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In the series R2PdSi3, Nd2PdSi3 is an anomalous compound in the sense that it exhibits ferromagnetic order unlike other members in this family. The magnetic ordering temperature is also unusually high compared to the expected value for a Nd-based sys tem, assuming 4f localization. Here, we have studied the electronic structure of single crystalline Nd2PdSi3 employing high resolution photoemission spectroscopy and ab initio band structure calculations. Theoretical results obtained for the effective electron correlation strength of 6 eV corroborate well with the experimental valence band spectra. While there is significant Pd 4d-Nd 4f hybridization, the states near the Fermi level are found to be dominated by hybridized Nd 4f-Si 3p states. Nd 3d core level spectrum exhibits multiple features manifesting strong final state effects due to electron correlation, charge transfer and collective excitations. These results serve as one of the rare demonstrations of hybridization of Nd 4$f$ states with the conduction electrons possibly responsible for the exoticity of this compound.
Study of Fe based compounds have drawn much attention due to the discovery of superconductivity as well as many other exotic electronic properties. Here, we review some of our works in these materials carried out employing density functional theory a nd angle resolved photoemission spectroscopy. The results presented here indicate that the dimensionality of the underlying electronic structure plays important role in deriving their interesting electronic properties. The nematicity found in most of these materials appears to be related to the magnetic long range order. We argue that the exoticity in the electronic properties are related to the subtlety in competing structural and magnetic instabilities present in these materials.
We report the observation of an unusual behavior of highly extended 5d electrons in Y2Ir2O7 belonging to pyrochlore family of great current interest using high resolution photoemission spectroscopy. The experimental bulk spectra reveal an intense low er Hubbard band in addition to weak intensities in the vicinity of the Fermi level, e_F. This provides a direct evidence for strong electron correlation among the 5d electrons, despite their highly extended nature. The high resolution spectrum at room temperature exhibits a pseudogap at e_F and |e - e_F|^2 dependence demonstrating the importance of electron correlation in this system. Remarkably, in the magnetically ordered phase (T < 150 K), the spectral lineshape evolves to a |e - e_F|^1.5 dependence emphasizing the dominant role of electron-magnon coupling.
We investigate the electronic structure of Ca1-xSrxVO3 using careful state-of-the-art experiments and calculations. Photoemission spectra using synchrotron radiation reveal a hitherto unnoticed polarization dependence of the photoemission matrix elem ents for the surface component leading to a substantial suppression of its intensity. Bulk spectra extracted with the help of experimentally determined electron escape depth and estimated suppression of surface contributions resolve outstanding puzzles concerning the electronic structure in Ca1-xSrxVO3.

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