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We develop a theory for the interaction of light with superfluid optical media, describing the motion of quantum impurities that are created and dragged through the liquid by propagating photons. It is well known that a mobile impurity suffers dissip ation due to phonon emission as soon as it moves faster than the speed of sound in the superfluid - Landaus critical velocity. Surprisingly we find that in the present hybrid light-matter setting, polaritonic impurities can be protected against environmental decoherence and be allowed to propagate well above the Landau velocity without jeopardizing the superfluid response of the medium.
We develop a theory for light propagating in an atomic Bose-Einstein condensate in the presence of strong interactions. The resulting many-body correlations are shown to have profound effects on the optical properties of this interacting medium. For weak atom-light coupling, there is a well-defined quasiparticle, the polaron-polariton, supporting light propagation with spectral features differing significantly from the noninteracting case. The damping of the polaron-polariton depends nonmonotonically on the light-matter coupling strength, initially increasing and then decreasing. This gives rise to an interesting crossover between two quasiparticles: a bare polariton and a polaron-polariton, separated by a complex and lossy mixture of light and matter.

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