becomes independent of the vacuum angle $theta$, thus respecting CP invariance, while lattice artifacts still depend on $theta$. We also confirm that negative masses can be mapped to positive masses by shifting $thetarightarrow theta +pi$ due to the axial anomaly in the continuum, while lattice artifacts non-trivially distort this mapping. This mass regime is particularly interesting for the (3+1)-dimensional QCD analog of the Schwinger model, the sign problem of which requires the development and testing of new numerical techniques beyond the conventional Monte Carlo approach.
Quasi-PDFs provide a path toward an ab initio calculation of parton distribution functions (PDFs) using lattice QCD. One of the problems faced in calculations of quasi-PDFs is the renormalization of a nonlocal operator. By introducing an auxiliary fi eld, we can replace the nonlocal operator with a pair of local operators in an extended theory. On the lattice, this is closely related to the static quark theory. In this approach, we show how to understand the pattern of mixing that is allowed by chiral symmetry breaking, and obtain a master formula for renormalizing the nonlocal operator that depends on three parameters. We present an approach for nonperturbatively determining these parameters and use perturbation theory to convert to the MS-bar scheme. Renormalization parameters are obtained for two lattice spacings using Wilson twisted mass fermions and for different discretizations of the Wilson line in the nonlocal operator. Using these parameters we show the effect of renormalization on nucleon matrix elements with pion mass approximately 370 MeV, and compare renormalized results for the two lattice spacings. The renormalized matrix elements are consistent among the different Wilson line discretizations and lattice spacings.
We study the scaling properties of Higgs-Yukawa models. Using the technique of Finite-Size Scaling, we are able to derive scaling functions that describe the observables of the model in the vicinity of a Gaussian fixed point. A feasibility study of o ur strategy is performed for the pure scalar theory in the weak-coupling regime. Choosing the on-shell renormalisation scheme gives us an advantage to fit the scaling functions against lattice data with only a small number of fit parameters. These formulae can be used to determine the universality of the observed phase transitions, and thus play an essential role in future investigations of Higgs-Yukawa models, in particular in the strong Yukawa coupling region.

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